Office of the Independent Budget Analyst Office of the Independent Budget Analyst Proposed Council Response to County Proposed Council Response to County Grand Jury Report “Say What You’ll Do and Then Do What You Say: Say What You ll Do and Then Do What You Say: Past Grand Jurors Association Implementation Review Committee” Presentation for the Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee July 30, 2014 Item #4 IBA Report 14-30
Overview • The Grand Jury filed this report, directed to the City Council on May 21 2014 the City Council, on May 21, 2014. • City Council and the Mayor are required to y y q provide response to Presiding Judge by October 17, 2014 – extended due date. Office of the IBA
Overview • The report discusses ensuring transparency and accountability with respect to the and accountability with respect to the implementation of Grand Jury recommendations that have been accepted recommendations that have been accepted by the City. • The report includes 1 finding and 1 Th i l d 1 fi di d 1 recommendation specific to the City. Office of the IBA
Format for Responses Prescribed Grand Jury responses include: • For each Finding: • For each Finding: – Agree – Disagree wholly or partially g y p y • For each Recommendation: – Has been implemented p – Has not yet been implemented, but will be – Requires further analysis – Will not be implemented because it is not warranted or is not reasonable Office of the IBA
Proposed Response to Finding Grand Jury report contains only one finding specific to the City: specific to the City: Finding 02 : The City of San Diego failed to make the Grand Jury Implementation Review ak th G a d J I pl tati R i Committee permanent in 2009 despite its success in insuring that Grand Jury recommendations in insuring that Grand Jury recommendations were implemented. – Proposed Response: Partially disagree P d R P ti ll di Office of the IBA
Proposed Response to Finding • Agree that the Grand Jury Implementation A h h G d J I l i Review Committee was not made permanent in 2009 in 2009. • No additional information is included in the Grand Jury report supporting the statement Grand Jury report supporting the statement regarding the Review Committee’s success in ensuring Grand Jury recommendations were g J y implemented. • The City believes a better use of resources y would be to utilize a different approach - as outlined in the alternative proposed responses to the Grand Jury recommendation. h G d J d i Office of the IBA
Recommendation 14-81 Recommendation 14-81 : Establish an Implementation Review Committee similar to the one established in 2007- 2009 2009 and patterned after the current San Diego County Past d p d f h S Di C P Grand Jury Implementation Review Committee. • Proposed Response: The recommendation will Proposed Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted. warranted. – The City believes there are more efficient and effective approaches for providing transparency pp p g p y and reviewing the implementation status of previously accepted Grand Jury recommendations. d i Office of the IBA
Recommendation 14-81 Proposed response includes two alternatives: • Alternative 1: Council Committee review process Al i 1 C il C i i to assess the implementation status of accepted recommendations for past Grand Jury reports recommendations for past Grand Jury reports • Alternative 2: Direct website posting by d departments, on newly established Grand Jury t t l t bli h d G d J Reports webpage (suggested by Councilmember Sherman’s Office) Sherman s Office) Office of the IBA
Recommendation 14-81 P Proposed Response–Alternative 1 d R Alt ti 1 Council Committee review of implementation status: • Avoids additional support expenses associated with a separate Committee process • Provides a more widely know public platform • Council Committees have authority to direct f ll follow-up • Could be implemented via one central Council C Committee or, alternatively, by individual itt lt ti l b i di id l Committees based on the subject matter Office of the IBA
Recommendation 14-81 Proposed Response Alternative 2 Proposed Response–Alternative 2 Direct posting by departments of implementation status to a new Grand Jury Reports webpage: status to a new Grand Jury Reports webpage: • Avoids additional support expenses associated with a separate Committee process with a separate Committee process • Implementation would include creation of a Council Policy and Administrative Regulation to y g outline: – Roles and responsibilities – Timeframe and frequency for posting of status updates to the new webpage – What materials would be posted to the website Wh t t i l ld b t d t th b it Office of the IBA
Summary and Next Steps • Either Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 would provide more transparency and p p y accountability regarding implementation of Grand Jury recommendations that have been accepted by the City. d b h Ci • A combination of elements in the two alternatives could also be considered. Office of the IBA
Summary and Next Steps • The IBA has had discussions with the Mayor’s Office, with the idea of submitting a y g joint Council/Mayoral response to the Grand Jury report. – We have drafted the proposed alternatives as joint responses, but final determination would depend on the ultimate composition of ld d d th lti t iti f the response. • We request the Committee provide feedback We request the Committee provide feedback and direction and move this item forward to the full City Council for consideration the full City Council for consideration. Office of the IBA
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