pushtrust an efficient recommendation algorithm by

PushTrust: An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm by Leveraging - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PushTrust: An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm by Leveraging Trust and Distrust Relations Rana Forsati, Iman Barjasteh, Farzan Masrour, Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian, Hayder Radha Michigan State University RecSys15 Outline Some background

  1. PushTrust: An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm by Leveraging Trust and Distrust Relations Rana Forsati, Iman Barjasteh, Farzan Masrour, Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian, Hayder Radha Michigan State University RecSys’15

  2. Outline • Some background • Problem statement • Our Algorithm • Results 2

  3. Recommender Systems Recommend ¡ items to ¡ users ¡ to ¡maximize ¡some ¡ objective(s) Latent feature models (e.g., matrix factorization): The current most successful technique as demonstrated in KDD Cup and Netflix competition 3

  4. Latent Feature Models Items: Users: Partially observed rating matrix: Intuition: ratings are deeply influenced by a set of non- obvious features specific to the domain Goal: Extract latent features from existing ratings for future (unknown) predictions 4

  5. Latent Features Models… Assume there are k latent features for rating How to find latent features for users and items? 5

  6. Matrix Factorization Model ¡each ¡user/item ¡as ¡a ¡vector ¡of ¡features ¡(learned ¡from ¡data) : observed ratings Solve ¡the ¡following ¡ ¡optimization ¡problem: Training error on Regularization to observed ratings 6 avoid overfitting

  7. Challenges Sparsity of rating matrix ? ? Example: Epinions only 0.02% of matrix is observed. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Handling cold-start users ? ? ? or items ? ? ? ? ? • Cold-start users: new users who have rated only a few items Huge ¡number ¡of ¡ unrated ¡movies • Cold-start items: new items without ratings 7

  8. Side Information Goal: exploit other sources of information to cope with these challenges ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Rating ¡Matrix Side ¡ Side ¡ Side ¡ Side ¡ Information ¡ Information ¡ Information ¡ Information ¡about ¡Items about ¡Ratings about ¡Users about ¡Items 8

  9. Side Information about Users ■ Trust/Distrust Relations between users Social Recommender Systems Social Networking Services (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) ■ Attribute of users such as location, age,…. Spatial Recommender Systems 9

  10. Social Information and Data Sparsity Adding side information to resolve sparsity and cold-start problems. Our ¡focus: trust/distrust relations ¡between ¡users Trust ¡ = agreement on ratings [ Guo et al., 2014] ¡ Opinion Aware Distrust ¡ = disagreement on ratings Recommendation [ Forsati et al., 2014] ¡ Systems Growth of social networks How to effectively exploit social relations of users in recommendation to boost the accuracy? 10

  11. Matrix Factorization & PushTrust Algorithm 11

  12. Trust versus Distrust Trust can be considered as a transitive relation and can • propogate . Distrust is not transitive . • Distrust propagates ¡only ¡one ¡step ¡ [Guha et ¡al., ¡2004] • Distrust can not be considered as negative of trust. • 12

  13. Social Regularization with Trust and Distrust Distrust Network Trust Network Rating Matrix Memory based methods: distrust is used to either filter out or debug propagated trust network [Victor et al., 2011] Factorization based methods: regularization by ranking of latent features [Forsati et al., 2014] 13

  14. Social Regularization with Trust and Distrust Trust + Distrust enhanced MF : the latent features of trusted users are closer and distrusted users are more distant trust network users arranged based on similarity of their latent features 14 Distrust network

  15. Social Regularization with Trust and Distrust Regularization with Social Ranking where 15

  16. Issues with Ranking Computationally expensive: in large social graphs, optimization cost features can increase cubically in the . number of users Not scalable to large social networks! The top portion of ranked list might include distrusted friends due to nature of pairwise ranking model The latent features might affected by distusted friends who appear at top of the ranked list! Only consider the trusted and distrusted friends and ignores the neutral (users with no relation) users. The neutral friends might appear before the trust friends and be negatively influential! 16

  17. PushTrust A more complete approach: - the trustees are PUSHED to the top of list as much as possible. - The foes are PUSHED to the bottom of list as much as possible. - The neutral friends are PUSHED to the middle of list. 17

  18. PushTrust: A Convex Formulation Rewrite the social-regularized matrix factorization Here is social regularization of latent features of individual users. 18

  19. PushTrust: A Convex Formulation : latent features of trusted friends : latent features of distrusted friends : latent features of neutral friends Put trusted friends above distrusted ones Put trusted friends above neutral ones Put neutral friends above distrusted ones where is indicator function. non-convex indicator 19 function

  20. Convex Loss Function Indicator function: 20

  21. Convex Loss Function Hinge loss: 21

  22. PushTrust Objective Rewrite the social regularized matrix factorization where 22

  23. Optimization Procedure The problem is non-convex jointly in both U and V. Solution: The standard gradient descent method 23

  24. Optimization Procedure 1. Updating U while keeping V fixed: Set , where 24

  25. Optimization Procedure 2. Updating V while keeping V fixed: Set , where 25

  26. Key Features • Conventional:The neutral friends of users are also incorporated in ranking the latent features. • Computational: The number of constraints increases quadratically 26

  27. Experiments 27

  28. Experimental Evaluation Two evaluation metrics: Root Mean Squared Error: Mean Absolute Error: where is the set of rating that should be predicted. 28

  29. The Epinions Dataset The only social rating network dataset publicly available. User trust and distrust information is included in this dataset The social network in Epinions is directed Trust Trust Distrust Distrust Users Users Items Items Ratings Ratings Relations Relations Relations Relations 121,240 685,621 12,721,437 481,799 96,823 Quantity Quantity 80% of the rating data was selected as the training set with 20% as the test data. 29

  30. Baseline Algorithms & Experimental Design ■ MF: Matrix Factorization ■ MF-T: Matrix Factorization with Trust information ■ MF-D: Matrix Factorization with Distrust information ■ MF-DT: Matrix Factorization with Trust and Distrust ■ PushTrust : The proposed algorithm 1.3 1. 1.2 1.1 1. 0.75 0.9 0.8 RMSE MAE PushTrust 0.7 0.5 MF 0.6 MF-T 0.5 0.4 MF-D 0.25 0.3 MF-DT 0.2 0.1 0. 0. 5 10 5 10 Latent vector dimensions Latent vector dimensions 30

  31. Experiment on handling cold- start users MAE To evaluate different algorithms: 1 0.9375 select 30%, 20%, and 10% 0.875 of the users, to be cold-start 0.8125 users. 0.75 10% 20% 30% For cold-start users, no rating is Cold-start users included in the training data RMSE consider all ratings made by cold-start 1.75 1.5625 users as testing data. 1.375 MF MF-T 1.1875 MF-D MF-TD 1 10% 20% 30% PushTrust Cold-start users 31

  32. Thank You for you attention! 32 Questions? 32


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