SEM 10 – RADIO LISTENERS Population: 2.6 million (7%) Province Area 46 79 24 20 % 9 8 4 4 1 3 1 1 Rural Urban Metro GP KZN EC WC LP MP NW FS NC Devices 84 80 65 62 17 17 9 8 7 5 Radio Cellphone Vehicle radio TV Computer Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 36 Source: BRC RAM™ Population/Area/Province: Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Source: BRC RAM™ Devices: Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS Umhlobo Ukhozi Metro FM Lesedi FM Thobela FM Wenene Station profile (%) 11 11 3 6 18 1 13 11 2 8 16 19 18 6 12 23 2 18 18 6 12 26 20 21 7 13 18 3 19 21 8 11 16 14 14 10 15 12 4 14 14 9 15 11 11 13 13 15 7 5 11 14 13 14 8 9 10 16 14 7 6 9 10 16 13 6 8 7 17 14 7 7 7 7 16 14 7 5 4 14 7 5 8 5 3 14 9 6 3 1 8 3 2 9 2 1 9 3 3 1 0 7 1 1 10 1 1 7 1 1 37 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS Motsweding Gagasi RSG Ikwekwezi Ligwalagwala FM Station profile (%) 9 5 1 7 8 1 8 7 1 5 6 16 14 2 12 22 2 15 16 1 12 19 18 19 4 14 23 3 22 19 7 10 21 12 17 5 15 11 4 14 17 5 15 14 14 12 9 16 12 5 11 11 12 21 16 9 12 8 16 11 6 9 15 9 14 10 11 11 12 8 7 7 10 7 10 10 6 7 5 18 8 4 8 7 4 10 8 5 3 2 17 3 1 9 3 2 20 4 1 1 2 25 1 1 10 1 2 24 2 1 38 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS Munghana East Coast Jacaranda 947 Phalaphala Lonene Radio FM Station profile (%) 0 23 17 4 2 1 1 23 14 3 4 2 22 21 7 3 2 1 20 18 7 3 2 14 17 7 3 3 2 14 21 5 5 3 9 11 8 6 4 3 8 17 9 5 3 10 13 13 5 5 3 12 11 13 5 6 7 9 9 5 6 6 6 8 10 6 11 8 5 16 10 7 10 9 5 10 8 20 4 5 9 18 8 16 5 4 11 12 20 2 1 14 19 9 19 2 2 20 17 35 2 1 12 29 10 40 1 0 12 36 39 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS KFM Kaya Heart FM 5FM YFM Station profile (%) 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 3 0 3 5 2 1 4 0 4 5 4 3 2 3 6 3 5 4 2 3 5 6 5 4 4 9 4 9 7 3 5 8 13 11 5 4 14 5 13 10 8 5 15 15 14 11 5 12 6 11 14 12 6 15 13 18 22 11 19 7 14 16 17 10 18 17 19 21 14 16 8 14 16 23 11 14 14 12 17 19 9 9 17 15 17 17 8 17 12 17 37 8 10 15 13 17 38 9 40 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS Algoa FM Good Hope 702 Radio 2000 Capricorn Station profile (%) 1 0 1 2 22 1 3 0 0 2 14 4 1 1 5 12 2 10 0 1 5 17 11 2 1 11 15 3 5 3 1 10 17 7 4 3 8 8 4 7 4 2 9 7 16 8 4 16 3 5 17 11 2 10 7 12 15 5 10 12 6 18 16 6 10 13 6 20 10 12 14 7 7 18 11 9 11 8 18 11 14 6 8 4 18 9 17 10 4 19 25 9 8 9 3 19 24 7 4 31 11 40 14 0 10 27 10 42 22 0 41 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS Smile OFM Lotus FM Vuma trufm Station profile (%) 0 1 0 4 9 1 0 1 0 7 13 0 4 0 10 18 2 0 4 0 10 17 0 3 0 12 38 3 0 2 0 18 32 1 3 2 18 16 4 2 4 2 15 12 3 2 16 14 9 5 2 2 16 13 10 2 4 10 15 4 6 5 7 2 14 6 5 12 12 17 3 7 4 13 21 10 7 6 15 17 1 2 8 6 14 27 5 1 25 18 19 5 1 9 21 19 14 2 2 57 37 25 4 0 10 60 35 18 6 0 42 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Commercial and PBS North West SAfm CapeTalk Power FM Station profile (%) 1 5 0 1 1 1 13 0 2 0 13 0 2 2 3 19 0 4 1 15 0 5 3 4 18 0 8 10 22 0 19 4 11 19 2 16 4 11 0 7 5 4 5 1 8 15 6 1 10 6 8 4 2 12 11 16 11 18 7 12 12 9 13 17 11 8 19 8 8 9 7 15 14 0 28 5 9 20 0 29 7 26 0 52 14 10 29 0 50 14 43 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Community Unitra Jozi Vukani Kasie Eden (UCR-FM) Station profile (%) 2 11 0 19 0 1 0 7 1 13 0 4 39 4 27 0 2 5 30 3 36 0 6 22 3 29 4 3 5 31 2 34 10 8 17 13 17 11 4 13 16 13 10 8 14 5 13 3 6 5 15 6 11 4 4 19 3 19 3 14 6 18 3 12 0 25 21 2 23 1 36 7 20 6 24 0 27 19 1 18 2 17 8 16 1 24 2 