Presented to West Dakota Water Development District December 11, 2017 By: Jason Phillips, MS (CE) (sustainable solutions research & green technologies) 1
Why Green Roofs? The Need For Research Research Objectives Benefits How Much Will It Cost? 2 Port of Portland Airport (Mayer Reed)
Airports consume a large land mass with high percentages of impervious surfaces Airport environmental impacts: S tormwater runoff Water pollution Urban heat islands Noise pollution Air pollution Ecosystem destruction 3 Rapid City Regional Airport (Esri)
Vermont Burlington Airport FedEx O’ Hare Airport, IL Vancouver Airport, BC 4 Port of Portland Airport, OR King County Airport, WA Midway Airport, IL
Reduce stormwater runoff: 30% to 80% Cumulative runoff SDSMT Green roof project June 13, 2016 (0.41”) 10 Volume (gallons) 8 52% 6 Cumulative Runoff reduction 4 SDSMT Green Roof Project July 3, 2016 (1”) 2 35 30 0 Volume (gal) 15:36 16:04 16:33 17:02 17:31 18:00 18:28 25 Time of day (MST) 20 33% 15 Control (asphalt roof) Non-German German 10 reduction 5 0 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 Time (MST) Control (Shingled) German(FLL) Non-German(GreenGrid) 5
Reduces urban heat islands Reduces Energy costs Chicago Cit y Hall green roof almost 80F cooler 6 t han convent ional roof on a t ypical summer day
Lack of local design knowledge Proof-of-Concept (next scale of research) Design specifications & recommendations Maintenance & plant care Green roof performance Airport green roof failure Watering regiment Needed for semi-arid climate Water conservation Maximize storage 7 Green Grid Trays (sdsmt)
Recommended products: S edum tuff tiles (left) or Live Roof trays (right) 8
Det ermine wat ering regiment t o maint ain opt imal 1. plant healt h & promot e wat er conservat ion while providing opt imal st orage capacit y for st ormwat er runoff reduct ion Det ermine design specificat ions & maint enance plan 2. (proof-of-concept ) Det ermine heat t ransfer (pot ent ial energy savings) 3. Monit or wat er qualit y 4. Opt imize aut omat ion 5. Interactive kiosk display Remote sensor(data) viewing Control irrigation via sensors Monitor performance & health 9
Unique opportunity to lead the way for Rapid City in sustainable design (650,000 people visit the airport each year) S howcase environmental commitment S upport education & local research Advance knowledge in the green roof research field 10
Proposed budget for 2-year Green Roof proj ect: Category Total Cost Airport SDSM&T WDWDD Grants Green roof $45,000 $-45,000 Install Research $30,000 $-10,000 $-5,000 $-15,000 Equip. Equip. Setup & $35,000 $-5,000 $-30,000 Tech support GRA $70,000 $-15,000 $-55,000 PI $40,000 $-20,000 $-20,000 Water Quality $6,000 $-6,000 Grand Total $226,000 -$55,000 $-40,000 $-26,000 $-105,000 Tot al amount request ed from WDWDD = $26,000 $23,000 for the first year $3,000 for the second year Addit ional proposals from ot her grant s have been submit t ed 11
Green Roof patio benefits at RAP airport: Reduce current roof loads Provide needed stormwater management Aesthetics & visibility 548,000 passengers in 2016 Minimize maintenance Maint enance cont ract Irrigat ion syst em Earn sustainability credits 14 Vermont Burlington Airport
Reduce stormwater pollutants: Filters out acid rain & heavy metals Reduce pollutant mass loading with reduced run-off volumes Total Suspended Solids (mg) Nitrogen (mg) 450 180 400 160 350 140 300 120 250 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 0 10/2/2015 3/24/2016 5/25/2016 6/14/2016 10/2/2015 3/24/2016 5/25/2016 6/14/2016 (0.1 in) (0.2 in) (0.2 in) (0.4 in) (0.1 in) (0.2 in) (0.2 in) (0.4 in) Asphalt 362.4 247.48 355.8 401.0 Asphalt 166.7 33.51 41.6 37.9 German German 46.4 51.97 55.24 209.9 39.7 17.32 7.77 18.5 non-German 108.7 106.93 67.3 277.8 non-German 45.3 29.16 8.7 27.3 15
Additional benefits: Reduces noise pollution Reduces air emission impacts Prolongs & protects roofing membrane Reduces re-roofing cost Reduces wast e t o landfills Reduces pollut ion and conserves nat ural resources Reduces insurance claims due t o hail Non-reflecting roof Maint ains airport safet y 16
