putting a dollar value on

Putting a dollar value on your training and research services An - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Putting a dollar value on your training and research services An NT Health Library Services case study AMhara McKey eLearning Librarian, NT Health Library Services www.nt.gov.au Why do we even need to demonstrate our value? They should

  1. Putting a dollar value on your training and research services An NT Health Library Services case study A’Mhara McKey eLearning Librarian, NT Health Library Services www.nt.gov.au

  2. Why do we even need to demonstrate our value? They should just know, right? www.nt.gov.au

  3. Why? • Our clients know we’re great, but they’re not always the decision-makers • Libraries are expensive and we take up a lot of space • We’re often seen as easy pickings when it’s time to cut back www.nt.gov.au

  4. So how do we demonstrate our value? www.nt.gov.au

  5. How? • How much time do we save our clients and the organisation? • What is that time worth? • What is the return on investment? www.nt.gov.au

  6. Calculating the value of our training services www.nt.gov.au

  7. Calculating value – training services • First step – keep comprehensive records of every training (or support) session »Date »Training type (e.g. regular training, requested group training, one-to-one, orientation) »Training content (e.g. Health statistics, Guideline Writers, Going Mobile) »Region »Location »Facilitator »Attendance »Preparation time and delivery time www.nt.gov.au

  8. www.nt.gov.au

  9. Calculating value – training services • 495 NT Health staff attended 120 training sessions • 20 scheduled sessions • 29 requested group sessions • 73 one-to-one sessions • Most were delivered in Darwin (71%). • Average regional attendance equated to 4.7 people per session in Darwin and 1.5 people per session in Alice Springs . www.nt.gov.au

  10. Calculating value – training services • Second step – get feedback from participants » Electronic evaluation survey set up in LibWizard » Sent out to training participants approx. one week after training » One-to-one sessions – evaluation survey sent out every two months » Three main focuses – information about participant, outcomes of training (library-related and work-related outcomes) and time saved www.nt.gov.au

  11. Calculating value – training services www.nt.gov.au

  12. Calculating value – training services www.nt.gov.au

  13. Calculating value – training services www.nt.gov.au

  14. Calculating value – training services Time saved “ Approximately how much time per week has what you learned in this session saved you in your job ?” In the period July – Dec 2017, respondents reported a total of 62.25 hours of time saved per week as a result of attending a library services training session, an average of 45 minutes per person, per week. www.nt.gov.au

  15. Calculating value – training services Value for money Profession stream Total number of Average hourly wage Total saved hours saved per week Our training saves Medical Officer 0.5 $58.61 $29.30 NT Health: Nursing 30.5 $50.95 $1553.97 Allied Health 10.5 $44.45 $466.725 $2858.43 per week Professional 6 $44.45 $266.70 Admin (AO1 – AO4) 6.25 $30.62 $191.37 $148,638.36 per Admin (AO5 – AO7) 3 $46.98 $140.94 year Senior Administrative 0.5 $66.10 $33.05 Officer Physical 0.5 $25.84 $12.92 (Time saved x Other 4.5 $54.93 $247.18 average hourly wage 62.25 hours per week $2942.16 per week by profession) Wages provided by the NT Health Data Management and System Reporting team. www.nt.gov.au

  16. Calculating value – training services Calculating the Return on Investment • Time saved x average hourly wage = $2942.16 saved per week in staff time • Librarian time (preparation and delivery of training) x average hourly wage = $4354.14 total of librarian time / 52 weeks = $83.73 per week in librarian wages • $2942.16 per week (money saved) - $83.73 per 3,414% week (librarian wages) = $2858.43 in savings for NT Health per week • $2942.16 in client time saved / $83.73 in librarian Return on investment time spent = $34.14 return on every dollar spent on librarian wages www.nt.gov.au

  17. Calculating the value of our research services www.nt.gov.au

  18. Calculating value – research services • First step – record number of literature searches performed including time spent on each search (we use RefTracker) • Second step – get feedback from clients (LibWizard survey) www.nt.gov.au

  19. Calculating value – research services www.nt.gov.au

  20. Calculating value – research services www.nt.gov.au

  21. Calculating value – research services Time saved “ How much time do you think you saved by asking Library Services to perform a literature search on your behalf ?” From July – December 2017, respondents reported a total of 47.5 hours of time saved as a result of requesting a literature search, an average of 3 hours per person www.nt.gov.au

  22. Calculating value – research services Value for money Profession stream Total number of Average hourly Total saved hours saved wage Our services save NT Medical Officer 5 $58.61 $293.05 Health: Nursing 22 $50.95 $1120.90 $102.05 per search Allied Health 5 $44.45 $225.25 Professional 9 $44.45 $400.05 Approx. $37,758.50 a Administrative 3.5 $38.80 $135.80 year Other 3 $54.93 $164.79 47.5 $2339.84 Wages provided by the NT Health Data Management and System Reporting team. www.nt.gov.au

  23. Calculating value – research services Calculating the Return on Investment Time saved x average hourly wage = $2339.84 in staff time • 163 hours of librarian time spent on 185 searches = 0.9hr per • search = $44.19 librarian time per search on average $2339.84 saved on 16 searches = $146.24 saved per search • $146.24 client time saved per search - $44.19 librarian time = • $102.05 saved per search 185 searches performed in last 6 months = 370 searches in 12 • months = $37758.50 saved for NT Health per year $102.05 in client time saved / $44.19 in librarian time spent = • $2.31 return on every dollar spent on librarian wages www.nt.gov.au

  24. Things to consider www.nt.gov.au

  25. Things to consider • Time saved is self-reported by clients • Response rate impacts reliability of results • Library staff time isn’t the only ‘expense’ • Determining the true return on investment from training requires you to compare baseline knowledge / skills of clients with their knowledge / skills post training www.nt.gov.au

  26. Things to consider • Libraries provide more than just training & research Not used for direct patient care 37% • Electronic resources • Inter-library loans Treatment / management 25% • Equipment & facilities – computers, Choice of medications / therapy 13% printing, WiFi, training rooms etc. Reduced length of stay 13% • Other variables when it comes to ‘value’: Avoided an adverse event 6% • e.g. 63% of literature search results Avoided re-admission 6% had an impact on patient care which may have led to additional savings www.nt.gov.au

  27. Things to consider Other valuable outcomes of training services To support a patient safety and quality event or initiative To develop or update a procedure / clinical guideline For professional presentations or discussions (e.g. journal club, case reviews, Grand Rounds) To support my decisions in patient/client care To develop or improve a program or service To support my study To find evidence to support and change practice Nothing yet For research or project work To update my knowledge / skills / professional development www.nt.gov.au

  28. Things to consider Other valuable outcomes of research services To find evidence to support and change practice 18% For research or project work 16% To develop or improve a program or service 12% For professional presentations or discussions (e.g. journal club, case reviews, 10% Grand Rounds) To support a patient safety and quality event or initiative 8% To develop or update a policy / procedure / guideline 8% To update my knowledge / skills / professional development 8% To support my decisions in patient/client care 8% To support my study 7% - Other - 5% www.nt.gov.au

  29. Round-up Remember the importance of showing your $$ value • Don’t get complacent – start collecting data now • Keep detailed statistics • Use an electronic evaluation survey • Report on data in a meaningful way • Remember that we are worth more than just time saved • www.nt.gov.au

  30. Darwin Health Library Trudi Maly / A’Mhara McKey Phone: (08) 8922 8961 Email: healthlibrary.ths@nt.gov.au Thank you! www.nt.gov.au


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