preservation of affordable housing

Preservation of Affordable Housing Aaron Gornstein, President and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preservation of Affordable Housing Aaron Gornstein, President and CEO presentation to Florida Housing Coalition Preservation Workshop About Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) POAH is a national nonprofit organization that owns and

  1. Preservation of Affordable Housing Aaron Gornstein, President and CEO presentation to Florida Housing Coalition Preservation Workshop

  2. About Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) POAH is a national nonprofit organization that owns and manages 10,000 apartments at 100+ communities in 11 states and DC. We employ three strategies: 1. Preservation of existing at-risk affordable housing 2. Production of new affordable housing 3. Comprehensive community revitalization The Jackson, Chicago IL

  3. Preservation Approach / Principles • Allocate resources for preservation • Prioritize (1) rental assistance & (2) strong markets • Intervene well before restrictions expire • Use existing public debt as leverage for preservation • Sponsor mission impacts future preservation cost Dom Polski, Chicopee MA

  4. Asset Management for Long-Term Preservation Key ingredients for long-term affordability: • Secure long-term affordability covenants • Structure for long-term financial & physical viability • Manage capital accounts & effect early Limited Partner exits Salem Heights, Salem MA

  5. Preservation Example: Trinity Towers, Melbourne FL • 510 senior units; 80% Sec 8 PBRA • Built 1967-1981; extensive capital needs • POAH acquired & managed while assembling resources • 4%/9% LIHTC; SAIL; FHLB; seller note; deferred fee • In-place rehab / no displacement

  6. Preservation Example: Billings Forge, Hartford CT • 113 family units, majority tax credit units; some Sec 8 PBRA • Acquisition & management during financing period • Historic rehab w/ federal & state HTCs • Employment program, onsite restaurant and farmer’s market, Family Self Sufficiency Program

  7. Preservation Example: Temple Landing, New Bedford, MA • 173 family units, no PBRA • Distressed 12-acre superblock site w/ gang activity, hi vacancy • Combined rehab/rebuild, new streets to revitalize site, positive impact on surrounding area • 9% LIHTC, state funds, local HOME

  8. Key Preservation Policy Issues Florida: • Resource allocation for preservation • Streamlining 4%/bond deal underwriting • Implementing income averaging • Tax relief for true nonprofit LIHTC deals Federal: • 4% LIHTC fixed rate (Cantwell-Hatch) • Grandfather existing residents (C-H) Hawthorne, Independence MO

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