15 5 0 4 0 11 9 6 0 5 0 11 1 0 3 0 1 10 1 0 4 0 0 44 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Community Radio Radio Thetha Mkhondo CCFM Tygerberg Zibonele Station profile (%) 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 1 11 13 1 2 3 2 10 14 0 2 11 12 26 0 3 2 9 17 35 2 4 22 21 23 4 4 6 14 21 11 5 4 28 27 20 5 5 9 36 22 14 11 14 22 16 7 6 6 15 12 20 6 9 22 12 8 7 13 7 15 13 6 8 13 20 2 3 3 27 8 24 11 2 7 28 16 2 0 0 25 9 13 3 0 0 21 17 0 0 0 20 10 13 0 0 0 11 45 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Community Voice of the Voice of Forte Bok Radio Valley Cape Tembisa Station profile (%) 6 0 0 2 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 28 0 0 13 0 2 22 1 0 8 0 36 0 0 12 0 3 42 1 0 8 15 17 4 1 17 0 4 10 3 1 9 14 10 0 2 9 0 5 15 5 3 13 44 2 5 2 15 0 6 3 10 4 23 10 1 20 10 18 0 7 2 7 12 20 2 0 13 2 12 0 8 0 22 8 14 10 0 30 16 1 0 9 0 26 12 3 1 1 28 68 2 0 10 1 26 58 0 4 46 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Community Izwi Mahikeng Hindvani Soshanguve Nongoma LoMzansi Station profile (%) 0 7 0 0 20 1 3 15 0 0 43 0 6 0 6 32 2 7 13 0 4 42 0 24 0 9 35 3 26 15 0 8 7 0 19 18 2 4 4 32 17 12 2 2 0 19 7 12 3 5 13 19 2 8 2 0 19 7 8 6 6 4 16 8 16 4 0 4 13 34 0 7 5 3 20 27 0 0 2 19 29 0 8 3 1 20 36 0 0 1 21 0 0 9 8 1 28 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 47 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
STATION PROFILE BY SEM Community Radio Emalahleni Star FM Pulpit/ Newcastle Heartbeat Station profile (%) Kansel 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 0 2 8 24 0 20 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 21 4 1 25 0 0 36 2 0 15 4 15 23 3 19 9 0 19 3 0 7 5 14 12 2 13 6 0 5 11 0 28 6 12 14 17 0 28 0 7 19 0 21 7 11 14 24 5 22 0 16 25 0 23 8 5 8 27 6 25 0 0 35 0 3 9 9 0 24 0 10 0 0 1 0 3 10 0 0 2 0 0 48 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098), Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162), axes vary; ranked on avg. daily cume
Station listening by DEVICE Commercial and PBS Ukhozi 13 83 38 22 3 12 Umhlobo Wenene 79 40 16 1 12 Metro FM 75 37 29 3 Lesedi FM 14 82 32 18 2 16 Thobela FM 68 51 2 15 13 Motsweding FM 79 36 16 2 8 Gagasi 83 43 3 23 16 RSG 81 20 3 27 14 Ikwekwezi 79 36 4 23 20 Ligwalagwala 80 37 3 31 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 50 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Commercial and PBS 947 9 71 23 57 4 Munghana 15 73 50 18 4 Lonene 18 Phalaphala 72 53 20 3 East Coast Radio 5 77 28 38 2 12 Jacaranda FM 68 26 5 51 7 KFM 78 21 32 1 11 Kaya 77 34 5 38 6 Heart FM 86 21 3 32 10 5FM 69 33 5 44 14 YFM 67 55 5 32 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 51 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Commercial and PBS Algoa FM 5 77 17 22 0 7 Good Hope 71 25 35 2 6 702 70 19 56 5 Radio 2000 11 74 29 33 4 26 Capricorn 60 57 4 24 2 Smile 55 8 65 0 11 OFM 74 18 2 33 4 Lotus FM 88 9 1 24 2 Vuma 83 39 0 17 16 trufm 55 59 1 18 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 52 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Commercial and PBS SAfm 67 0 42 11 28 North West FM 80 3 3 43 10 4 8 CapeTalk 70 2 61 5 33 Power 74 6 30 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 53 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Community Jozi 16 80 41 25 3 14 Vukani 61 60 18 2 8 Kasie 80 45 21 2 Unitra (UCR-FM) 11 69 57 22 1 2 Eden 91 13 1 10 3 Radio Tygerberg 88 18 19 0 3 Thetha 78 26 1 6 