primary care advisory group

Primary Care Advisory Group Updates September 20, 2017 Michele - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Primary Care Advisory Group Updates September 20, 2017 Michele Lawrence, GMCB Health Policy Advisor 1 Background Act 113 Sec. 10. PRIMARY CARE PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY GROUP (1) The Green Mountain Care Board shall establish a primary care

  1. Primary Care Advisory Group Updates September 20, 2017 Michele Lawrence, GMCB Health Policy Advisor 1

  2. Background – Act 113 Sec. 10. PRIMARY CARE PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY GROUP (1) The Green Mountain Care Board shall establish a primary care professional advisory group to provide input and recommendations to the Board. The Board shall seek input from the primary care professional group to address issues related to the administrative burden facing primary care professionals including: (a) Identifying circumstances in which existing reporting requirements for primary care professionals may be replaced with more meaningful measures that require minimal data entry; (b) Creating opportunities to reduce requirements for primary care professionals to provide prior authorization for their patients to receive radiology, medication and specialty services; (c) Developing a uniform discharge data set for use across the State. 2

  3. Membership Name Affiliation Barbara A Rouleau, MS, APRN Appletree Bay Primary Care Ben Clements, MD University of Vermont Medical Center, Dept. of Family Medicine Bob Schwartz MD, FAAFP Southwestern Vermont Medical Center: Northshire Christina Harlow DNP, APRN Gifford Primary Care Deborah Wachtel, NP, MPH, MS UVM College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Appletree Bay Primary Care Donna Burkett, MD Medical Director, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Ellen Watson, APRN, FNP-BC Appletree Bay Primary Care Fay Homan, MD Little Rivers Health Care Jill Rinehart, MD, FAAP Hagan, Rinehart & Connelly Pediatrics Kate McIntosh MD, FAAP Rainbow Pediatrics, Porter Hospital Leo Kline, AGNP Community Health Centers of Burlington Michelle Wade APRN, AGNP – C, PCCN Community Health Centers of the Rutland Region Paul J Reiss, MD Evergreen Family Health Phil Kiely, MD Morrisville Family Health Care Robert Penney, MD Community Health Centers of Burlington Rosemary L Dale, APRN University Pediatrics Sharon Fine, MD Danville Health Center Thomas Peterson, MD University of Vermont College of Medicine Tim Tanner, MD, MPH Danville Health Center Toby Sadkin, MD St. Albans Primary Care Valerie Rooney, MD Just So Pediatrics W. Mark Peluso, MD, FAAFP Parton Health Services 3

  4. GMCB Update

  5. (a) ) Identify ntifying ing circums umstanc tances es in which existing isting repor orti ting ng requirements uirements for prim imar ary y care profess essionals nals may y be replac laced ed with h more re meani ning ngful ful measure sures s that at requi uire e mini nimal al data entry ✓ Act 112 report was reviewed with the PCAG on December 14, 2016 • the group decided there was no need to establish a Measures Council ✓ Group members participated in discussions between NCQA and the Blueprint 5

  6. (b) ) Creating eating oppor pportuniti tunities s to o reduc duce e requi uire reme ments nts for r prim imar ary y care re prof ofess ssio ionals nals to provi vide e prio ior r authorization thorization for r their eir patients tients to receiv ceive radiology diology, , medicati edication n and d specialty ecialty servi vices ces ✓ Dr. Ramsay presented to the group and the legislature ✓ Research Best Practice • Dr. Mark Peluso provided extensive research and developed questions regarding prior authorizations for VT insurers ✓ BCBSVT Prior Authorization • Dr. Josh Plavin and Brian Murphy of BCBSVT ✓ Medicaid (DVHA) Prior Authorization 6

  7. (c (c) ) Developing eloping a u a uniform orm disch char arge ge dat ata a set et for use e ac across ss th the Sta tate ✓ Identified existing protocols • Information from New Jersey was shared with the group • Group provided input for an “ideal” form ✓ Identified platforms • VITL presentation ✓ Draft Transfer Summary 7

  8. Other Tasks to Date ✓ NCQA Medical Home Standards • Group members participated in a discussion between NCQA and the Blueprint ✓ Pay Parity • Marisa Melamed presented to the group • Group members provided feedback to Provider Landscape Survey 8

  9. GMCB Next Steps • 9/20 meeting with DVHA representatives • Legislative agenda • Schedule meeting with VAHHS re: Uniform Discharge Summary 9

  10. PCAG Concerns & Priorities Fay Homan, MD, Little Rivers Health Care 10

  11. (a) ) Iden entifying tifying circu cumstances mstances in which ich existing sting repo porting ting requi uire reme ments nts for r prim imary y care re prof ofessionals sionals may y be replace placed d with th more re meani eaningfu ngful l measures easures that at requi uire re mini nima mal l data ata entr try • “Primary care physicians spend more than one -half of their workday, nearly 6 hours, interacting with the EHR during and after clinic hours.” * • Despite genuine effort to align measures, approximately 120 quality measures and data reporting points still exist • ACO, PCMH, MACRA/MIPS, UDS (FQHC), CMS, HEDIS • Disproportionately affects primary care • Only 10% of practices of 10 providers or less have adequate numbers to reach statistical significance on quality measures** • EHR’s are inadequate for quality needs • Lack of interconnectedness • Complexity of pulling data * 11 **

  12. (b) ) Creating eating oppor pportuniti tunities s to o reduc duce e requi uire reme ments nts for r prim imar ary y care re prof ofess ssio ionals nals to provi vide e prio ior r authorization thorization for r their eir patients tients to receiv ceive radiology diology, , medicati edication n and d specialty ecialty servi vices ces • Participation in ACO should remove need for PA • Common goal, taking risk • Current process for DVHA/OneCare • Disconnect between payer and provider assessment of burden 12

  13. (c (c) ) Developing eloping a u a uniform orm disch char arge ge dat ata a set et for use e ac across ss th the Sta tate • EHR’s are inadequate for quality needs • Lack of interconnectedness • Impedes efficient communication; “data dump” • Complexity of pulling data 13

  14. Other Concerns & Priorities • Adequacy of Primary Care Workforce • High burnout of primary care providers • Low rates of primary care graduates nationally and locally • Inadequate resources allocated to primary care • Lack of primary care provider on Green Mountain Care Board • Letters were sent to Governor Scott and the nominating committee • PCAG members offered assistance with recruiting efforts 14

  15. PCAG Next Steps • Advocate for continuation of PCAG if no provider named to Board • Support legislation to increase graduates in primary care from UVM’s Larner College of Medicine • Support development of a Vermont Common Formulary • Support legislation to remove or limit prior authorizations for primary care • Continue advocacy for primary care provider on Board • Advocate for removal of NCQA requirement 15

  16. Questions? 16


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