
Presenter: Steve Mokrohisky County Administrator 38 FY 17-18 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presenter: Steve Mokrohisky County Administrator 38 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation Create long-term financial stability through a structurally balanced budget Repair critical services to make our community safer, healthier, and

  1. Presenter: Steve Mokrohisky County Administrator 38 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  2.  Create long-term financial stability through a structurally balanced budget  Repair critical services to make our community safer, healthier, and more vibrant 39 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  3.  Strong financial policies  New partnerships and collaborations  Internal expense savings  Maintaining critical services 40 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  4.  County Counsel  Human Resources  General Expense  Technology Services  Fleet & General Services  County Administration • Administration • Operations 41 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  5. Presenter: Steve Dingle County Counsel 42 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  6.  Resources $1,670,938  Requirements $1,629,642  10.0 FTE • 1 County Counsel • 4 Assistant County Counsel 2 • 1 Assistant County Counsel 1 • 2 Sr. Legal Secretaries • 1 Paralegal • 1 Risk Manager 43 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  7. Changes Service challenges  Loss of a longtime County  Workforce planning attorney  Lack of clerical-level staff  Addition of Assistant County Counsel 1 position 44 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  8. Pre-litig litigatio ation n Reduced Workers’ Bargaining ining settle tlement ents Compens ensatio ation n costs complet eted ed with h 5 of ($500,0 ,000/$2 /$21,0 ,000) by 50% 7 b bargain aining ing grou oups ps 3rd party y recover ery y Provided ided 8 train inings ings for Workers’ UO Law School l to supe perviso rvisors rs and Compens ensatio ation n and student ents providing ding manager gers regarding ding Gener eral al Liability ility managing ging within hin the law clerk rk serv rvices ces claims ms law Collabo borated ed with PW Engin ineeri eering g to revise e County Reduc uced ed and constru tructi tion specifi ificati tions and Hired ed new ACC 1 outsour urced ced risk contracts, ts, increa easin ing g County's abilit ity to receiv ive e ODOT T funds ds for road d and bridge ge improveme vements ts 45 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  9.  Additional training for County staff to reduce risks  Reduce additional risk exposures (e.g. jail medical)  Continue team approach with other County departments to improve efficiency and reduce costs 46 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  10. Presenter: Marsha Edwards Human Resources Director 47 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  11.  Resources $2,423,943  Requirements $2,473,671  18.0 FTE  Divisions • Administration – 9.0 FTE • Labor & Employee Relations – 5.0 FTE • Benefits & Wellness – 4.0 FTE 48 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  12. Service challenges Changes  Balancing training with  Online Performance day-to-day operations Management System  Recruiting for specialized  Leadership Development positions Series  Negotiation of collective  Health plan redesign bargaining agreements  Partner with TS on  Uncertainty of Federal Peoplesoft 9.2 migration health insurance  Centralize and digitize requirements recruitment files  Automation of HR processes 49 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  13.  8/2015 – Move to self funding for health insurance  9/2015 – Select Marathon Health  2/2016 – Open the Live Well Center  Ongoing – Negotiate cost sharing  Marathon Health reports that in its first full year of operation the center has shown an ROI of 1.4:1 50 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  14. Increa eased ed learner ners Began n conducting cting 5 o of 7 b bargaining ining and hours of CDL physical icals s at units s contributing buting to to training ning since intro Live Well Cente ter health lth insurance ance of LEAP Increa eased ed County ty-wide wide Applicatio ication n percent entag age e of inter erns nship hip program am workshops ops for emplo loye yees es utilizin lizing g for under- inter ernal/e nal/exte xternal nal Live Well Cente ter repres esente ented d grou oups ps appli licants cants Conduc ucte ted d needs ds Increa eased ed Two o Lane e Cou ounty ty assessme ment nt for appli licants cants to 7,440 job fairs leade dersh ship ip in calend endar ar year r develo elopme pment t seri ries es 2016 2016 51 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  15. Presenter: Christine Moody Budget & Financial Planning Manager 52 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  16.  