proposed amendment to the interim tree bylaw

Proposed Amendment to the Interim Tree Bylaw Michelle McGuire, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposed Amendment to the Interim Tree Bylaw Michelle McGuire, Manager of Current Planning July 15, 2019 Agenda 1. Previous Decisions 2. Changes to proposed amendment 3. Staff Resources and Financial Implications 4. Recommendation Previous

  1. Proposed Amendment to the Interim Tree Bylaw Michelle McGuire, Manager of Current Planning July 15, 2019

  2. Agenda 1. Previous Decisions 2. Changes to proposed amendment 3. Staff Resources and Financial Implications 4. Recommendation

  3. Previous Decisions THAT staff (1) be directed to modify proposed “Interim Tree Bylaw No. 4892, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 5023, 2019” to: • Protect existing trees over 35 cm DBH; • Require replacement trees when hazardous trees are removed; • Require replacement trees when protected trees are removed; • Allow every homeowner, by permit, to remove: – One protected tree over 35 cm DBH every three years in Ambleside and Dundarave; – One protected tree over 35 cm DBH per year in the rest of West Vancouver; and – A reasonable number of trees over 35 cm DBH per year for multi-family developments; and (2) bring proposed “Interim Tree Bylaw No. 4892, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 5023, 2019” forward for Council’s consideration as modified. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

  4. Changes to Proposed Amendment • protection for trees with a DBH of 35 cm and greater; • replacement trees are required for all protected trees, including hazardous trees. • no permit required for the removal of limbs using acceptable pruning practices as defined; • includes exemption tree provisions and application requirements. • updated terms for tree replacement security; and • the expiry for a tree removal permit has been extended from 6 months to 1 year. • other minor clarifications / edits PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

  5. Exemption Tree Provision for Multi- family sites • Properties subject to a development permit are exempt from the Interim Tree Bylaw. • These sites required to obtain approval prior to tree removal. • Discretionary review. • No change proposed to current process. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

  6. Loss of Trees over 75cm DBH • The proposed motion brought forward would enable the removal of healthy trees over 35 cm DBH on an exemption basis. • No protection for currently protected trees over 75 cm DBH. • Further loss of the District’s most mature trees is anticipated due to the proposed exemption tree provision. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

  7. Staff Resources and Financial Implication • Additional staff will be required to administer the updated Interim Tree Bylaw as per Council’s motion. 2 additional FTE positions will be required will be required. As a result, a budget amendment will be required. • A budget amendment of approximately $20,000 will also be required to classify 2013 LiDAR data to enable comparison against 2018 data. • Staff recommend bylaw amendment effective January 1, 2020 to reflect the timing of available funds required to implement the recommendations and provide the required staff resources. • Fee revenues for tree removal permits could in future defray funding required for the additional FTE positions required to implement the bylaw. • Funding to pay for additional staff may require cuts in other areas of service. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

  8. Recommendation That Council • give three readings to the proposed amendment to the Interim Tree Bylaw and corresponding amendments to enforcement bylaws; • direct staff to include funding in the 2019 Fall Budget amendment to: • implement the bylaw; and • obtain comparable 2013 LiDAR data to start work on the Urban Forest Management Strategy. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM TREE BYLAW

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