projecto life 09 nat es 000533

Projecto LIFE 09 NAT/ES/000533 Aces innovadoras contra o uso ilegal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Projecto LIFE 09 NAT/ES/000533 Aces innovadoras contra o uso ilegal de venenos em reas piloto mediterrneas da Unio Europea Crdoba- Espanha 14 de Novembro de 2012 A QUERCUS Associao Nacional de Conservao da

  1. Projecto LIFE 09 NAT/ES/000533 “ Acções innovadoras contra o uso ilegal de venenos em áreas piloto mediterráneas da União Europea” Córdoba- Espanha 14 de Novembro de 2012

  2. A QUERCUS  Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, de duração ilimitada, com personalidade jurídica, que intervém na defesa, conservação e melhoria do ambiente em Portugal. A Associação exerce a sua actividade com  total independência e autonomia. É uma Associação apartidária, liberta de qualquer tutela económica, religiosa, racial ou de outro tipo. Foi criada a 31 de Outubro de 1985 

  3. Ilegal use of poison baits in Portugal Hunting management Feral dogs Catle protection

  4. Endagered species threatened by Ilegal use of poison baits in Portugal Wolf Black vulture Iberiam Imperial Egipcian vulture 300 -400 3 breeding pairs Eagle 96 breeding pairs 6 breeding pairs Fotos: Artur Oliveira, Pedro Martins, Samuel Infante, Ricardo Brandão, Miguel Nóvoa, Francisco Álvares

  5. Dogs Hunteres Stockbreaders Others

  6. Stockbreaders • Catle protecion • Delay in payment from the from wolf fund (goverment) • Abandoned dogs

  7. HUNTERS Control Predators

  8. Control predators Black vulture ilegal shooting (18 shot pellets) CERAS – Centro de Estudos e Recuperação de Animais Selvagens de Castelo Branco

  9. Pilot area- Portugal PT-1. Tejo internacional. PT-2. Moura Barrancos

  10. WHY ?

  11. stockbreeding answer in surveys – predators

  12. Hunters answer in surveys – predators

  13. Pilot area PT 1 - Tejo Internacional Municipios da área piloto. Castelo Branco Idanha-a-Nova 2 municipalities, 1 district 131,812Ha

  14. Results from pilot area PT1

  15. Communication and Public awareness Plan implementation • 3 appearances on radio 1 on national TV, 3 press conference and 6 articles publish. • 2000 units of the leaflet in Portuguese print and distribute among stakeholders and members • 32 conferences or events that have involved members of the project.

  16. Action A 8 - Trapping and tagging of bio indicator species We captured 37 Gyps fulvus

  17. 35 birds with wing tags Veterinarians collecting samples

  18. 4 Gyps Fulvus with GPS-GSM transmitters (plus UHF radio) a prototype developed by the company Microsensory.

  19. Action C4 -European Canine team

  20. Action C4 -European Canine team Results Poisoning cases reported at regional level in pilot area PT1 2010 2011 2012 Total poisoning cases (regional) 4 6 24 34 Inside pilot area PT1 3 2 23 28 canine team - 0 21 21 ECN effectiveness of 86% -2012

  21. Action C4 -European Canine Team Results 2012 • We found 4 types of toxic substances used • 3 are a legal agriculture agro toxic products and other is strychnine. • In 13 cases the toxic used was METHIOCARBE (Molluscicide), 2 with CARBAMATOS (Aldicarb), 3 with ORGANOFOSFATE and 1 with STRYCHNINE.

  22. Action C4 -European Canine team Results GNR – will start to train police dogs (operational in 2014?)

  23. European Network of Municipalities against illegal poisoning (ENMAIP) objective was achieved 100% of municipalities in the pilot area PT1 (Castelo Branco and Idanha-a-Nova )

  24. European Network of Hunting Areas against illegal poisoning (ENMAIP)  Control of feral dogs and cats  habitat managment  complementary activities:  2 vulture feeding places for vultures objective was achieved 100% - 17 hunting areas

  25. Successful cases in court

  26. (ENSAIP) European Network of Stockbreeders against illegal poisoning Tecnical assistence:  Feral dogs capture  Grants requests  Promote the use of microchips  Cooperate local orgazinations ( OVIBEIRA)  17 MEMBERS ( NOV 2012)

  27. technical assistance Traping feral dogs

  28. Feeding places for vulutres

  29. Bem Haja pela atenção ! Mais informação :


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