providi ding ng e excel ellen ent a and c d compa passi

Providi ding ng E Excel ellen ent a and C d Compa passi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Providi ding ng E Excel ellen ent a and C d Compa passi siona nate C e Care t to Our C Clients, T Their F Families, O Our C Coworkers a and O Ourselves During t the C COVID ID 19 P 19 Pand ndemic. Eugene Dufour

  1. Providi ding ng E Excel ellen ent a and C d Compa passi siona nate C e Care t to Our C Clients, T Their F Families, O Our C Coworkers a and O Ourselves During t the C COVID ID – 19 P 19 Pand ndemic. Eugene Dufour Hospice Palliative Care Consultant – Bereavement Specialist – Trauma Therapist Phone: 519-476-2116 Email:

  2. Sessi ssion 5 5: When en F Families es C Can N Not B t Be Presen ent a t at T The T Time o e of Death th - Deep Listening - Framework for Sessions - Organizing a virtual death session. - How can this work? - Creating Rituals - Creating a place to grieve. - Moral Distress - Phone Sessions

  3. Listening t to Understand

  4. The “WHYs” of the Funeral Dr. Alan Wolfeelt

  5. The P he Path T h To D Deep L eep Listening

  6. Compas assionate L Listening

  7. Deep L eep Listeni ning

  8. Pre repare re 1. 1. Have a a vi visual f framework. 2. 2. Prepare to ch change t the f framework.

  9. Virtua ual G l Goodbye - Sug uggestio ions 1. T Try a and g nd get s someone who ho i is no not a as emotio ionally ly i involved d to take care of the he t techn hnolo logy. This a allows you t to be e totally present f for the e vi virtual ses ession. 2. 2. Make sur ure t the he technic hnical pe person ha has a all the he num numbe bers ready i in n case t the he ses ession gets d dropped. 3. M Makes es sure a e all dev evices a are e charged a and p programs are u e updated ed. 4. F Facetime, , Messenger a and nd Wha hat’s App a pp are simple ple a and e nd effectiv ive. Zoom oom i is excel ellen ent a also.

  10. Vi Virtual Go Goodb dbye e – Sugges estions ns 5. Have a a back ck u up p plan a already i in place ce in c case one of the a he app pps f s fails. 6. It is helpful ul t to have a e a suppo pport p person t n there f e for you whi hile y e you u pa participate i e in n the s he sessi ession. 7. If you want p private t e time d during ng t the s session… n…ask sk f for it.

  11. Create R Rituals Where Rituals D Do Not Ex Exist

  12. Create R Rituals Where Rituals D Do Not Ex Exist

  13. Phone S e Sessions: The P Physic ical S al Setting: 1. 1. Rev eview c w confi fiden entiality. 2. 2. Private a and u uninterrupted space. 3. 3. Emer ergen ency C Contact t Information 4. 4. Ask yoursel elf….What w would I do i if? 5. 5. Be prepared ed to to r respond. 6. 6. Cam amera p pos osit ition – ey eye l e lev evel el. 7. 7. When en to to t turn t the c e camer era off. 8. 8. Com ome c clean an i if you ou mak make a a mi mistak ake.

  14. Phone S e Session: 1. 1. Swi witch v visual q ques es t to v ver erbal q ques es. 2. 2. The u e use e of a a gr grounding o object. t. 3. 3. Hom omework i k is very i y imp mpor ortan ant. 4. 4. Focus is is on on t the c clie lient – no d distr tractions. 5. 5. Have a e a plan if the c call get gets d dropped ed. 6. 6. Set et t the p e parameter ers. 7. 7. Start wi with a a check i in if noth thing c comes f from that h t have a an issue o e or t them eme to e to s start w t with. 8. 8. Closing: g: This p phone c e counselling i is new f ew for m me; I I would welcome a e any feed edback y you have. e.

  15. Secondary Focus o of S f Session Changing t the Em Emotional O Oil Filters

  16. NEW COVID-19 RESOURCES COVID-19 SPECIFIC CONVERSATION GUIDES: • Proactive Goals of Care (GOC) conversations • GOC conversations for a person with mild/mod COVID-19 • GOC conversation for a person with severe COVID-19 • Phone conversations with families of a dying person OTHER COVID RESOURCES: • Palliative symptom management suggested order set for LTC • Advance Care Planning guides for patients and SDM • Sample letter from LTC facilities to families and residents ALWAYS AVAILABLE: • Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care and Consent resources for healthcare providers (conversation guides, e-learning modules) • Person-Centred Decision-Making Toolkit


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