professional communication in computer science

Professional Communication in Computer Science Giving a scientific - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scientific talk Using slides The show Professional Communication in Computer Science Giving a scientific talk Jiri Srba Jiri Srba, 1.2.32, Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science Scientific talk

  1. Scientific talk Using slides The show Professional Communication in Computer Science Giving a scientific talk Jiri Srba Jiri Srba, 1.2.32, Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  2. Scientific talk Using slides The show Today’s Plan Motivation. Organizing your ideas, structure of a talk. Preparation and handling of slides. The show, what can go wrong, answering questions. Credits and Many Thanks To Luca Aceto, Olivier Danvy, Emmanuel Fleury and Albrecht Schmidt Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  3. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints The Point You have to give a talk: scientific (seminar, conference, internal meeting), interview (e.g. to get a job), other (teaching, report defense, oral exam, lunch/dinner talk). Question How to do it right? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  4. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints Why Should I Give a Good Talk? In general, if it is worth doing, it is worth doing it well. And also: Disseminate your results, become well-known. Get a good job, get promoted. Get a good grade. Fact Your work is partially judged on the quality of its presentation. Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  5. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints Remember “What is understood clearly is expressed simply.” – Boileau Corollary What is expressed poorly is poorly understood. Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  6. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints Things to Know Before You Start Know your topic. Do I really well understand the things I want to talk about? Should not I read some more literature? Know your audience. Will I be talking to experts, general audience, students, my supervisor, censor, mixed audience? Know your goals. What does the audience expect from me? What is the purpose of my talk? Is the information already known to the audience or is it new? Know your limits. How much time do I have? How many projectors? Can I use a blackboard? Will there be a pointer? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  7. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints Preparation Phase: Organize Your Ideas Identify the key ideas. What do I want to talk about? What things I want to mention? What contribution do I want to emphasize? What is one single point I want my audience to remember? Avoid unnecessary details. Are these details necessary to understand the message? Can this be explained by an example? Can I show it on a picture? Structure your talk. How do I motivate my work/problem? How do I clearly explain the setting/problem? What results I want to mention? Do I want to sketch some experiments/proofs in more detail? Use top-down approach. What will be the overall structure of the talk in a few points? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  8. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints A Possible Structure of the Talk — Part 1 Introduction Give a short general introduction. What is the area and problem I study? Why do I study this question? How is the problem motivated? Briefly review related work. What is known about my problem? What has been done and what is still open? What related work should I mention? Emphasize your contribution. What do I contribute with? What is my main achievement? Provide a roadmap. What is the structure of my talk? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  9. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints A Possible Structure of the Talk — Part 2 Preliminaries Introduce terminology and notation. Is this really necessary to mention for the purpose of my talk? How can I keep it to the necessary minimum? Redefine the problem more technically. Is this really necessary? How much detail do I need in the rest of the talk? Can I simplify it or make it more intuitive? Can I use a picture? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  10. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints A Possible Structure of the Talk — Part 3 Main contribution List your major results. Explain the meaning of the results. Can I explain the results intuitively? What did I achieve by these results? Why are my results interesting? Give examples. Can I demonstrate my results on an example? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  11. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints A Possible Structure of the Talk — Part 4 Technicalities Sketch an important proof or present an experiential result. Why did I choose to speak about this particular result? What is my point? New technique? Interesting application of a know result? Will the audience understand my explanation? Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  12. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints A Possible Structure of the Talk — Part 5 Conclusion Remind very briefly the problem and main results. What problem did I study? What was the main contribution? Express your own opinion. What is new in my contribution? Why is it interesting? What are possible conclusions? Is there anything left open? What would be worth looking into? Indicate that the talk is over. Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  13. Scientific talk Before you start Using slides Possible talk structure The show A few hints Hints on Talk Preparation Planning your talk in the same chronological order as you carried out your research is seldom a good strategy. Choose a pedagogical plan for your presentation! Your audience will remember at most one or two main points. Make sure that they take home the right thing! Use repetition: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you told them.” Introduction — what you are going to tell. Body — you tell them. Conclusion — tell them what you just told them. If possible, tell it always in different words! Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  14. Scientific talk Introduction Using slides Slides preparation The show Handling slides Different Ways to Deliver a Talk Without any supportive mechanisms. (Leave it to actors and opera singers.) Reading from a script. (Only at very formal occasions.) Using a black/white-board. (Common in mathematics. Good for teaching, informal seminars.) Using slides. (The most common way in computer science.) The message is more important than the medium or the messenger! Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  15. Scientific talk Introduction Using slides Slides preparation The show Handling slides What Is the Point of a Slide? Slides support and guide your talk. You should be a friend with your slides! Types of slides: Handwritten (if your handwriting is readable). Printed. Active slides (with a laptop). Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  16. Scientific talk Introduction Using slides Slides preparation The show Handling slides Tips on Slide Preparation Have simple and informative slides. The simpler, the better! Use roadmap (in particular for longer talks). Don’t write too much on each slide. One slide, one point. Each slide should have a title. One good drawing is worth 1000 words. Use colors for optical separation. Do not overdo it, and do not attach meaning to colors (color blindness; black and white copies). Rule of thumb: 1 slide = 1 minute (though it is individual). Last Tip Always spell-check your slides! Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  17. Scientific talk Introduction Using slides Slides preparation The show Handling slides Standard Mistakes Small fonts. (Theorem: The fonts are always too small.) Invisible colours. (Avoid pale colours like yellow; always test the slides on a projector.) Long and complete sentences. (Use itemized lists.) Overcrowded slides. Slides written at the last moment. Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science

  18. Scientific talk Introduction Using slides Slides preparation The show Handling slides Handling Slides: Basic Techniques Do not rush. Slides should not contain more information than you want to talk about (but there are exceptions). Do not talk while putting a new slide. Do not stay in front of the projector. Minimize the number of crossings in front of the projector. While talking, look at the projection screen (not at your laptop screen). Use several “plan” slides (to keep your audience and you on track). Giving a scientific talk Professional Communication in Computer Science


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