Project Nexus Data Cleansing initiative 1
Background To enable Shippers to take full advantage of their requirements specified under Project Nexus data must be in a fit state to support commercial operations Data Cleansing has been a topic at GT industry for a for 18- 24 months Data items that have the potential to negatively impact the gas settlement regime have been identified and Shippers provided with individual portfolio information to aid data cleanse and update activities As the industry moves into the iGT Data Preparation phase some iGT supply point data will require cleansing
Background An informal Data Cleansing Workgroup has been created This meets monthly and comprises Xoserve and Shipper operational representatives Topics are discussed, industry level figures presented and progress towards resolution monitored Either this group needs to be extended to cover iGT data items or a new or existing iGT group is formed to progress the matters expected to arise The regular attendees at the Data Cleansing Workgroup are shown on the last slide
GT data topics relevant to iGT Data The following is a sub-set of the GT data cleansing topics that are likely to be relevant to iGT data, additional iGT specific data items may be identified during the iGT Data Preparation exercise. Correction Factors of zero Potentially incorrect Correction Factors No reads for >4 years No reads for > 3 years No reads for > 2 years Confirmed no asset Read factor / units Invalid meter models All of these data items, if incorrect, will impact the gas settlement process
GT data topics relevant to iGT Data In addition, Xoserve has raised at several of its CSEPs workgroups the need for completed reconciliations prior to cutover Xoserve shall add this topic to the iGT Data Cleansing Register Xoserve would welcome the iGT Shipper Workgroup views as to whether to: Incorporate iGT topics within the existing Workgroup (with, if required, a summary update to the iGT Shipper Workgroup) Utilise an existing iGT workgroup Create a new workgroup for iGT data cleansing topics
Data Cleansing Workgroup attendees The following are attendees from the January 2015 meeting Robin Stevens Dong Energy Ben Trasler Opus Energy Andy Kelly Scottish Power Ben Grant Eon Energy Graham Smillie Scottish Power Sue Cropper British Gas Kelly Docherty British Gas Mike Munro Scottish / Southern Tracy Grace Gazprom James Rigby Npower Claire Hadden CNG Leigh Chapman First Utility Marta Kalinowska Gasprom James Hardy Wingas Alison Wiggett TBC James Harris CNG Katy Carpenter Eon
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