6 Radio Zibonele 67 51 2 14 5 Mkhondo 67 64 6 14 4 CCFM 81 20 0 27 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 54 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Community Forte 8 67 64 14 1 6 Voice of the Cape 90 12 25 2 2 Bok Radio 82 5 37 0 Voice of Tembisa 9 76 29 9 5 4 Valley 88 35 1 12 7 Mahikeng 82 45 23 6 12 Izwi LoMzansi 69 56 0 11 1 Hindvani 88 14 0 17 2 Soshanguve 85 25 2 3 2 Nongoma 79 54 5 8 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 55 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by DEVICE Community Emalahleni 64 2 27 15 67 Star 68 4 22 30 9 20 Radio Pulpit/Kansel 84 5 0 25 14 42 Newcastle 82 0 25 2 10 Heartbeat 87 0 19 Radio Cell Vehicle TV Computer phone radio 56 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Commercial and PBS 8 Ukhozi 29 6 97 9 Umhlobo Wenene 98 22 5 11 Metro FM 92 36 4 9 Lesedi FM 97 22 4 7 Thobela FM 97 23 4 6 Motsweding FM 95 23 4 7 Gagasi 97 30 7 10 RSG 91 29 5 10 Ikwekwezi 94 30 3 6 Ligwalagwala 95 37 4 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 57 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Commercial and PBS 16 947 63 5 78 7 Munghana Lonene 97 29 4 7 Phalaphala 98 25 4 7 East Coast Radio 87 42 6 14 Jacaranda FM 81 57 6 13 KFM 86 36 6 17 Kaya 88 45 5 14 Heart FM 91 37 7 16 5FM 85 50 5 13 YFM 90 44 9 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 58 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Commercial and PBS 10 Algoa FM 22 1 89 13 Good Hope 82 39 5 16 702 76 56 3 11 Radio 2000 93 36 2 7 Capricorn 97 35 5 7 Smile 57 68 2 22 OFM 81 39 4 5 Lotus FM 93 24 3 6 Vuma 96 25 12 10 trufm 94 23 7 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 59 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Commercial and PBS 10 SAfm 85 43 2 7 North West FM 98 27 1 62 7 1 CapeTalk 77 34 2 8 Power 92 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 60 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Community 11 Jozi 33 4 96 9 Vukani 97 18 9 9 Kasie 94 29 12 7 Unitra (UCR-FM) 98 25 8 8 Eden 92 12 3 6 Radio Tygerberg 96 20 1 2 Thetha 97 10 2 7 Radio Zibonele 94 15 2 9 Mkhondo 92 34 9 7 CCFM 88 31 2 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 61 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Community 12 Forte 22 11 94 7 Voice of the Cape 95 28 4 4 Bok Radio 85 39 1 4 Voice of Tembisa 97 15 0 19 Valley 92 17 7 7 Mahikeng 100 33 3 14 Izwi LoMzansi 96 27 1 1 Hindvani 94 16 0 5 Soshanguve 98 12 2 2 Nongoma 96 27 2 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 62 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
Station listening by LOCATION Community 12 Emalahleni 94 29 5 2 Star 98 13 0 10 Radio Pulpit/Kansel 99 26 0 32 8 8 Newcastle 100 21 2 4 Heartbeat 89 Work/University/ Restaurant/Shopping centre/ Home Vehicle Airport College 63 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (National: n=30,162) Stations ranked on avg. daily audience (Mon-Sun)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Eastern Cape: n=3,872) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 1 Eastern Cape 09:30-09:45 Device 13 19 10:00-10:15 Mon-Fri 40 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 78 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 6 8 15:00-15:15 Location 24 15:30-15:45 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 97 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 25 33 19:30-19:45 Mon-Fri 32 20:00-20:15 3h54 Avg. per day Total Listening 7 Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 93 68 22:00-22:15 67 22:30-22:45 75 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 65
