Probabilistic Team Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic Team Semantics Probabilistic atoms Connectives and quantifiers Examples Jonni Virtema Benchmark logic Characterisation of Hasselt University, Belgium expressivity Joint work with Arnaud Durand (Universit´ e Paris Diderot), Miika Hannula (University of Helsinki), Juha Kontinen (University of Helsinki), and Arne Meier (Leibniz Universit¨ at Hannover) August 3, 2018 1/ 16
Probabilistic Team Teams as collections of measurements Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms ◮ Multiteams (multisets of assignments) vs. Connectives and quantifiers Examples x y z Benchmark logic x y z # x y z prob. Characterisation of s 1 a a b expressivity 1 s 1 a a b 2 s 1 a a b 2 s 2 a a b 1 b c c 1 b c c s 2 s 2 4 b c c s 3 1 s 3 a b c 1 s 3 a b c 4 s 4 a b c 2/ 16
Probabilistic Team Teams as collections of measurements Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions ◮ Multiteams (multisets of assignments) vs. probabilistic teams (distributions Probabilistic atoms Connectives and over assignments) quantifiers Examples x y z Benchmark logic x y z # x y z prob. Characterisation of expressivity s 1 a a b 1 s 1 a a b 2 s 1 a a b 2 a a b s 2 1 b c c 1 b c c s 2 s 2 4 s 3 b c c 1 s 3 a b c 1 s 3 a b c 4 s 4 a b c 2/ 16
Probabilistic Team Distributions of data Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms Connectives and Consider: quantifiers ◮ A collection of data from some repetitive science experiment. Examples Benchmark logic ◮ Data obtained from a poll. Characterisation of ◮ Any collection of data, that involves meaningful duplicates of data. expressivity One natural way to represent the data is to use multisets (sets with duplicates). Claim: Often the multiplicities themselves are not important; the distribution of data is. 3/ 16
Probabilistic Team Distributions of data Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms Connectives and Consider: quantifiers ◮ A collection of data from some repetitive science experiment. Examples Benchmark logic ◮ Data obtained from a poll. Characterisation of ◮ Any collection of data, that involves meaningful duplicates of data. expressivity One natural way to represent the data is to use multisets (sets with duplicates). Claim: Often the multiplicities themselves are not important; the distribution of data is. 3/ 16
Probabilistic Team Distributions Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Definition Probabilistic atoms A distribution is a mapping f : A → Q [0 , 1] from a set A of values to the closed Connectives and quantifiers interval [0 , 1] of rational numbers such that the probabilities sum to 1, i.e., Examples Benchmark logic � f ( a ) = 1 . Characterisation of expressivity a ∈ A ◮ A multiteam is a pair ( X , m ), where X is a set of assignments and m : X → N > 0 is a multiplicity function (a database with duplicates). ◮ A probabilistic team is a pair ( X , p ), where X is a set of assignments and p : X → Q [0 , 1] is a distribution (distribution of data). 4/ 16
Probabilistic Team Distributions Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Definition Probabilistic atoms A distribution is a mapping f : A → Q [0 , 1] from a set A of values to the closed Connectives and quantifiers interval [0 , 1] of rational numbers such that the probabilities sum to 1, i.e., Examples Benchmark logic � f ( a ) = 1 . Characterisation of expressivity a ∈ A ◮ A multiteam is a pair ( X , m ), where X is a set of assignments and m : X → N > 0 is a multiplicity function (a database with duplicates). ◮ A probabilistic team is a pair ( X , p ), where X is a set of assignments and p : X → Q [0 , 1] is a distribution (distribution of data). 4/ 16
Probabilistic Team Probabilistic teams Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions ◮ Modelling of data that is inherently a probability distribution. Probabilistic atoms ◮ Abstraction of data with duplicates. Connectives and quantifiers ◮ There is close connection between multiteams and probabilistic teams. Examples Benchmark logic We introduce a logic that describe properties of probabilistic teams. Characterisation of expressivity We consider the expansion of first-order logic with the marginal identity atoms ( x 1 , . . . , x n ) ≈ ( y 1 , . . . , y n ) and with the probabilistic conditional independence atoms y ⊥ ⊥ x z . 5/ 16
