probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas with

Probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas with Integral Field - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas with Integral Field Spectroscopy F . Fabin Rosales-Ortega Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica, ptica y Electrnica 2nd SELGIFS Advanced School on Integral-Field Spectroscopy Data Analysis

  1. Probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas with Integral Field Spectroscopy F . Fabián Rosales-Ortega Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica 2nd SELGIFS Advanced School on Integral-Field Spectroscopy Data Analysis

  2. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) Also called warm ionized medium (WIM) • The existence of widespread di ff use ionized gas in the ISM has been known for over 20 years • It was first detected from a thin haze of electrons that a ff ect radio radiation passing through the Milky Way Galaxy. (Reynolds et al 1971; Monnet 1971)

  3. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) The DIG: • Produces a faint emission-line spectrum that is seen in every direction of the Galaxy. • Occupies more than 20% of the interstellar volume. • Contributes at least 1/3 of the total HI column at the solar circle. • Constitutes 90% of the ionized hydrogen mass in the Galaxy . (Reynolds et al 1971; Monnet 1971)

  4. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) • In other galaxies, the DIG is observed to be in the form of discrete structures, such as loops, filaments, and shells. (which are not obviously associated with discrete HII regions) • Responsible for producing a faint but pervasive H α emission. • The observed H α luminosities of the DIG are considerable and account for 30%-50% of the total H α emission of each galaxy. (Ferguson et al. 1996)

  5. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) The source of this ionization remains the subject of much debate. • Lyc photon leakage from HII regions (e.g. Ferguson et al. 1996) • Dust scattering of UV light • Shocks (kinetic energy by SNe) • Decaying massive neutrinos (e.g. Sciama 1990) • Turbulent mixing layers (e.g. Slavin et al. 1993) • Galactic microflares (e.g. Raymond 1992). • Evolved stellar objects (planetary nebula nuclei, hot white dwarfs, blue horizontal branch stars).

  6. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) Nearby galaxies 41% 53% (Ferguson et al. 1996)

  7. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) Based on narrow-band imaging (Ferguson et al. 1996)

  8. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) Emission line diagnostic (Giammanco et al. 2004)

  9. Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) Problems / challenges • The constancy of the di ff use fraction over morphological type? • Energy budget of the DIG? • Relation of the DIF with HII Luminosity function? • E ff ect of Inclination? Large-scale structures, usually studied with small FoV

  10. Spectroscopic information over large FoV

  11. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS NGC 2906 CALIFA

  12. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS NGC 2906 MUSE CALIFA

  13. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS NGC 2906 MUSE CALIFA Castellanos-Durán et al. in prep.

  14. Rosales-Ortega PhD 2009 Rosales-Ortega et al. 2010 Wide-Field Integral Field Spectroscopy Survey of Nearby Galaxies (< 100 Mpc) PMAS/PPAK instrument at CAHA ✴ Spectral range: λ 3700-7000 Å ✴

  15. AMUSING All-weather MUse Supernova Integral field Nearby Galaxies survey Uses non-optimal weather at Paranal to observe SN host (Anderson et al., in prep.) galaxies using MUSE-VLT, and as a by-product, full 2D coverage of nearby galaxies with superb spatial resolution. NGC 6754 0.2 arcsec per spaxel (Galbany et al. 2016)

  16. AMUSING NGC 7469 NGC 7742 (Galbany et al. 2016)

  17. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS

  18. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS Castellanos-Durán et al. in prep.

  19. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS

  20. The e ff ects of spatial resolution in IFS Castellanos-Durán et al. in prep.

  21. Probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas wit IFS • Previous attempts to do so were based either on narrow band imaging or using spectroscopic methods in small field-of-views and/or with low spatial resolution. • New IFTS observations allow to sample a good range of the HII region luminosity function • Potentially, to quantify the escape fraction of ionizing radiation in sample of local star forming galaxies. 2nd SELGIFS Advanced School on Integral-Field Spectroscopy Data Analysis

  22. Probing the nature of the di ff use ionized gas wit IFS Good, but we need spatial resolution and large Fov! • Large galaxy sample • Di ff use fraction over morphological type • Radial and azimuthal distribution of the DIG • E ff ects of Inclination Energy budget of the DIG Relation of the DIF with HII Luminosity function Comparison with theoretical modelling

  23. Segmentation is crucial PINGS AMUSING NGC 7742 (Rosales-Ortega et al. 2010) (Galbany et al. 2016)

  24. Beyond MOS and fibers: large FoV Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy OFIUCO: Optical Fourier-transform Imaging Unit for Cananea Observatory OFIUCO

  25. Beyond MOS and fibers: large FoV Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy OFIUCO: Optical Fourier-transform Imaging Unit for Cananea Observatory OFIUCO


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