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Presented By: Ms Duduzile Mahlaba Occupational Medicine Directorate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation on occupational diseases trends North West Klerksdorp region RTF Orkney Golf Club, Klerksdorp 9 th April 2019 Presented By: Ms Duduzile Mahlaba Occupational Medicine Directorate OUTLINE 1. Occupational health performance 1.1

  1. Presentation on occupational diseases trends North West Klerksdorp region RTF Orkney Golf Club, Klerksdorp 9 th April 2019 Presented By: Ms Duduzile Mahlaba Occupational Medicine Directorate

  2. OUTLINE 1. Occupational health performance 1.1 Trends of statutory reporting - AMRs 1.2 Occupational diseases reported on AMRs (10-year trends) 1.3 Overview of national and regional occupational diseases 5-year trends 1.4 Deaths due to occupational diseases & medical: 2016 and 2017 2. HIV & TB South African Mining Industry (SAMI) Journey: Summary 2.1 Trends of HIV counselling: 2013-2017 2.2 Trends of HIV testing: 2013-2017 2.3 Trends of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) screening: 2013-2017 2.4 Achievements (MITHAC) 3. Conclusion

  3. Trends on on an annual l medical l reports (AM (AMRs) su submission: 20 2008 08-2017 2017

  4. AMRs submitted natio tionally an and in in No North Wes est Kle Klerksdorp reg egion: 20 2013 13-2017 17

  5. Total occupational diseases reported on AMR by all mines: 2008-2017

  6. Total reported silicosis cases and rates/1000: 2008-2017

  7. Total silicosis cases reported nationally and in NW: K region: 2013-2017 AMRs

  8. Total reported PTB cases and rates/1000: 2008-2017 AMRs

  9. Total PTB cases reported nationally and in NW: K region: 2013-2017 AMRs

  10. Total reported NIHL cases rates/1000: 2008-2017 AMRs

  11. Total NIHL cases reported nationally and in NW: K region: 2013-2017 AMRs

  12. Total rep eported Silic Silico-tuberculosis is (S (Sil il+TB) case ses rep eported by y all all min ines: 2008 2008-2017 AMRs

  13. Total Si Sil+ l+TB B cas ases repor orted na nati tionally an and in NW:K reg egio ion: 2013 2013-2017 AM AMRs

  14. Othe ther oc occupatio ional dise diseases s rep epor orted na natio ionall lly and in in NW:K regio egion: 201 2013-2017 AMRs Rs

  15. Barotrauma cases reported from NW: K region gold mines' 2013-2017 AMRs: in NW:K region: 2013-2017 AMRs

  16. De Deaths due to oc occupational l dis iseases: 20 2016 16 an and 20 2017 17 AMRs

  17. Medical l deaths per r region: 20 2016 16 an and 20 2017 17 AMRs

  18. HIV IV & TB So South Afric ican Min inin ing In Industry ry (S (SAMI) Jou Journey: Su Summary 2013: CIoM issued Instruction on DMR 164 Form 2012: MITHAC developed DMR 164 Form 2011: MHSC Summit MITHAC established Early 2010: “Status of TB & HIV not known although the SAMI acknowledged TB & HIV as a workplace issue”

  19. Trends of of HIV IV counselli lling: : 20 2013 13-2017 2017

  20. Trends of of HIV IV testing: 20 2013 13-2017 2017

  21. Trends of of PTB scr screenin ing: 20 2013 13-2017 2017

  22. Ach chievements ts: : MITH ITHAC 2014-2017  Mine reporting on DMR 164 Form  Revision of ITP Policy in collaboration with the NDoH to administer ITP to mine employees living with HIV  Development of Compendium on TB leading practices that can be adapted/adopted for implementation to reduce the incidence of TB in SAMI  Policy on the integrated management and reporting and reporting for HIV, Aids, TB and Occupational Lung Diseases (OLD) in SAMI  Revision of the TB Guidance Note  DMR 164 Form reviewed to incorporate information on 90/90/90 end TB strategy.

  23. Conclusion Revised Airborne Pollutants Guideline and developed Standard Threshold Shift (STS) Guidance Note popularized in all regions 1. Mines to improve on the timeous submission of statutory reports. 2. The observed increasing trends of NIHL cases remains a concern. 3. The Noise Guideline is currently under review at MOHAC. 4. The industry still needs to focus more on encouraging mine employees to partake in the HCT programmes to reach the set target.

  24. Tog ogether we e can pr prevent th the incidence of of occ occupational l dise disease ses and and improve heal health in SAM AMI

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