Probabilistic Team Probabilistic teams Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions ◮ Modelling of data that is inherently a probability distribution. Probabilistic atoms ◮ Abstraction of data with duplicates. Connectives and quantifiers ◮ There is close connection between multiteams and probabilistic teams. Examples Benchmark logic We introduce a logic that describe properties of probabilistic teams. Characterisation of expressivity We consider the expansion of first-order logic with the marginal identity atoms ( x 1 , . . . , x n ) ≈ ( y 1 , . . . , y n ) and with the probabilistic conditional independence atoms y ⊥ ⊥ x z . 5/ 16
Probabilistic Team Probabilistic atoms Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms Connectives and quantifiers Examples We define that Benchmark logic Characterisation of A | = X � x ≈ � y iff the distribution of values for � x and � y in X coincide. expressivity 6/ 16
Probabilistic Team Probabilistic atoms Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms Connectives and We define that quantifiers Examples A | = X � x ≈ � y iff the distribution of values for � x and � y in X coincide. Benchmark logic Characterisation of expressivity We define that A | = X y ⊥ ⊥ x z iff for every fixed value for � x , the value distribution of � y remains unchanged if any value for � z is given. 6/ 16
Probabilistic Team Probabilistic atoms Semantics Jonni Virtema Let X = ( X , p ) be a probablistic team and � x , � a be tuples of variables and values Distributions of length k . We define Probabilistic atoms � a := | X | � p ( s ) . x = � Connectives and quantifiers s ∈ X s ( � x )= � a Examples Benchmark logic We define that Characterisation of expressivity a ∈ A k . A | = X � x ≈ � y iff | X | � a = | X | � a , for each � x = � y = � We define that A | = X y ⊥ ⊥ x z iff for all assignments s for � x , � y , � z | X | � y ) × | X | � z ) = | X | � z ) × | X | � x ) . x � y = s ( � x � x � z = s ( � x � x � y � z = s ( � x � y � x = s ( � 6/ 16
Probabilistic Team Semantics of complex formulae Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Definition Probabilistic atoms Let A be a structure over a finite domain A , and X : X → Q [0 , 1] a probabilistic Connectives and quantifiers team of A . The satisfaction relation | = X for first-order logic is defined as follows: Examples Benchmark logic A | = X x = y ⇔ for all s ∈ X : if X ( s ) > 0, then s ( x ) = s ( y ) Characterisation of expressivity A | = X x � = y ⇔ for all s ∈ X : if X ( s ) > 0, then s ( x ) � = s ( y ) = X R ( x ) ⇔ for all s ∈ X : if X ( s ) > 0, then s ( x ) ∈ R A A | = X ¬ R ( x ) ⇔ for all s ∈ X : if X ( s ) > 0, then s ( x ) �∈ R A A | A | = X ( ψ ∧ θ ) ⇔ A | = X ψ and A | = X θ 7/ 16
Probabilistic Team Semantics of complex formulae Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Probabilistic atoms Definition Connectives and quantifiers Let A be a structure over a finite domain A , and X : X → Q [0 , 1] a probabilistic Examples team of A . The satisfaction relation | = X for first-order logic is defined as follows: Benchmark logic Characterisation of A | = X ( ψ ∨ θ ) ⇔ A | = Y ψ and A | = Z θ for some Y , Z s . t . Y ⊔ Z = X expressivity A | = X ∀ x ψ ⇔ A | = X [ A / x ] ψ A | = X ∃ x ψ ⇔ A | = X [ F / x ] ψ holds for some F : X → p A . Above p A denote the set those distributions that have domain A . 7/ 16
Probabilistic Team Intuition of the quantifiers Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions s i ( a / x ) s i ( a / x ) Probabilistic atoms Connectives and A → { 1 s 2 | A | } s 2 F ( s 2 ) quantifiers Examples A → { 1 Benchmark logic s 1 | A | } s 1 F ( s 1 ) Characterisation of expressivity A → { 1 s 0 | A | } s 0 F ( s 0 ) ◮ Universal quantification (i.e., the set X [ A / x ]) is depicted on left. ◮ Existential quantification (i.e., the set X [ F / x ]) is depicted on right. ◮ Height of a box corresponds to the probability of an assignment. 8/ 16
Probabilistic Team Intuition behind the disjunction Semantics Jonni Virtema Distributions Question: How do we split distributions? Probabilistic atoms Answer: We rescale. Connectives and quantifiers Let X : X → Q [0 , 1] and Y : Y → Q [0 , 1] be probabilistic teams and k ∈ Q [0 , 1] be a Examples rational number. Benchmark logic We denote by X ⊔ k Y the k -scaled union of X and Y , that is, the probabilistic Characterisation of expressivity team X ⊔ k Y : X ∪ Y → Q [0 , 1] defined s.t. for each s ∈ X ∪ Y , k · X ( s ) + (1 − k ) · Y ( s ) if s ∈ X and s ∈ Y , ( X ⊔ k Y )( s ) := k · X ( s ) if s ∈ X and s / ∈ Y , (1 − k ) · Y ( s ) if s ∈ Y and s / ∈ X . We then write that Z = X ⊔ Y if Z = X ⊔ k Y , for some k . 9/ 16
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