
Protozoa Virtual Science University 1 Protozoa Texas TEK B.8 (C) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Protozoa Virtual Science University 1 Protozoa Texas TEK B.8 (C) The student will identify characteristics of Kingdom Protista. 2 Introduction to Protista If you examine a drop of pond water under a microscope you will see it is full

  1. Protozoa Virtual Science University 1

  2. Protozoa Texas TEK B.8 (C) The student will identify characteristics of Kingdom Protista. 2

  3. Introduction to Protista • If you examine a drop of pond water under a microscope you will see it is full of life. • It is loaded with a lot of tiny moving organisms. • Many of the organisms you see belong to kingdom Protista. • Protists are placed in Kingdom Protista because they do not have the characteristics of organisms in the other kingdoms. • All Protists are Eukaryotes and they are all unicellular. 3

  4. Breakdown of Kingdom Protista • Kingdom Protista have about 30,000 species. • Protists are common almost everywhere there is water — lakes, ponds, oceans, and rivers. • The basis of their grouping is locomotion. 4

  5. Breakdown of Kingdom Protista • The four phyla into which these organisms are grouped are: –Ciliophora –Sarcodina –Sporozoa –Mastigophora 5

  6. Phylum Ciliophora – Ciliophora • Also known as ciliates • Move by means of cilia or hair like extensions • Ciliates tend to be large • Some Ciliates reach 2 mm in length • Some are most complex in structure • The Paramecium is the classic Ciliate 6

  7. Phylum Ciliophora - Paramecium • Paramecium – Has a rounded anterior end and a somewhat pointed posterior end – Looks like a mini slipper-shoe – Paramecium is flexible enough to bend, but remains the same shape as it moves – Has a thick outer membrane called the pellicle surrounding the cell membrane. – The contents consist of a clear outer layer of ectoplasm and a dense inner. endoplasm 7

  8. Phylum Ciliophora - Paramecium • Paramecium – Near the center of the endoplasm are found two different kinds of nuclei. – A large macronucleus controls such cell activities as respiration, protein synthesis, and digestion. – The other nucleus which is much smaller is the micronucleus . – Its function is only during reproduction. – Some species of Paramecium have more than one micronucleus. 8

  9. Phylum Ciliophora - Paramecium • Paramecium – Have contractile vacuole for removing extra water. – Found near each end of the Paramecium. – Around each vacuole are canals that radiate out into the cytoplasm. – These canals enlarge as they collect water, which is then passed on to the central part of the vacuole. – The water is eliminated from the vacuole through an opening in the cell surface. 9

  10. Phylum Sarcodina - Amoebae – Sarcodina • Move by means of cytoplasmic projections called pseudopodia or false feet. • Amoebae are in the Phylum Sarcodina • Amoebae are unicellular life forms that mainly consist of contractile vacuole, a nucleus, and cytoplasm as their basic structure. 10

  11. Phylum Sarcodina - Amoebae • Amoebae – Changes shape as it moves. – Move and feed by means of temporary cytoplasmic projections, called pseudopods (false feet). – Have appeared in a number of different groups. – Some cells in multicellular animals may be amoeboid, for instance human white blood cells, which consume pathogens. 11

  12. Phylum Sarcodina - Amoebae • Amoebae – Many protists also exist as individual amoeboid cells, or take such a form at some point in their life- cycle. – The most famous such organism is Amoeba proteus ; the name amoeba is variously used to describe its close relatives, other organisms similar to it, or the amoebae in general. 12

  13. Phylum Sarcodina - Amoebae • Amoebae Amoebae eating algae – Amoebae feed on algae and other protist cells. – When an ameba contacts such a cell, its pseudopodia surround the food particle. – The cell membrane breaks and then rejoins so as to enclose the food particle in a vacuole. – Enzymes are produced in the cytoplasm and pass into the food vacuole and digest the food. 13

  14. Phylum Sarcodina - Amoebae • Amoebae – Nutrients are absorbed into the cytoplasm and the ameba uses them as an energy source or as raw material for growth. – Pieces of undigested food remain in the vacuole until they can be eliminated from the cell by the process of exocytosis. 14

  15. Phylum Sporozoa – Sporozoa • These organisms are non-motile • Include parasitic protists that form spores during their reproductive cycle. • They belong to a phylum called Apicomplexa and are non-motile unicellular parasites. 15

  16. Phylum Sporozoa • Sporozoa • Members of this Phylum are parasitic and cause many serious diseases. • Malaria which is one of the diseases listed is a sporozoan that kills more people than any other infectious disease. • They also infect many animals and are transmitted from host to host. 16

  17. Phylum Mastigophora –Mastigophora • Move by means of whip-like flagella • Also known as the Flagellates • Subdivided into – Dinoflagellates – Euglenoids – Zoomastigotes 17

  18. Phylum Mastigophora –Mastigophora • Dinoflagellates – Unicellular and most have two flagella. – A few are found in fresh water but most are found in salt water because they make up part of the plankton. • Egulenoids • Zoomastigotes 18

  19. Phylum Mastigophora –Mastigophora • Egulenoids – Freshwater protists with two flagella – Many Zoologists have great difficulty with this group of Protists because they have difficulty classifying these protists as animals or plants – Zoomastigotes 19

  20. Phylum Mastigophora –Mastigophora • Zoomastigotes • Kinetoplastids – Unicellular heterotrophs that have at least one flagellum but some species may have thousands of flagella – Most reproduce asexually but some reproduce sexually – One group of Kinetoplastids, the trypanosomes cause diseases such as African Sleeping Sickness in humans and in domestic animals 20

  21. Table of Disease Causing Sporozoans Sporozoans Disease Hosts Plasmodium Malaria Human & other Vertebrates Toxoplasma Toxoplasmosis Humans & Cats Babesia Tick Fever Cattle, Mice, & Deer Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidiosis Cattle & Humans 21

  22. Contact Information 1-877-920-5550 22


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