proving that project 4 is impossible

Proving that project 4 is impossible Nicolas Derumigny Emma Kerinec - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Proving that project 4 is impossible Nicolas Derumigny Emma Kerinec Yannis Gaziello Qentin Guilmant ENS de Lyon 20 janvier 2017 N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 1/15

  1. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Proving that project 4 is impossible Nicolas Derumigny Emma Kerinec Yannis Gaziello Qentin Guilmant ENS de Lyon 20 janvier 2017 N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 1/15

  2. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Plan Introduction 1 Main Theorem 2 Extra features 3 Conclusion (you lost the game) 4 N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 2/15

  3. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Problem ✻ Find a tile assembly system such that : ✻ Seed tile at position S = ( 0 , 0 ) ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ∀ h there is a tile at T = ( 10 , h ) ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ Finite size ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ h 0 ❅ No tiles to the right and below the cut ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ Possible presence of glues on the wall ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ (infinite) ❅ ❅ ❅ S ❅ ✲ ❄ Figure – Initial state N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 3/15

  4. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Different cases Case with no glues on the wall, more genera. Cases with odd or even h only. Succeed with probability 1 − ǫ N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 4/15

  5. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Tile and tile kind Definition (Tile Kind) A tile kind is a quadruplet of pairs (colour, strength). Definition (Tile) A tile is a pair (tile kind, coordinates) N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 5/15

  6. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Configuration and wall Definition (Configuration) A configuration C is a connected set of tiles that are joint by their colours. It is relative to some set of tile kinds T . Definition (Wall) A wall is a set of special tiles that occupy all the botom-right corner of the plane. It can have glues only in column 1. They must be lower than a given temperature τ . N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 6/15

  7. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Execution Definition (Execution) Sequence of tiles (added one afer the other) Add a tile if its satisfies some temperature τ Build a configuration C over some tile kinds set T C does not crash into a wall W It is ended if we cannot add any new tile. It is finite is the sequence is finite. It is valid if it reaches ( 10 , h ) ( h is the height of the wall). N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 7/15

  8. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Impossibility Theorem There is no tile kinds set T , temperature τ , seed σ , sequence of colours ( c i ) and sequence of strengths ( s i ) such that for any wall of any height (with respect to the sequences), any ended execution is finite and valid. N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 8/15

  9. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) The proof within some images (1) ✻ ✻ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ h 0 arbitrary (different from 0) ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ Stop the execution before posing the green ❅ ❅ h 0 ❅ ❅ ❅ tile ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ h 1 = height of the green tile ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ S ❅ ❄ ✲ Figure – First growth of the tile algorithm N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 9/15

  10. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) The proof within some images (2) ✻ ✻ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ Stop the execution before posing the green ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ✻ tile ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ h 1 ❅ The red tiles do not need the wall ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ h 0 ❅ The red tiles between the blue ones and ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ the wall are not important ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ The wall is unchanged → the blue tiles can S ❅ ✲ ❄ ❄ still be constructed Figure – Second growth of the tile algorithm N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 10/15

  11. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 11/15

  12. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence h n → n →∞ ∞ N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 12/15

  13. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence h n → n →∞ ∞ Valid sequence of tiles N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 13/15

  14. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence h n → n →∞ ∞ Valid sequence of tiles Do not need the wall N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 14/15

  15. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence h n → n →∞ ∞ Valid sequence of tiles Do not need the wall Goes to infinity N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 15/15

  16. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) And so ? ⇒ ( h n ) n ∈ N by recurrence h n → n →∞ ∞ Valid sequence of tiles Do not need the wall Goes to infinity ⇒ Contradiction ! N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 16/15

  17. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Some tools we need each non-ended execution must be "endable" connexity must mean that each column and row is crossed between to points that are "connected" N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 17/15

  18. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Solution for a wall of odd or even height Use the wall to climb so we can’t go up indefinitely. For that we go two row by two row, it limit to odd or even case. When above the wall we go to the right to reach the target. Merging impossible due to interaction. N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 18/15

  19. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Unprefix wall The constraint about prefix wall is needed Last tile of the wall could be different, we could start from it. N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 19/15

  20. Introduction Main Theorem Extra features Conclusion (you lost the game) Conclusion (coin _o< ) N.D, E.K, Y.G, Q.G Project 4 20/15


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