EASTERN CAPE - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 4.4m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 7.2b listening minutes a week) 53 69 Umhlobo Wenene Umhlobo Wenene 54 69 7 5 Algoa FM Algoa FM 7 5 5 3 Metro FM Ukhozi 5 3 4 2 Vukani Metro FM 4 3 4 3 Ukhozi Unitra (UCR-FM) 4 2 4 3 Unitra (UCR-FM) Vukani 4 2 3 2 Forte RSG 3 2 3 2 trufm trufm 3 2 2 Jul-Dec 2 Jul-Dec RSG Forte 2 2 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 0 0 Inkonjane Inkonjane % % 1 1 66 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 3,726); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=3,872)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Free State: n=1,415) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 3 09:30-09:45 Device 17 Free State 23 10:00-10:15 38 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 82 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 7 12 15:00-15:15 Location 15:30-15:45 28 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 98 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 33 19:00-19:15 39 17 19:30-19:45 35 Mon-Fri 20:00-20:15 4h36 Avg. per day Total Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 65 22:00-22:15 83 22:30-22:45 61 67 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 67
FREE STATE - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 1.7m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 3.3b listening minutes a week) 57 68 Lesedi FM Lesedi FM 54 65 5 6 Metro FM RSG 5 4 4 4 OFM OFM 5 4 5 2 RSG Radio Rosestad 4 3 3 2 Ukhozi Mosupatsela 3 3 2 2 Motsweding FM Metro FM 2 2 2 3 Mosupatsela Motheo 2 2 3 0 Motheo Radio 2000 2 2 2 Jul-Dec 2 Jul-Dec Radio Rosestad Ukhozi 2 1 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 2 1 Umhlobo Wenene Motsweding FM % % 1 1 68 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 1,433); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=1,415)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Gauteng: n=10,575) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 5 09:30-09:45 Device 12 10:00-10:15 Gauteng 38 37 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 82 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 6 15:00-15:15 15 Location 15:30-15:45 16:00-16:15 45 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 93 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 27 31 19:30-19:45 Mon-Fri 28 20:00-20:15 3h06 Avg. per day Total 8 Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 92 72 22:00-22:15 69 22:30-22:45 73 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 69
GAUTENG - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 9.2m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 11.9b listening minutes a week) 17 14 Metro FM Metro FM 17 15 11 13 Ukhozi Ukhozi 11 12 10 12 Lesedi FM Lesedi FM 10 11 6 6 947 Thobela FM 7 6 6 6 Kaya Motsweding FM 6 6 5 6 Motsweding FM 947 5 6 5 5 Jacaranda FM Jozi 5 5 4 5 Thobela FM Jacaranda FM 5 5 4 Jul-Dec 5 Jul-Dec Jozi Kaya 4 4 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 4 3 YFM Ikwekwezi % % 4 3 70 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 10,560); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=10,575)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (KwaZulu-Natal: n=4,687) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 KwaZulu-Natal 3 09:30-09:45 Device 11 10:00-10:15 26 Mon-Fri 40 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 86 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 7 8 15:00-15:15 Location 15:30-15:45 33 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 97 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 26 19:30-19:45 27 Mon-Fri 28 20:00-20:15 3h48 Avg. per day Total Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 5 21:00-21:15 0 0 95 21:30-21:45 72 22:00-22:15 73 22:30-22:45 74 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 71
KWAZULU-NATAL - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 7.2m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 11.5b listening minutes a week) 47 59 Ukhozi Ukhozi 47 61 17 14 Gagasi Gagasi 17 14 11 7 East Coast Radio East Coast Radio 10 7 5 3 Metro FM Metro FM 5 3 2 2 Vuma Vuma 2 2 1 1 Lotus FM Umhlobo Wenene 2 1 1 1 Umhlobo Wenene Lotus FM 2 1 1 2 Izwi LoMzansi Nongoma 1 1 1 Jul-Dec 1 Jul-Dec 5FM Izwi LoMzansi 1 1 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 0 1 Newcastle Hindvani % % 1 1 72 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 4,684); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=4,687)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Limpopo: n=2,133) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 3 09:30-09:45 Device 18 20 10:00-10:15 Limpopo Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 56 11:00-11:15 69 11:30-11:45 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 5 7 15:00-15:15 Location 26 15:30-15:45 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 18:00-18:15 99 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 26 31 19:30-19:45 Mon-Fri 29 20:00-20:15 3h54 Avg. per day Total Listening 7 Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 93 71 22:00-22:15 69 22:30-22:45 74 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 73
LIMPOPO - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 3.5m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 5.8b listening minutes a week) 48 52 Thobela FM Thobela FM 47 50 17 19 Phalaphala Phalaphala 20 22 10 11 Munghana Lonene Munghana Lonene 11 11 5 4 Capricorn Capricorn 5 4 2 2 Metro FM Motsweding FM 2 1 2 1 Motsweding FM Jacaranda FM 2 1 1 1 Jacaranda FM Metro FM 1 1 1 1 Ikwekwezi Ikwekwezi 1 0 1 Jul-Dec 0 Jul-Dec Radio 2000 Radio 2000 0 0 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 0 0 5FM 5FM % % 0 0 74 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 2,109); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=2,133)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Mpumalanga: n=1,388) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 4 Mpumalanga 09:30-09:45 Device 19 10:00-10:15 34 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 44 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 79 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 5 9 15:00-15:15 Location 15:30-15:45 16:00-16:15 42 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 96 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 26 30 19:30-19:45 Mon-Fri 27 20:00-20:15 4h06 Avg. per day Total 8 Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 92 73 22:00-22:15 70 22:30-22:45 74 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 75
