project tools presentation

Project & Tools Presentation SENG 426 LAB 1 About the Lab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Project & Tools Presentation SENG 426 LAB 1 About the Lab Instructor: Sherif Saad eMail: Lab ELW B325 Office ELW A342 Every Wednesday (2:30 - 4:20) Location: ELW B220 Lab Web Site:

  1. Project & Tools Presentation SENG 426 – LAB 1

  2. About the Lab • Instructor: – Sherif Saad – eMail: – Lab ELW B325 – Office ELW A342 • Every Wednesday (2:30 - 4:20) • Location: ELW B220 • Lab Web Site: •

  3. Agenda • Project Overview. • Project Resources. • Schedule and Evaluation. • Tools Presentation. • Next Week?

  4. Project Overview • Electronic Cheque System (e-Cheque). • Objectives: – Applying the quality checking techniques and software engineering concepts. – Expose and fix defects exist in the code. – Improve the application quality.

  5. Project Resources • Documentations – The SEGN 426 project details & requirements. – Electronic Cheque Specification • Source Code – Source Code for the e-Cheque System • Additional resources

  6. Schedule and Evaluation Project Deliverables Part 1. Program Understanding & Documentation (6%) Due May 25, 2011 Part 2. Program Inspection (8%) Due June 12, 2011 Part 3. Test Preparation (12%) Due July 8, 2011 Part 4. Test Execution (10%) Due July 27, 2011 • Labs: 40% – 36% for the project – 4% Lab Assignments

  7. Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge • Object Oriented Programming. • Multithreading Programming. • Socket Programming. • Basic Cryptography • Data Base • Java and UML

  8. Tools Presentation • Required Software: – Java JDK and IDE (e.g. eclipse, netbeans) – Reverse Engineering and UML Tools. – Testlink: Test management tool. – Bugzilla: bug tracking system. – Unit Testing & Coder Coverage Tools.

  9. Project Demo

  10. Next Week? • Group Names • Reverse Engineering. • Project Part One.


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