probabilistic knowledge bases

Probabilistic Knowledge Bases Guy Van den Broeck First Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards Querying Probabilistic Knowledge Bases Guy Van den Broeck First Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction May 20, 2019 Cartoon Motivation Cartoon Motivation: Relational Embedding Models x Coauthor(Einstein,x)

  1. Towards Querying Probabilistic Knowledge Bases Guy Van den Broeck First Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction May 20, 2019

  2. Cartoon Motivation

  3. Cartoon Motivation: Relational Embedding Models ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein,x) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos,x)

  4. Cartoon Motivation 2: Relational Embedding Models ?

  5. Goal 1: Probabilistic Query Evaluation ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein,x) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos,x) ?

  6. Goal 2: Querying Relational Embedding Models ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein,x) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos,x) ?

  7. Probabilistic Query Evaluation

  8. What we’d like to do…

  9. What we’d like to do… ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein,x) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos,x)

  10. Einstein is in the Knowledge Graph

  11. Erdős is in the Knowledge Graph

  12. This guy is in the Knowledge Graph … and he published with both Einstein and Erdos!

  13. Desired Query Answer 1. Fuse uncertain information from web Ernst Straus ⇒ Embrace probability! Barack Obama, … 2. Cannot come from labeled data ⇒ Embrace query eval! Justin Bieber , …

  14. Probabilistic Databases • Tuple-independent probabilistic database Scientist Coauthor x y P x P Erdos Renyi Erdos 0.9 0.6 Einstein Einstein Pauli 0.7 0.8 Pauli Obama Erdos 0.6 0.1 • Learned from the web, large text corpora, ontologies, etc., using statistical machine learning. [VdB&Suciu’17]

  15. Tuple-Independent Probabilistic DB Coauthor x y P Probabilistic database D: A B p 1 A C p 2 B C p 3 Possible worlds semantics: x y (1-p 1 )(1-p 2 )(1-p 3 ) x y x y A B x y A C A B x y A C A B x y p 1 p 2 p 3 B C A C A B x y B C B C x y A C (1-p 1 )p 2 p 3 B C [VdB&Suciu’17]

  16. Probabilistic Query Evaluation Q = ∃ x ∃ y Scientist(x) ∧ Coauthor(x,y) P( Q ) = 1- {1- } * p 1 *[ ] 1-(1-q 1 )*(1-q 2 ) {1- } p 2 *[ ] 1-(1-q 3 )*(1-q 4 )*(1-q 5 ) Coauthor x y P A D q 1 Y 1 Scientist x P A E q 2 Y 2 A p 1 X 1 B F q 3 Y 3 B p 2 X 2 B G q 4 Y 4 C p 3 X 3 B H q 5 Y 5

  17. Lifted Inference Rules Preprocess Q (omitted), Then apply rules (some have preconditions) Negation P(¬Q) = 1 – P(Q) P(Q1 ∧ Q2) = P(Q1) P(Q2) Decomposable ∧ , ∨ P(Q1 ∨ Q2) =1 – (1 – P(Q1)) (1 – P(Q2)) P( ∀ z Q ) = Π A ∈ Domain P(Q[A/z]) Decomposable ∃ , ∀ P( ∃ z Q) = 1 – Π A ∈ Domain (1 – P(Q[A/z])) P(Q1 ∧ Q2) = P(Q1) + P(Q2) - P(Q1 ∨ Q2) Inclusion/ P(Q1 ∨ Q2) = P(Q1) + P(Q2) - P(Q1 ∧ Q2) exclusion

  18. Example Query Evaluation Q = ∃ x ∃ y Scientist(x) ∧ Coauthor(x,y) Decomposable ∃ -Rule P(Q) = 1 - Π A ∈ Domain (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) Check independence: Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y) Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y) = 1 - (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(C) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(C,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(D) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(D,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(E) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(E,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(F) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(F,y)) … Complexity PTIME

  19. Limitations H 0 = ∀ x ∀ y Smoker(x) ∨ Friend(x,y) ∨ Jogger(y) P( ∀ z Q) = Π A ∈ Domain P(Q[A/z]) The decomposable ∀ -rule: … does not apply: Dependent H 0 [Alice/x] and H 0 [Bob/x] are dependent: ∀ y (Smoker(Alice) ∨ Friend(Alice,y) ∨ Jogger(y)) ∀ y (Smoker(Bob) ∨ Friend(Bob,y) ∨ Jogger(y)) Lifted inference sometimes fails.

  20. Are the Lifted Rules Complete? Dichotomy Theorem for Unions of Conjunction Queries / Monotone CNF • If lifted rules succeed, then PTIME query • If lifted rules fail, then query is #P-hard Lifted rules are complete for UCQ! [Dalvi and Suciu;JACM’11]

  21. Commercial Break • Survey book • IJCAI 2016 tutorial

  22. Throwing Relational Embedding Models Over the Wall • Notion of distance 𝑒 ℎ, 𝑠, 𝑢 in vector space (Euclidian, 1- cosine, …) • Probabilistic semantics: – Distance 𝑒 ℎ, 𝑠, 𝑢 = 0 is certainty – Distance 𝑒 ℎ, 𝑠, 𝑢 > 0 is uncertainty P r(h,t) ≈ e −𝛽⋅𝑒 ℎ,𝑠,𝑢

  23. What About Tuple-Independence? • Deterministic databases = tuple-independent • Relational embedding models = tuple-independent At no point do we model joint uncertainty between tuples • We can capture correlations, but query evaluation becomes much harder! – See probabilistic database literature – See statistical relational learning literature