MPUMALANGA - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 2.7m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 4.6b listening minutes a week) 27 32 Ligwalagwala Ligwalagwala 27 31 17 21 Ikwekwezi Ikwekwezi 20 23 15 13 Ukhozi Ukhozi 14 12 6 5 Metro FM Munghana Lonene 6 7 5 5 Thobela FM Thobela FM 5 6 3 4 Munghana Lonene Metro FM 5 4 5 2 Mkhondo Jacaranda FM 4 3 2 4 Jacaranda FM Mkhondo 2 3 0 Jul-Dec 0 Jul-Dec Emalahleni Emalahleni 2 2 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 2 1 Lesedi FM Lesedi FM % % 2 1 76 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 1,440); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=1,388)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (North West: n=1,242) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 3 09:30-09:45 Device 14 North West 19 10:00-10:15 37 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 82 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 4 7 15:00-15:15 Location 27 15:30-15:45 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 97 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 37 19:00-19:15 39 19:30-19:45 15 35 Mon-Fri 20:00-20:15 3h42 Avg. per day Total Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 65 22:00-22:15 85 22:30-22:45 61 23:00-23:15 63 23:30-23:45 77
NORTH WEST - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 2.3m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 3.5b listening minutes a week) 42 49 Motsweding FM Motsweding FM 43 51 8 7 Lesedi FM Lesedi FM 8 9 6 0 Metro FM Mahikeng 5 4 7 5 North West FM North West FM 5 3 0 4 Mahikeng Metro FM 4 3 3 2 Star RSG 3 3 2 3 RSG Star 3 3 3 3 Thobela FM Thobela FM 2 2 2 Jul-Dec 1 Jul-Dec Jacaranda FM OFM 2 1 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 1 2 Umhlobo Wenene Jacaranda FM % % 1 1 78 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 1,212); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=1,242)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Northern Cape: n=571) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 Northern Cape 3 09:30-09:45 Device 22 10:00-10:15 30 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 41 11:00-11:15 67 11:30-11:45 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 10 12 15:00-15:15 Location 15:30-15:45 29 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 95 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 40 24 19:00-19:15 44 19:30-19:45 43 Mon-Fri 20:00-20:15 4h36 Avg. per day Total Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 22:00-22:15 57 22:30-22:45 56 76 23:00-23:15 60 23:30-23:45 79
NORTHERN CAPE - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 660k listeners who listen in a week) (% of 1.3b listening minutes a week) 30 37 RSG RSG 33 43 28 26 Motsweding FM Motsweding FM 22 21 11 7 Kurara OFM 7 6 2 9 Umhlobo Wenene Kurara 6 4 7 2 OFM Umhlobo Wenene 5 4 3 3 Lesedi FM Lesedi FM 4 4 1 1 Metro FM Metro FM 3 2 5 5 KFM KFM 2 1 0 Jul-Dec 0 Jul-Dec Good Hope Radio 2000 1 1 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 0 0 SAfm Algoa FM % % 1 0 80 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n=560); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=571)
