10/4/2018 PTO Meeting/PTO Hosts PTO Meeting/PTO Hosts “Six Standards of Effective “Six Standards of Effective Pedagogy” Pedagogy” PTO Meeting: White Oak PTO PTO Meeting: White Oak PTO PTO Hosts Presentation by: Sarah Van Duzer and Haley Roesch PTO Hosts Presentation by: Sarah Van Duzer and Haley Roesch Six Standards of Effective Six Standards of Effective Pedagogy Pedagogy Presented by: Sarah Van Duzer and Haley Roesch Presented by: Sarah Van Duzer and Haley Roesch 1
10/4/2018 Joint Productive Activity (JPA) Joint Productive Activity (JPA) Students work in groups to create one product all Students work in groups to create one product all together with the teacher as an active participant together with the teacher as an active participant Groups can be heterogeneous or homogeneous Groups can be heterogeneous or homogeneous Product could be tangible or intangible Product could be tangible or intangible Shared ownership Shared ownership Example-deciding on a school-wide behavior plan Example-deciding on a school-wide behavior plan where we decided on Dojo for every classroom where we decided on Dojo for every classroom Example-Questioning a story, workplaces, Example-Questioning a story, workplaces, discussions with the teacher discussions with the teacher 2
10/4/2018 Language and Literacy Development Language and Literacy Development (LLD) (LLD) Think about Bridges! Students are using vocabulary Think about Bridges! Students are using vocabulary intentionally in classroom discussions. Teacher first intentionally in classroom discussions. Teacher first models this and then students partake in models this and then students partake in purposeful conversations with each other. purposeful conversations with each other. Science lessons-rich vocabulary Science lessons-rich vocabulary Students engaged in meaningful discussions Students engaged in meaningful discussions across subjects across subjects Language is social, having conversations about Language is social, having conversations about root words root words Example-Introducing science vocabulary, Example-Introducing science vocabulary, creating their own definitions for their vocabulary creating their own definitions for their vocabulary in reading, telling each other what they think it in reading, telling each other what they think it means vs. being told a definition means vs. being told a definition Contextualization (CTX) Contextualization (CTX) Creating a classroom community Creating a classroom community “…activate prior knowledge-history, native “…activate prior knowledge-history, native language, culture, experiences are a key language, culture, experiences are a key ingredient to meaningful learning.” – ingredient to meaningful learning.” – Annela Teemant Annela Teemant ELL students could share their background ELL students could share their background and culture-BUT ALL students should share! and culture-BUT ALL students should share! Example-Bridges examples, some of the Example-Bridges examples, some of the essential questions in MH (Students can essential questions in MH (Students can share their experiences and thoughts to share their experiences and thoughts to create a richer discussion) create a richer discussion) Example-Student-centered conversation Example-Student-centered conversation about friends, teacher facilitated, students about friends, teacher facilitated, students created ideas for chart created ideas for chart 3
10/4/2018 Challenging Activities (CA) Challenging Activities (CA) Challenging activities are for ALL students, not just high Challenging activities are for ALL students, not just high ability students ability students Taking learning to the next level and giving meaningful Taking learning to the next level and giving meaningful feedback feedback Differentiation and clear reasoning Differentiation and clear reasoning Analyze deeper, NOT wider Analyze deeper, NOT wider Example-Elizabeth Stone’s task cards Example-Elizabeth Stone’s task cards Instructional Conversation Instructional Conversation This can only happen where the teacher is present This can only happen where the teacher is present Open-ended questions, teachers engage students in Open-ended questions, teachers engage students in purposeful dialogue purposeful dialogue Student talk occurs at a higher rate than teacher Student talk occurs at a higher rate than teacher talk talk Teacher questions students on their views and Teacher questions students on their views and rationales rationales Bridges Bridges Example-Sarah Van Duzer (Reading groups), talking Example-Sarah Van Duzer (Reading groups), talking iPad, agree/disagree with explanations iPad, agree/disagree with explanations 4
10/4/2018 Critical Stance Critical Stance Listen to your students!!! How can they Listen to your students!!! How can they change the world?!?! change the world?!?! Service learning Service learning Reaching out beyond the classroom Reaching out beyond the classroom into the community into the community Finding a problem in the real world and Finding a problem in the real world and taking it to the next level by taking it to the next level by implementing the solution implementing the solution Examples-Letters to Brita, chemical-free Examples-Letters to Brita, chemical-free cleaners, concept maps cleaners, concept maps In conclusion… In conclusion… The BIG takeaway-Why do my kids care? What The BIG takeaway-Why do my kids care? What excites them? What are they passionate about? excites them? What are they passionate about? Run with it! Think outside the box! Take risks if it’s Run with it! Think outside the box! Take risks if it’s what is BEST for kids! what is BEST for kids! Foster students’ ideas that can change the world! Foster students’ ideas that can change the world! 5
10/4/2018 Questions? White Oak Elementary Title I White Oak Elementary Title I Parent Meeting Parent Meeting September 12 th , 2018 September 12 th , 2018 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 6
10/4/2018 Title I provides funds for schools Title I is a federally funded to buy additional academic program that provides resources, provide small group additional academic instruction, and provide assistance to qualifying programs for parents. It also students. provides additional technology for our school. What is Title 1? Title I is an excellent Title I is not Special Education. opportunity to help students. Past vs. Present Past vs. Present Present Past (Schoolwide (Targeted Assistance Title 1) Title 1) Twice a year specific students No longer identify were identified to specific students. receive Title 1 students. Title 1 staff could Title 1 staff can only work with the now work with any identified students. student. Identified students All students and and families filled families members out a Title 1 will need to fill out Compact. a Title 1 Compact. 7
10/4/2018 “Title I SW programs promote flexibility and coordination with funding to upgrade the entire educational program of a served school and ensure that needs of all students are met and student outcomes and performance improve.” Schoolwide Title 1 Schoolwide Title 1 (Indiana Department of Education) Schoolwide Title 1 Schoolwide Title 1 June 2017: IDOE approves 2016-2017 status for WO School Year: to become Utilized as a Schoolwide planning year Title 1 to become April 2015: Schoolwide 40% of WO Title 1 students received F/R Lunches 8
10/4/2018 Activities Title 1 Title 1 Sharing throughout the year informational videos for students and and articles for their family to do parents together at home Schoolwide Schoolwide related to school. Plan: Parent Plan: Parent Various family Traveling Teachers involvement nights stops Involvement Involvement at school Building Parent Partnerships Title 1 Schoolwide Plan: Title 1 Schoolwide Plan: Attendance Attendance Teachers included Classrooms information have daily about attendance attendance In order to during their goals they are make the back to school Focusing on working most impact night increasing towards. presentations . with our students students, we attendance. need them here as Teachers much as passed out an possible. We need informational your help! flyer about attendance. 9
10/4/2018 What do Title 1 staff members do with What do Title 1 staff members do with students? students? Title 1 staff members Children will review work in improving the concepts that are basic literacy skills taught in their regular and mathematic skills classroom. with students. Title 1 staff members will work on Teachers and Title 1 accelerating students staff will monitor the to where they need growth of students on to be in order to be intervention programs successful at their in place. current grade level and in the future. Students will also be encouraged and supported to Students will also be encouraged and supported to continually try their best. continually try their best. Instructional Resources Reading Math McGraw-Hill Wonder Bridges Intervention Works Program Quick Reads 10
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