priorities plans

Priorities & Plans Dr Donita Baird Manager, Cessation Quit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Priorities & Plans Dr Donita Baird Manager, Cessation Quit Victoria Priority Areas Smoking rates amongst disadvantaged groups in Australia 70 60.7 60 Smoking prevalence (%) 46.1 50 36.1 40 30.3 26.3 30 21.5 15.3 20 10 0

  1. Priorities & Plans Dr Donita Baird Manager, Cessation

  2. Quit Victoria – Priority Areas

  3. Smoking rates amongst disadvantaged groups in Australia 70 60.7 60 Smoking prevalence (%) 46.1 50 36.1 40 30.3 26.3 30 21.5 15.3 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 to 7 Number of indicators of disadvantage Source: Scollo (2008) various national data

  4. Key projects for 2017 • Tackling Tobacco • Latrobe Valley • Wellington House / Turning Point Project • Vic Health Grant: Pre and post release smoking cessation support to individuals exiting prison Project

  5. Help people who smoke become tobacco free • Support health ASK professionals to all clients about their smoking deliver brief interventions • Increase ADVISE understanding all smokers to quit and quitting methods of how Quitline can help HELP by offering information, support and referral 5

  6. Working together to help people quit NRT Behavioural Brief Intervention or (such as Intervention quitting Quitline) medication OR 1.55 OR 2.58 Kotz et al. Mayo Clin Proc (2014) 89(10):1360 6

  7. What happens if do not offer help? Seen GP but not Advised to quit, but Advised to quit plus Seen GP but not advised to Advised to quit but not advised to quit not offered help offered help quit offered help Offered help 2 1.8 Odds ratio for having quit 1.6 1.4 P < 0.05 1.2 P < 0.05 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 N=12,221; Results of multiple logistic regression 0 adjusting for age, sex and social grade 7 Source: - Smoking Toolkit Study

  8. Offer Help regardless of readiness 8 Pisinger et al. Prev Med (2005) 40(3):278

  9. Quitline mythbusting Supportive and non- Quit “Police” judgmental Anti-smokers Understand smokers Practical advice & Information only counselling Tailored to needs Scripted 9

  10. Quitline call-back service model Pre-quit calls x 2 Post-quit calls: 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 days after quitting Zhu & Pierce. Prof Psych Res & Pract (1995) 26(6):624 10

  11. Quitline behavioural interventions are tailored to help 11

  12. Three reasons to make a Quitline referral • Simple, effective model shown to work in many settings • Many benefits for Borland et al. Fam. Pract (2008) 25(5):382 patients • Proactive referrals shown to be of more benefit (compared to telling patients to call) Sherman et al. T ob Control (2017) Feb 11 Also see: Zwar et al. Fam Pract (2015) 32(2): 173; Mowls et al (2016) Am J Prev Med 2016 12

  13. Making it easier to refer: 13

  14. What you can expect if you refer Quitline receives referral: • Responds within two business days • Makes multiple attempts to contact patient • Acknowledgement of referral, and feedback on outcome 14

  15. Victorian Quitline success rates Sustained abstinence Patient Group (6 months) % n Disclosed mental illness 11.4% 26/229 Did not use NRT or medication 9.5% 31/326 Used NRT or medication 23.3% 88/378 Overall 16.9% 119/704 Quitline (Victoria) Evaluation - 2013 15

  16. Help - resources 16


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