Resources $188,911,324  General Fund  Requirements $141,654,999 • Reserve & Countywide  No FTE expenses (Dues)  Title III  Debt Service • Remaining 2015 and 2016 • Debt Payments funds (Firewise)  Risk & Benefits  Tourism & Special Projects • Risk Fund (General • TRT & Economic Liability & Workers Comp) Development Programs • Benefit Fund (Self-funded • Extension Service Levy Health Insurance) (pass thru funds • Retiree Medical Trust • County School Fund (pass thru funds) 53 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  17.  Special Revenue • Title 3, Extension Service, Trust Tourism, Economic 10.03% Development, School Fund  Debt Service General • Debt Payments & pre-paid 11.23% reserve  Internal Service • Risk & Benefits  Trust Internal Special • Retiree Medical Service Revenue  General 62.01% Debt 10.17% Service 6.57% 54 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  18. Debt t prepay payment ent & Bond Rating ing re re-fun funding ding Tourism m Highe hest t in County ty Will save $3.6 Very strong g growth! th! history! y! millio ion Self-fund funded ed SRS Title e 3 F Funds ds health lth insurance ance $2.5 millio ion n left Rates es flat t for or 3 rd rd year Economic ic Risk Fund Video eo Lotter ery y Developm lopment ent Fundin ding Expens enses es down Infrastr astruc uctur ture e funds ds Actuar ary y due 17-18 18 3% growth th at most being ng reserved ved 55 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  19. Presenter: Mike Finch Technology Services Director 56 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  20.  Resources $16,907,714  Requirements $16,907,714  69.75 FTE • Administration – 6.0 FTE • Business Apps – 11.0 FTE • LRIG System Management – 1.0 FTE • Desktop Support Services (DSS) – 11.75 FTE • Enterprise Apps – 11.0 FTE • Geographic Info Systems (GIS) – 5.0 FTE • Technology Infrastructure Services (TIS) – 15.0 FTE • Project Management Office (PMO) – 5.0 FTE • Security – 4.0 FTE 57 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  21.  Technology Technology Replacement Replacement Fund Fund, 18%  Technology Services Fund  Total resources= Information $16,907,714 Services Fund, 82% 58 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  22. 17-18 RESOURCES Reimbursement s, 1% Fund Balance, Local  Local Revenues 18% Revenues, 15% • Revenue from Admin services provided to Charges, 4% Partners  Total Resources= $16,907,714 Data Processing Services, 62% 59 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  23. 17-18 REQUIREMENTS Reserves /  County Indirect for Conting. 14% Data Center Capital Outlay, 3% depreciation  Focus on Service Delivery Optimization  Total Requirements= $16,907,714 Materials & Services, Personnel 30% Expenses, 53% 60 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  24. Changes Service challenges  Service Delivery Strategy  Fiscal constraints vs need  Restructuring of for technology Technology Services  High demand for service  Technology Replacement  Growing cybersecurity Fund modifications threats & compliance  Impacts of Datacenter depreciation costs 61 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  25.  Regional Technology Partnership • Cities of Eugene & Springfield, LCOG and EWEB • Cost sharing for common infrastructure and services • Disaster Recovery, Project collaboration & information sharing  Expanding role with other external customers • GIS and Software support for local municipalities and neighboring Counties FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation 62

  26. Over 70% Service ice Deliv ivery ry Streng ength thene ened d virtua ualized lized server r Improveme vements ts Part rtner nerships hips infrastruc astructur ture Indep epen ende dent nt IT Cost Saving ng Annual al savings gs of Business ess Alignment nment Regio ional nal Video o over $230,000 00 Revie iew Stor orage age Sol olutio tion Security rity & Remote te & M Mobile le Business ess Contin inuity uity Complian liance ce Access s & D Disaste ter r Recovery very Improvemen vements ts Improvemen vements ts Planning ning 63 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  27. Presenter: Tim Elsea Public Works Director 64 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation

  28.  Resources $36,360,067  Requirements $36,360,067 • Fleet operations $8,294,528 • Fleet reserve $24,102,632 • Facilities $3,962,907  General Fund $3,243,932  Road Fund $718,975  46.49 FTE • Fleet 21.0 • Facilities 25.49 65 FY 17-18 Proposed Budget Presentation


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