10 20 30 40 50 0 Source: BRC RAM™ Oct'17 -Mar'18 (Western Cape: n=4,279) Radio listening by ¼ hour – National; Ave ¼ hour (Mon – Fri; Sat – Sun) % 00:00-00:15 00:30-00:45 01:00-01:15 01:30-01:45 02:00-02:15 02:30-02:45 03:00-03:15 03:30-03:45 04:00-04:15 04:30-04:45 05:00-05:15 05:30-05:45 06:00-06:15 06:30-06:45 07:00-07:15 07:30-07:45 08:00-08:15 08:30-08:45 09:00-09:15 Western Cape 2 7 09:30-09:45 Device 10:00-10:15 27 32 Mon-Fri 10:30-10:45 11:00-11:15 11:30-11:45 85 12:00-12:15 12:30-12:45 Sat-Sun 13:00-13:15 13:30-13:45 14:00-14:15 14:30-14:45 5 13 15:00-15:15 Location 15:30-15:45 37 16:00-16:15 16:30-16:45 17:00-17:15 17:30-17:45 92 18:00-18:15 18:30-18:45 19:00-19:15 28 35 19:30-19:45 14 35 Mon-Fri 20:00-20:15 3h30 Avg. per day Total Listening Sun 20:30-20:45 Sat 21:00-21:15 0 0 21:30-21:45 65 22:00-22:15 86 65 22:30-22:45 72 23:00-23:15 23:30-23:45 81
WESTERN CAPE - SHARE Share of Audience Share of Listening (% of 4.2m listeners who listen in a week) (% of 6.0b listening minutes a week) 23 29 Umhlobo Wenene Umhlobo Wenene 22 30 11 14 KFM Heart FM 12 13 12 10 Heart FM KFM 12 11 8 9 Good Hope RSG 8 8 8 6 RSG Good Hope 7 6 4 4 Metro FM Radio Zibonele 4 3 4 3 Radio Zibonele Metro FM 4 3 3 2 Smile Eden 3 3 2 Jul-Dec 3 Jul-Dec Eden Voice of the Cape 3 2 Oct-Mar Oct-Mar 3 2 Radio Tygerberg Smile % % 3 2 82 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (n= 4,374); Oct'17-Mar'18 (n=4,279)
USING THE BRC RAM SIGNIFICANCE CALCULATOR How do I know if the results for my Station Listenership had significantly increased or decreased from Jul’17 - Dec’17 to Oct’17 - Mar’18? For Survey Period 1: Go to the BRC website: 1. 6. 5.1 Jul’17 - Dec’17 ▪ Choose the Sample Size, n=30 098 Follow the instructions and: ▪ Choose the Population Size, n=39 473 ▪ Choose your Station Listeners from On the Menu, hover 2. your report in ‘000s, e.g. 702 has 471 ▪ Input the Sample Size, Population Size and with your mouse over your Station Listeners for Period 1 the Radio Research and ▪ Input the Sample Size, Population Size and click on the BRC RAM your Station Listeners for Period 2 For Survey Period 2: 5.2 ▪ Press Enter Significance Calculator Oct’17 - Mar’18 ▪ Choose the Sample Size, n=30 162 ▪ Choose the Population Size, n=39 473 Look under Results for the ▪ 3. Choose your Station Listeners from Output: your report in ‘000s, e.g. 702 has 469 On the top left hand ▪ “The change in listenership is Not Significant at the 95% confidence level” side of the screen, OR choose the tab called ▪ “The change in listenership is Significantly “Significance Test” Lower at the 95% confidence level” OR ▪ “The change in listenership is Significantly Higher at the 95% confidence level” Look under the most recent 4. BRC RAM surveys and choose the 2 Survey Periods you want to compare eg . Survey Period 1: Jul’17 - Dec’17 & Survey Period 2: Oct’17 - Mar’18 84
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Ukhozi 5,138 5,173 7,274 7,304 Umhlobo Wenene 4,032 4,015 5,506 5,571 Metro FM 2,366 2,392 4,120 4,189 Lesedi FM 2,159 2,100 3,119 3,077 Thobela FM 2,109 2,078 2,789 2,771 Motsweding FM 1,564 1,619 2,363 2,464 Gagasi 1,066 1,104 1,680 1,758 RSG 951 980 1,273 1,339 Ikwekwezi 798 849 1,109 1,188 Ligwalagwala 790 810 1,105 1,146 86 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 54 54 Ukhozi 3h00 3h00 58 57 Umhlobo Wenene 3h12 3h12 29 29 Metro FM 1h42 1h42 54 52 Lesedi FM 3h06 3h06 79 77 Thobela FM 3h24 3h24 Motsweding FM 54 52 2h48 2h48 Gagasi 2h12 2h06 35 36 RSG 3h06 3h00 54 47 Ikwekwezi 3h00 3h00 51 47 Ligwalagwala 3h12 3h06 56 58 87 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 947 662 704 958 1,055 Munghana Lonene 648 679 861 914 Phalaphala 607 668 802 901 East Coast Radio 664 653 1,084 1,033 Jacaranda FM 600 620 913 954 KFM 499 524 711 787 Kaya 549 520 953 899 Heart FM 543 515 