Reduces noise pollution: Absorb sound waves produced by machinery, t raffic, and airplanes A vegetated roof with a 4.7 inch substrate layer can reduce sound by 40 decibels A 7.9 inch substrate layer can reduce sound by 46-50 decibels Reduces Air Emission Impacts Foliage absorbs dust and greenhouse gases and filt ers airborne part icles 10.8 ft 2 of veget at ed roof removes ~4.4 pounds of part iculat e mat t er (PM) per year 17
Airport roof installed in November Mid-October recommend latest Plants started inside a nursery Design did not follow FLL guidelines S oil design Growing t rays Wind erosion prot ect ion Plugs planted 6” to 8” O.C. No irrigation system Lack of local design knowledge Maintenance & plant care 18 Green Grid Trays (sdsmt)
Do not start with plugs Different soil media, started indoors, incomplete plant coverage, prone to wind scour Maintenance required: Watering Weeding Fertilizing Winter care S pot repair 19
4” Live Roof (trays): $20/ S F * 2,220 S F= $44,400 $14/ S F for trays + 1/ S F wind discs $3/ S F Installation $3000 Freight 29 lbs./ sf saturated 6” Live Roof (trays): $25/ S F * 2,220S F = $55,500 $19/ S F for trays + 1/ S F wind discs $3/ S F Installation $3000 Freight 50 lbs./ sf saturated 20 Proposed Green Roof Area (gravel areas)
S edum Tuff Tiles: $4/ S F for tiles $2,154 Freight (roughly $1/ S F) $3/ S F 4” S oil (includes freight) – 47 lbs./ sf (includes 2” of pee-rock) $5/ S F 6” S oil (includes freight) – 67lbs./ sf (includes 2” of pee-rock) $2/ S F S eparation Fabric $7 to $10/ S F Installation 4” $10 to $13/ S F Installation 6” Total: 4” – $17- $20/ S F ($44,400) 6” - $22- $25/ S F ($55,500) Note: (includes crane cost) 21 Proposed Green Roof Area (gravel areas)
Irrigat ion: TBD Est. $4,000 to $6,000 (S elf draining closed loop system) 2 year maint enance cont ract : TBD Depending on weather conditions and spot repair needs Est. $5,000 to $10,000 per year Pea gravel removal: TBD Est. $3,500 to $4,500 Electro Field Vector Mapping Leak detection system Est. $3,500 base price (install only) Not included in Grand Total Grand Total 4” system = $75,000 22 6” system = $86,000 Proposed Green Roof Area (gravel areas)
Benefits: Addit ional grant monies t o cover research cost s S ave money on recommended maint enance cont ract due t o t he maint enance being provided by GRA Aut omat ion/ sensor syst em will become t he Airport s Provides continuous data reduce long-term maintenance S ave money and conserve water Interactive kiosk display will provide hands-on education Assures init ial survival of green roof 23
German FLL Roof GreenGrid Roof 24 Typical FLL roof system (Top), GreenGrid Trays (Bottom) (Green Roof S ervice LLC)
S torm water runoff reduction Quality of storm water runoff Thermal conductivity (Insulation value) FLL Green Roof GreenGrid Roof 25
GreenGrid Roof FLL Green Roof 26 S hingled roof (left), FLL Green roof (middle), GreenGrid trays (Right)
27 Dr. Kenner’s Water Resource Grad Class (self photo)
28 Water flow monitoring equipment: Left: Tipping bucket, Right: S olinst level logger (US GS )
29 Green roof temperature and moisture content monitoring equipment above and below grade ( Columbia University)
96.3% reduction 97.5% reduction 30 S hows the hydrograph and the volume of runoff from the S eptember 28, 2015 rain event. (Grad Class)
75% reduction 88% reduction 31 S hows the volume of runoff from the October 2, 2015 rain event. (Grad class)
32 S hows the volume of runoff for the Green roofs only, from the October 2, 2015 rain event.. (Grad class)
33 S ignificant nutrient load reduction *Bacteria loading requires further research
Capture 3 more storm events for water quality testing Continue to monitor runoff reduction Further thermal evaluations Monitor & compare plant growth Collaborate with S yracuse University to compare regional differences Local soil mixture 34
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