programming abstraction in c

Programming Abstraction in C++ Eric S. Roberts and Julie Zelenski - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Programming Abstraction in C++ Eric S. Roberts and Julie Zelenski Stanford University 2010 Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Chapter 11. Linear Structures Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors

  1. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Programming Abstraction in C++ Eric S. Roberts and Julie Zelenski Stanford University 2010

  2. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Chapter 11. Linear Structures

  3. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Outline 1 Introduction 2 Stacks Array implementation Linked list implementation 3 Queues Array implementation Linked list implementation 4 Vectors

  4. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Outline 1 Introduction 2 Stacks Array implementation Linked list implementation 3 Queues Array implementation Linked list implementation 4 Vectors

  5. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Introduction Linear structures Stack Queue Vector Goals Different (array and linked list) implementations of these linear structures. Introduce template in C++ and polymorphic classes.

  6. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Outline 1 Introduction 2 Stacks Array implementation Linked list implementation 3 Queues Array implementation Linked list implementation 4 Vectors

  7. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Template Changing CharStack to a general Stack template so the stack element can be of any type. Add the following line before a syntactic unit, such as class definition, and before each of the method implementations. template <typename ElemType>

  8. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Example Before class definition: template <typename ElemType> class Stack { public: . . . private: #include "stackpriv.h" };

  9. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Example Before each of the method implementations: template <typename ElemType> Stack<ElemType>::Stack { capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY; elements = new ElemType[capacity]; count = 0; } Such classes are said to be polymorphic.

  10. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Interface The interface Figure 11-1, pp. 384-385, remains the same as Figure 9-1, p. 320-321, except that the element type char is replaced by ElemType . Include different private data and implementation files to “hide” implementation detail. private: #include "stackpriv.h" #include "stackimpl.cpp"

  11. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation Array implementation (partial): Figure 11-2, Figure 11-3, pp. 386-387. Almost identical to CharStack with dynamic array: Figure 9-2, pp. 323-324, implementation on p. 326.

  12. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Linked list implementation No cursor, no dummy cell. The empty stack is represented by the NULL pointer. count for the stack size. The implementation of the methods is straightforward. Figures 11-4 and 11-5, pp. 388-390.

  13. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors struct cellT { ElemType data; cellT *link; }; cellT *list; int count;

  14. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors stackimpl.cpp template <typename ElemType> void Stack<ElemType>::push(ElemType elem) { cellT *cell = new cellT; cell->data = elem; cell->link = list; list = cell; count++; }

  15. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors stackimpl.cpp template <typename ElemType> ElemType Stack<ElemType>::pop() { if (isEmpty()) { Error("pop: Empty stack"); } cellT *cell = list; ElemType result = cell->data; list = list->link; count--; delete cell; return result; }

  16. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Outline 1 Introduction 2 Stacks Array implementation Linked list implementation 3 Queues Array implementation Linked list implementation 4 Vectors

  17. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Interface Interface, Figure 11-6, p. 392. Similar to stack, except two operations enqueue adds an element to the end of the queue dequeue removes the first element from the queue

  18. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation Two indexes: head and tail , for easy access to the first and the end elements.

  19. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation Two indexes: head and tail , for easy access to the first and the end elements. To use space efficiently, we “wrap around” the queue from the end of the array back to position 0. K F G H I J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 head tail 5 1

  20. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation Two indexes: head and tail , for easy access to the first and the end elements. To use space efficiently, we “wrap around” the queue from the end of the array back to position 0. K F G H I J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 head tail 5 1 This representation is called ring buffer.

  21. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation (cont.) Technique: modular arithmetic % Example. The size of the queue is (tail + capacity - head) % capacity

  22. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation (cont.) Technique: modular arithmetic % Example. The size of the queue is (tail + capacity - head) % capacity When tail ≥ head , the size is tail − head = (tail + capacity - head) % capacity . When tail < head , unwrap the queue and the size is tail + capacity − head .

  23. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation (cont.) To avoid the confusion between an empty queue and a full queue, we limit the number of elements in the queue to one less than the number of elements in the array. Thus the condition for a full queue is size() == capacity - 1 See the method enqueue , p. 307.

  24. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Array implementation (cont.) To avoid the confusion between an empty queue and a full queue, we limit the number of elements in the queue to one less than the number of elements in the array. Thus the condition for a full queue is size() == capacity - 1 See the method enqueue , p. 307. Private data, p. 319. Implementation, Figure 11-7, pp. 396-398.

  25. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Linked list implementation Two pointers: head and tail . An empty queue is represented by NULL in head . The enqueue must check for the empty queue as a special case.

  26. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Linked list implementation Two pointers: head and tail . An empty queue is represented by NULL in head . The enqueue must check for the empty queue as a special case. Similar to the linked list representation of the editor buffer.

  27. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors enqueue template <typename ElemType> void Queue<ElemType>::enqueue(ElemType elem) { cellT *cellPtr = new cellT; cellPtr->data = elem; cellPtr->link = NULL; if (isEmpty()) { head = cellPtr; } else { tail->link = cellPtr; } tail = cellPtr; count++; }

  28. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors dequeue template <typename ElemType> void Queue<ElemType>::isEmpty() { return (head == NULL); } template <typename ElemType> ElemType Queue<ElemType>::dequeue() { if (isEmpty()) Error("..."); cellT *cellPtr = head; ElemType result = cellPtr->data; head = cellPtr->link; count--; delete cellPtr; return result; }

  29. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Outline 1 Introduction 2 Stacks Array implementation Linked list implementation 3 Queues Array implementation Linked list implementation 4 Vectors

  30. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Introduction Dynamic array implementation. Similar to the dynamic array representation of the editor buffer, for example, insertion and deletion.

  31. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Introduction Dynamic array implementation. Similar to the dynamic array representation of the editor buffer, for example, insertion and deletion. New issues: Check bounds. Square bracket selection. Iterator.

  32. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Introduction Dynamic array implementation. Similar to the dynamic array representation of the editor buffer, for example, insertion and deletion. New issues: Check bounds. Square bracket selection. Iterator. Interface, vector.h , Figure 11-11, pp. 405-408. It includes the usual operations and square bracket operator and nested class Iterator .

  33. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors vecpriv.h Figure 11-12, p. 408 static const int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 100; ElementType *elements; int capacity; int count; void expandCapacity(); Similar to the array editor buffer, p. 347.

  34. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Check bounds template <typename ElemType> void Vector<ElemType>::insertAt(int index, ElemType elem) { if (count == capacity) expandCapacity(); if (index < 0 || index > count) { Error("insertAt: index out of range"); } for (int i = count; i > index; i--) { elements[i] = elements[i-1]; } elements[index] = elem; count++; }

  35. Introduction Stacks Queues Vectors Implementing selection brackets Redefine operators for a particular class using the keyword operator . Return by reference using an & , so values can be assigned to an element selected using square brackets, for example, vec[i] = vec[i - 1] . template <typename ElemType> ElemType & Vector<ElemType>::operator[] (int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= count) { Error("Vector selection index out of range"); } return elements[index]; }


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