Preventing and Mitigating Corrosion to Advance Pipeline Integrity 2017 Pipeline Safety Trust Conference November 2, 2017 New Orleans, LA
Causes of Liquids Pipeline Releases 2012-2016 TOTAL RELEASES (2,100 Releases) CORROSION 21% 79% ALL OTHER CAUSES Information provided by API Data Mining Team 2
Liquids Pipeline Releases By Location and Type 2012-2016 ONSHORE PIPELINE CORROSION RELEASE DATA: MAINLINES FACILITIES BY LOCATION (199 Releases) (204 Releases) (403 Releases) Internal External Facility Mainline Internal External 51% 49% 39% 61% 83% 17% Information provided by API Data Mining Team; Excludes releases from tanks and offshore pipelines 3
Internal and External Corrosion External Corrosion Internal Corrosion 4
Design – Prevent – Mitigate: Layers of Defense 1. Pipe wall thickness Creating layers of 2. External pipe coating 3. Cathodic Protection (CP) system 4. Test stations defense requires 5. Cleaning pigs 6. In-line Inspection (ILI) identifying “the 7. Known low point 8. Sample points holes in the cheese” 9. Corrosion inhibitor 10. Corrosion rate monitoring 11. AC corrosion mitigation 3 4 9 10 8 6 5 1 2 A C 7 11 ILI technology is a significant layer of defense 5
Applying In-line Inspection (ILI) to mitigate corrosion Inspect Select Inspect Analyze Assess Integrate Determine Anomalies Technology Pipeline (ILI) Raw Data Anomalies Data Sets ILI Accuracy (NDE) MPL Vendor Vendor MPL MPL Vendor MPL APPLY TECHNOLOGY ANALYZE & INTEGRATE DATA VALIDATE PERFORMANCE Strong partnership between Operators and technology providers is key to success 6
Selecting Technology: Matching Tools to Threats Inspect Select Inspect Analyze Assess Integrate Determine Anomalies Technology Pipeline (ILI) Raw Data Anomalies Data Sets ILI Accuracy (NDE) MPL Vendor Vendor MPL MPL Vendor MPL APPLY TECHNOLOGY ANALYZE & INTEGRATE DATA VALIDATE PERFORMANCE CMFL DFMFL M AGNET MFL/ Circumferential IC F LUX Dual Field HMFL Magnetic Flux Magnetic Flux Magnetic Flux Leakage Leakage Leakage/ Helical Magnetic Flux EMAT Leakage UTCD Electro U LTRASO Magnetic Ultrasonic UTWM NIC Acoustic Crack Ultrasonic Transducer Detection Wall Tool Measurement GEO Tool C ALIP Geometry ER DISBONDE DENTS METAL LOSS CRACKS R E - S MOOTH / D ENTS W /M ETAL S EAM D COATING ROUNDED P LAIN L OSS C IRCUMFERENTIAL A XIAL W ELD B ODY D EFECT C ATEGO RIES 7
Using Technology: Putting Tools to Work Inspect Select Inspect Analyze Assess Integrate Determine Anomalies Technology Pipeline (ILI) Raw Data Anomalies Data Sets ILI Accuracy (NDE) MPL Vendor Vendor MPL MPL Vendor MPL APPLY TECHNOLOGY ANALYZE & INTEGRATE DATA VALIDATE PERFORMANCE Magnetic Metal Loss Ultrasonic Sensors Sensors Magnetic Flux Leakage Tool MFL Used with permission from : Ultrasonic Wall Rosen Group Used with permission from : Measurement Tool NDT GLOBAL UTWM 8
Data Integration: GIS Data Inspect Select Inspect Analyze Assess Integrate Determine Anomalies Technology Pipeline (ILI) Raw Data Anomalies Data Sets ILI Accuracy (NDE) MPL Vendor Vendor MPL MPL Vendor MPL APPLY TECHNOLOGY ANALYZE & INTEGRATE DATA VALIDATE PERFORMANCE n Pipe Properties n Foreign Line Crossings n Coatings GIS n Casings n MOP n Depth of Cover n Line Survey Data n Close Interval Survey Data n AC Power Co-locations n Span Locations Other n Waterway Crossings Data n Land Use Data n Aerial Imagery Sources n Operational Data n Topography 9
Validate Performance: Tool Tolerance and Specifications Inspect Select Inspect Analyze Assess Integrate Determine Anomalies Technology Pipeline (ILI) Raw Data Anomalies Data Sets ILI Accuracy (NDE) MPL Vendor Vendor MPL MPL Vendor MPL APPLY TECHNOLOGY ANALYZE & INTEGRATE DATA VALIDATE PERFORMANCE l Field investigation and repair l Determine other mitigation requirements l Evaluate tool performance vs. specifications l Compare as found to as called 10
Feedback & Continuous Improvement l Leverage technology l Working with vendors to improve ILI l Research and development participation l API and NACE 11
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