745 716 5FM 415 382 702 645 YFM 334 362 581 610 88 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 36 39 947 1h42 1h36 75 77 Munghana Lonene 3h24 3h24 84 87 Phalaphala 3h36 3h42 53 51 East Coast Radio 1h48 1h48 40 38 Jacaranda FM 2h00 2h00 KFM 43 43 2h12 2h00 Kaya 1h24 1h24 17 19 Heart FM 2h48 2h42 48 49 5FM 1h24 1h24 31 31 YFM 1h24 1h30 26 29 89 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Algoa FM 336 324 513 514 Good Hope 299 301 473 490 702 284 288 471 469 Radio 2000 223 240 429 442 Capricorn 169 170 258 262 Smile 120 142 169 192 OFM 129 128 188 186 Lotus FM 117 123 171 187 Vuma 104 112 173 188 trufm 117 96 220 184 90 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 56 51 Algoa FM 1h42 1h54 42 37 Good Hope 1h54 1h42 25 25 702 1h24 1h30 14 22 Radio 2000 1h30 1h36 48 52 Capricorn 2h18 2h24 Smile 56 59 1h36 1h36 OFM 3h12 3h18 49 40 Lotus FM 1h48 1h42 51 53 Vuma 11 2h18 2h24 9 trufm 1h36 1h36 4 3 91 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 SAfm 117 86 230 189 North West FM 119 81 230 169 CapeTalk 59 66 80 90 Power 53 61 97 107 Classic* - - 50 55 Rise* - - 42 64 LM Radio* - - 27 33 X-K FM 107.9* - - 1 2 * Caution: small base size, provided for indicative purposes only 92 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Commercial and PBS Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 30 20 Safm 1h06 1h00 18 20 North West FM 1h42 1h36 38 43 CapeTalk 1h48 2h00 15 10 Power 1h36 1h36 93 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jozi 355 384 582 629 Vukani 148 137 276 270 Kasie 176 128 277 207 Unitra (UCR-FM) 150 124 275 241 Eden 82 120 128 172 Radio Tygerberg 104 108 167 166 Thetha 111 105 181 177 Radio Zibonele 115 104 231 230 Mkhondo 130 98 197 151 CCFM 91 96 139 148 94 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 39 34 Jozi 2h18 2h18 7 5 Vukani 1h36 1h30 5 9 Kasie 1h24 1h24 5 7 Unitra (UCR-FM) 1h36 1h42 41 44 Eden 2h00 2h18 Radio Tygerberg 37 41 1h54 1h48 Thetha 3h00 2h24 45 45 Radio Zibonele 2h06 1h48 22 17 Mkhondo 2h18 1h54 20 30 CCFM 1h54 1h48 38 38 95 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Forte 112 91 224 180 Voice of the Cape 98 87 125 116 Bok Radio 82 83 114 117 Voice of Tembisa 66 77 113 129 Valley 0 75 0 109 Mahikeng 0 71 0 122 Izwi LoMzansi 86 71 136 109 Hindvani 47 70 63 96 Soshanguve 73 69 94 89 Nongoma 82 63 121 90 96 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 9 9 Forte 1h36 1h24 53 48 Voice of the Cape 2h54 2h42 68 61 Bok Radio 1h42 1h30 35 36 Voice of Tembisa 1h48 1h42 0 22 Valley 0 2h36 Mahikeng 0 34 0 2h30 Izwi LoMzansi 2h06 2h18 24 20 Hindvani 2h24 1h54 41 56 Soshanguve 4h06 4h12 70 62 Nongoma 3h24 3h24 17 23 97 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Avg. daily cume One week (Mon- Sun) (‘000s) cume (‘000s) Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Emalahleni 0 61 0 94 Star 57 58 86 87 Radio Pulpit/Kansel 72 56 115 86 Newcastle 0 56 0 100 Heartbeat 37 52 58 71 98 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162)
KEY STATION MEASURES Community Exclusive listeners (%) Avg. hrs p.d Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 Jul'17-Dec'17 Oct'17-Mar'18 0 28 Emalahleni 0 2h12 38 30 Star 2h36 2h24 18 16 Radio Pulpit/Kansel 1h48 1h30 0 18 Newcastle 0 1h36 29 41 Heartbeat 2h48 3h54 99 Source: BRC RAM™ Jul'17 -Dec'17 (National: n=30,098) and Oct'17-Mar'18 (National: n=30,162); ranked on Avg. daily cume
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