priced out

Priced Out Rent Affordability and Homelessness in Los Angeles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Priced Out Rent Affordability and Homelessness in Los Angeles Alexander Casey, Zillow Policy Advisor Rental values on a steady rise 2 #HousinginAmerica In many ZIP codes, rents are rising alongside national pace during the past five years 3

  1. Priced Out Rent Affordability and Homelessness in Los Angeles Alexander Casey, Zillow Policy Advisor

  2. Rental values on a steady rise 2 #HousinginAmerica

  3. In many ZIP codes, rents are rising alongside national pace during the past five years 3 #HousinginAmerica

  4. But across most of the region, rental prices have significantly outpaced the nation 4 #HousinginAmerica

  5. And in some areas, rent prices have surged over the past five years 5 #HousinginAmerica

  6. Pockets of exceptionally hot rent appreciation within Los Angeles 6 #HousinginAmerica

  7. Small spaces and high costs the norm for Los Angeles 7 #HousinginAmerica

  8. Share of median income required to rent typical home in Los Angeles Metro on the rise 8 #HousinginAmerica

  9. Share of tiered income required to rent home tiers, Los Angeles metro 9 #HousinginAmerica

  10. High incomes don’t fully cover for high burdens 10 #HousinginAmerica

  11. How We Got Here

  12. Job growth rising steady keeping pace with nation 12 #HousinginAmerica

  13. But wages have grown much faster in Los Angeles County 13 #HousinginAmerica

  14. For nearly a decade LA mostly added renters 14 #HousinginAmerica

  15. In many high-priced metros, significantly more new jobs came to town than new housing units were built 15 #HousinginAmerica

  16. Cities with the most land use restrictions see their home values grow faster when new jobs come to town 16 #HousinginAmerica

  17. Impact of Deteriorating Affordability

  18. While many areas can swap convenience for affordability, LA renters can find limited relief 18 #HousinginAmerica

  19. People who live in lower-cost areas of LA report lower levels of satisfaction with the job opportunities and education in their neighborhood 19 #HousinginAmerica

  20. 20 #HousinginAmerica

  21. 21 #HousinginAmerica

  22. 22 #HousinginAmerica

  23. As the share of income spent on rent has risen in many metros, working age adults have also increasingly doubled up 23 #HousinginAmerica

  24. As the share of income spent of rent rises, fewer people save any income 24 #HousinginAmerica

  25. People with higher rent burdens more likely to forgo health expenses During the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed any of the following but didn’t get it because you couldn’t afford it? 25 #HousinginAmerica

  26. Findings from: Inflection Points in Community-Level Homeless Rates Chris Glynn, Thomas H. Byrne, and Dennis P. Culhane

  27. Rental values have been rising at a steady clip $1,442 27 #HousinginAmerica

  28. Rental values have been rising at a steady clip $2,369 $2,136 $1,859 $1,442 28 #HousinginAmerica

  29. Rental values have been rising at a steady clip $3,403 $2,756 $2,369 $2,136 $1,859 $1,442 29 #HousinginAmerica

  30. Nationally, rents are up. Yet homelessness counts have fallen $1,442 554K 30 #HousinginAmerica

  31. Modeling for the systemic undercount from PIT estimates 547K Point in time count 31 #HousinginAmerica

  32. Modeling for the systemic undercount from PIT estimates Predicted count 660K 547K Point in time count 32 #HousinginAmerica

  33. Los Angeles, a totally different trend Predicted count 73K Point in time count 33 #HousinginAmerica

  34. When a community reaches an affordability tipping point, the link between rent burdens and homeless rates grows stronger 34 #HousinginAmerica

  35. In some places, a median-income renter already pays more than 32% of income to go out and rent the typical home Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA New York, NY Boston, MA 32% Seattle, WA Portland, OR Las Vegas, NV 35 #HousinginAmerica

  36. Clusters of communities experience similar responses to changing rent prices 36 #HousinginAmerica

  37. Cluster 3 is home to 15% of the U.S. population and 47% of the homeless population 37 #HousinginAmerica

  38. If rent affordability worsens in Cluster 3 cities, the model predicts an increasing homelessness count District of Columbia CoC Predicted change in homeless count 104 If share of income needed to rent a home increases… 38 #HousinginAmerica

  39. And in Los Angeles this link is even stronger Los Angeles City & County CoC Predicted change in homeless count 11,591 104 District of Columbia CoC If share of income needed to rent a home increases… 39 #HousinginAmerica

  40. Clusters 1 and 2 not in the clear 40 #HousinginAmerica

  41. Potential spillover effects in Riverside 55,188 6,203 34,622 2,406 41 #HousinginAmerica

  42. Decomposing the components to homelessness Estimated Baltimore City CoC homelessness rate Hypothetical baseline Los Angeles City & County CoC 42 #HousinginAmerica

  43. Decomposing the components to homelessness Estimated Baltimore City CoC homelessness rate Hypothetical baseline Los Angeles City & County CoC 42 #HousinginAmerica

  44. Rising rents can leave even the households who receive assistance few options 43 #HousinginAmerica

  45. Housing assistance has lagged behind Los Angeles rents 44 #HousinginAmerica

  46. Rising rents can leave even the households who receive assistance few options 45 #HousinginAmerica

  47. Los Angeles City & County CoC Predicted change in homeless count 11,591 If share of income needed to rent a home increases… 46 #HousinginAmerica

  48. Thank You


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