  24. So everything is solved?

  25. What we’d like to do… ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein,x) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos,x) Ernst Straus Kristian Kersting , … Justin Bieber , …

  26. Coauthor Open World DB X Y P Einstein Straus 0.7 Erdos Straus 0.6 • What if fact missing? Einstein Pauli 0.9 Erdos Renyi 0.7 Kersting Natarajan 0.8 Luc Paol 0.1 • Probability 0 for: … … … Q1 = ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein, x ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, x ) Q2 = ∃ x Coauthor(Bieber, x ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, x ) Q3 = Coauthor(Einstein, Straus ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, Straus ) Q4 = Coauthor(Einstein, Bieber ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, Bieber ) Q5 = Coauthor(Einstein, Bieber ) ∧ ¬ Coauthor( Einstein , Bieber )

  27. X Y P Einstein Straus 0.7 Intuition Erdos Straus 0.6 Einstein Pauli 0.9 Erdos Renyi 0.7 Kersting Natarajan 0.8 Luc Paol 0.1 Q1 = ∃ x Coauthor(Einstein, x ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, x ) … … … Q2 = ∃ x Coauthor(Bieber, x ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, x ) Q3 = Coauthor(Einstein, Straus ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, Straus ) Q4 = Coauthor(Einstein, Bieber ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, Bieber ) Q5 = Coauthor(Einstein, Bieber ) ∧ ¬ Coauthor( Einstein , Bieber ) We know for sure that P(Q1 ) ≥ P(Q3), P(Q1 ) ≥ P(Q4) and P(Q3) ≥ P(Q5), P(Q4) ≥ P(Q5) because P(Q5) = 0. We have strong evidence that P(Q1) ≥ P(Q2). [Ceylan , Darwiche, Van den Broeck; KR’16]

  28. Problem: Curse of Superlinearity Reality is worse: tuples intentionally missing! Sibling x y P … … … ⇒ 200 Exabytes of data Facebook scale All Google storage is 2 exabytes … [Ceylan , Darwiche, Van den Broeck; KR’16]

  29. Bayesian Learning Loop Bayesian view on learning: 1. Prior belief: P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli) ) = 0.01 2. Observe page P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli| ) = 0.2 3. Observe page P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli)| , ) = 0.3 Principled and sound reasoning!

  30. Problem: Broken Learning Loop Bayesian view on learning: 1. Prior belief: P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli) ) = 0 2. Observe page P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli| ) = 0.2 3. Observe page P( Coauthor(Straus,Pauli)| , ) = 0.3 This is mathematical nonsense! [Ceylan , Darwiche, Van den Broeck; KR’16]

  31. Problem: Model Evaluation Coauthor Given: x y P Einstein Straus 0.7 Erdos Straus 0.6 Einstein Pauli 0.9 … … … 0.8::Coauthor(x,y) :- Coauthor(z,x) ∧ Coauthor(z,y). Learn: OR 0.6::Coauthor(x,y) :- Affiliation(x,z) ∧ Affiliation(y,z). What is the likelihood, precision, accuracy, …? [De Raedt et al; IJCAI’15]

  32. Open-World Prob. Databases Intuition: tuples can be added with P < λ Q2 = Coauthor(Einstein, Straus ) ∧ Coauthor(Erdos, Straus ) 0.7 * λ ≥ P(Q2) ≥ 0 Coauthor Coauthor X Y P X Y P Einstein Straus 0.7 Einstein Straus 0.7 Einstein Pauli 0.9 Einstein Pauli 0.9 Erdos Renyi 0.7 Erdos Renyi 0.7 Kersting Natarajan 0.8 Kersting Natarajan 0.8 Luc Paol 0.1 Luc Paol 0.1 … … … … … … λ Erdos Straus

  33. Open-world query evaluation

  34. UCQ / Monotone CNF • Lower bound = closed-world probability • Upper bound = probability after adding all tuples with probability λ • Polynomial time ☺ • Quadratic blow-up  • 200 exabytes … again 

  35. Closed-World Lifted Query Eval Q = ∃ x ∃ y Scientist(x) ∧ Coauthor(x,y) Decomposable ∃ -Rule P(Q) = 1 - Π A ∈ Domain (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) Check independence: Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y) = 1 - (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y) x (1 - P(Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(C) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(C,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(D) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(D,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(E) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(E,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(F) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(F,y)) … Complexity PTIME

  36. Closed-World Lifted Query Eval Q = ∃ x ∃ y Scientist(x) ∧ Coauthor(x,y) P(Q) = 1 - Π A ∈ Domain (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) = 1 - (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(C) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(C,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(D) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(D,y)) No supporting facts x (1 - P(Scientist(E) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(E,y)) in database! x (1 - P(Scientist(F) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(F,y)) … Probability 0 in closed world Ignore these sub-queries! Complexity linear time!

  37. Open-World Lifted Query Eval Q = ∃ x ∃ y Scientist(x) ∧ Coauthor(x,y) P(Q) = 1 - Π A ∈ Domain (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) = 1 - (1 - P(Scientist(A) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(A,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(B) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(B,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(C) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(C,y)) x (1 - P(Scientist(D) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(D,y)) No supporting facts x (1 - P(Scientist(E) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(E,y)) in database! x (1 - P(Scientist(F) ∧ ∃ y Coauthor(F,y)) … Probability λ in open world Complexity PTIME!


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