process mining concepts and case studies

Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Milad Naeimaei (M.A, B.Eng) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Milad Naeimaei (M.A, B.Eng) Ali Bozorgi (Ph.D) 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Proce cess a collection of related, structured activities or

  1. Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Milad Naeimaei (M.A, B.Eng) Ali Bozorgi (Ph.D)

  2. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Proce cess  a collection of related, structured activities or tasks by people or equipment which in a specific sequence produce a service or product (serves a particular business goal) for a particular customer or customers.  Ex. Patient treatment  Ex. The handling of requests for compensation modeled within an airline  consist of cases. Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 5

  3. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Case se  A process consist of cases.  The cases are individual requests.  A case is a process instance.  Case universe ( 𝒟 ): The set of all possible case identifiers.  An identifier 𝑑 ∈ 𝒟 refers to a case. 𝒟 = 𝑑 1 , 𝑑 2 , 𝑑 3 , … 𝒟 = {1,2,3, … } e.g. Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 6

  4. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Event t (E (Event t ID ID)  One case consists of several events.  It is possible to sequentially record events within a case or Events within a case are ordered.  Without ordering information it is of course impossible to discover causal dependencies in process models.  Each event in the log needs to refer or related to a Case  Event Universe ( 𝓕 ): The set of all possible event identifiers.  An identifier 𝑓 ∈ ℰ refers to an event ℰ = 𝑓𝑤𝑓𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑒1, 𝑓𝑤𝑓𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑒2, … . Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 7

  5. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts ) ( 𝒐 ): Event t Attr trib ibutes (Propert rties) ):  The attribute that characterized each event.  For convenience we assume the following standard attributes: Activity , Timestamp (Time ) , Resource , Cost, …  Value of attribute 𝒐 for event 𝒇 ( # 𝒐 (𝒇) ) # 𝑏𝑑𝑢𝑗𝑤𝑗𝑢𝑧 (𝑓) • # 𝑢𝑠𝑏𝑜𝑡 (𝑓) • # 𝑢𝑗𝑛𝑓 (𝑓) • # 𝑠𝑓𝑡𝑝𝑣𝑠𝑑𝑓 (𝑓) • # 𝑑𝑝𝑡𝑢 (𝑓) • # 𝑡𝑗𝑨𝑓 (𝑓) • Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 8

  6. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Event Log ( 𝑴 ): ):  A simple event log 𝑀 is a multi-set of traces over 𝒝 , i.e., 𝑀 ∈ 𝔺(𝒝 ∗ ) Case id Event id Properties Timestamp Activity Resource Cost ... 1 35654423 30-12-2010:11.02 register request Pete 50 ... 35654424 31-12-2010:10.06 examine thoroughly Sue 400 ... 35654425 05-01-2011:15.12 check ticket Mike 100 ... 35654426 06-01-2011:11.18 decide Sara 200 ... 35654427 07-01-2011:14.24 reject request Pete 200 ... 2 35654483 30-12-2010:11.32 register request Mike 50 ... 35654485 30-12-2010:12.12 check ticket Mike 100 ... 35654487 30-12-2010:14.16 examine casually Pete 400 ... 35654488 05-01-2011:11.22 decide Sara 200 ... 35654489 08-01-2011:12.05 pay compensation Ellen 200 ... … … … … … … .. Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 9

  7. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Process Models ls  A process model may be used to discuss responsibilities, analyze compliance, predict performance using simulation, and configure a WFM system.  Process models notations: • TS (Transition Systems) • Petri nets • WF-nets (Workflow Nets) • YAWL • BPMN (The Business Process Modeling Notation) • EPCs (Event-Driven Process Chains) • Causal Nets • Process Trees Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 10

  8. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Data Sc Scien ience Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 11

  9. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Process Sc Scie ience Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 12

  10. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Process Min inin ing Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 13

  11. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts Process Minin ining at t a gla lance Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 14

  12. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts process mini ining techniq iques  Play in Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 15

  13. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts process mini ining techniq iques  Play out Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 16

  14. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts process mini ining techniq iques  Replay Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 17

  15. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts 𝑴 ∗ Lif Life-cycle le model: l: Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 18

  16. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts میهافمم رب مکاح یتیریدمهلئس  یواک دنیآرف یاهرازفا مرن Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 19

  17. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف0 :میظنت و یزیر همانرب  نارهت رد ناتسرامیب کی رد سناژروا شخب باختنا Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 20

  18. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف0 :میظنت و یزیر همانرب  هعلاطم دروم دنیآرف • دورو هظحل زا ،هک ییاهدادخر هب رامیب سناژروا شخب ناتسرامیبوش یم لماش ار دتفا یم قافتا شخب نیا زا وا جورخ هظحل اتد. Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 21

  19. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف1 : ؛جارختسایخیرات یاه هداد جارختسا  لسکا رازفا مرن رد دادخر یاه هراگن بلاق میسرت  خیرات و نامز یاراد اهدادخر ایناث دشاب دروم کی هب رظان اه دادخر لبوا هک دش هجوت نیا هب دادخر هراگن جارختسا ماگنه دنشاب (Aalst 2011) Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 22

  20. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف1 : ؛جارختسایخیرات یاه هداد جارختسا  جارختسا دادخر هراگنهدش  CSV دادخر یاه هراگن زا یاه یجورخ نتفرگ Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 23

  21. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف1 : ؛جارختساتلباوس • کشزپف هاگولگ رگید یترابع هب ؟دننک یم فرص یرتدایز یژرنا و تقو ،دنیارف نآ تمسق مادک رد رامیب و لنسرپ ،راتسرپ ، شخب دنیار سناژروا ناتسرامیبتسیچ؟ Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 24

  22. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  لدم یارب هدش فشک تن یرتپ یدنیآرف هراگن1 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 25

  23. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  لدم یدنیآرف فشک یزاف یارب هدش هراگن1 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 26

  24. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  لدم هراگن یارب هدش فشک تن یرتپ یدنیآرف2 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 27

  25. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  هراگن یارب هدش فشک یزاف یدنیآرف لدم2 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 28

  26. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  لدم هراگن یارب هدش فشک تن یرتپ یدنیآرف3 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 29

  27. 6-Case Study-2 4-Software 2- Literature Review 5-Case Study-1 3-Methodology 1-Concepts زاف2 :لرتنک لدم کی داجیا- هراگن هب نآ لاصتا و نایرج ؛دادخرفشک  هراگن یارب هدش فشک یزاف یدنیآرف لدم3 Process Mining; Concepts and Case Studies Page 30


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