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Presented By: Curtis R. Wright 909-833-5420 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presented By: Curtis R. Wright 909-833-5420 S&W Nuisance Abatement Attorneys I. Code Enforcement Law II. III. Admin, Civil, Criminal IV. Receiverships Inspect/Abate Warrants V. VI. Marijuana Regulations VII.

  1. Presented By: Curtis R. Wright 909-833-5420

  2. S&W Nuisance Abatement Attorneys I. Code Enforcement Law II. III. Admin, Civil, Criminal IV. Receiverships Inspect/Abate Warrants V. VI. Marijuana Regulations VII. Police Services VIII. Cost Recovery

  3. D ISCLAIMER These slides are intended for discussion I. purposes only. II. These slides are not intended to be legal advice. III. You should consult your own attorney, City Attorney, or City Prosecutor about specific matters related to any topics discussed herein.

  4. SB 946 S TREET V ENDING Prohibits Criminalization of Street Vending I. A. Food & Merchandise B. 2019 — Dismissal, Expungement, & Penalties Unenforceable. Restricts Regulations II. A. Cannot prohibit in public right-of-way unless HSW. B. Cannot prohibit stationary vendors in local parks unless exclusive agreement. C. Cannot prohibit roaming vendors in parks or residential. D. Cannot regulate TPM in a park unless HSW, to protect use and enjoyment of amenities, or concentration. E. Cannot restrict to designated areas unless HSW. F. CA SSN Alternatives.

  5. SB 946 S TREET V ENDING Limited Admin Fines Only III. A. $100, $250, $500 B. BL — $250, $500, $1,000 (mandatory reduction once BL obtained) C. Ability to Pay Review (80% reduction) D. Community Service & Other Alternative Options E. No Fines for Failure to Pay Permissible Regulations IV. A. Motorized Vendors B. Business License C. Exclusive Stationary Vending Agreements in Parks D. Temp exclusion from Special Events E. HSW & TPM F. Concentration Limits; Park Closure Hours; etc

  6. AB 626 M ICRO H OME K ITCHEN Microenterprise Home Kitchen I. A. H&S Code B. Food Facility in Private Home. C. Food Prepared, Stored, Handled, & Served. II. City Must Allow if County Allows A. Reduced DPH Requirements. B. Handwashing; Toilets; Building Structure; Unnecessary Persons; etc.

  7. AB 626 M ICRO H OME K ITCHEN III. Valid Regulations A. DPH Permit B. Initial Inspection (Cause Only Re-Inspections) C. Meal Limits: 30/day & 60/week D. $50,000 Sales Limit E. Outdoor Signage; Noise; etc F. Internet Intermediary Regulations

  8. H OMELESS E PIDEMIC California Statistics (2017) I. A. 134,278 Homeless (24% of Nation; 14% Increase) B. 91,642 Unsheltered (68%) C. 12,749 Unsheltered Children (9%) D. 1,451 Unsheltered Parentless Children Mental Health Disorders II. A. 33% Severe Mental Illness B. Incapable of Self-Care, Relationships, Rationality C. Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, HIV, TB, Disease, Drugs

  9. H OMELESS V IOLATIONS Private Property I. A. Trespass, Vandalism, Crime II. Public Property A. Soliciting, Camping, Crime B. “Homeless Camps” or “Tent Cities” III. Crime A. Fire, Violence, Theft, Intoxication, Drugs, Prostitution, Defecation, Urination, Nuisances, Disease, Blight

  10. H OMELESS S OLUTIONS Shelters I. II. Mental Health Services III. Medical Services

  11. H OMELESS S OLUTIONS IV. No Place Like Home Program A. $2 Billion Funding (2018). Joint Powers Agreement V. A. AB 1403. City & Non-Profit. VI. Demographics A. Volume, Age, Race, Season, Location, Mental Status, Health Challenges, Vagrancy Reasons, Weather. VII. Stakeholders A. Homeless, Officials, Churches, Non-Profits, Businesses, Neighbors.

  12. E NFORCEMENT I SSUES Right to Exist ( Los Angeles ; Boise ) I. A. Camping Prohibited on Private & Public Property. B. Insufficient Shelters. No Criminal Intent. C. 8 Amend Cruel & Unusual: must punish conduct, not homeless status. Available Shelter Issues II. A. Public v. Private. B. Use Restrictions: Sober; Disturbances; Limited Nights; Religious Training; etc. C. Enough beds for some, but not all.

  13. E NFORCEMENT I SSUES III. Property Rights A. 90 Day Hold. B. Destruction Liability. C. Holding Area Distance ( Orange County ). IV. Cure or Displacement A. Where to go? B. Sidewalks C. Underpasses D. Parks (Hours; Where?) E. Camps (Regulation?)

  14. E NFORCEMENT O PTIONS Admin Cite I. A. Ineffectual — nothing to lose. Property Forfeiture II. A. Fairness; Hold Period; Health Hazard; Holding Area Dist. III. Criminal Prosecution A. Boise . IV. Diversion Programs A. Grants; Social Organizations. Property Owner Enforcement V. A. Double Victimization.

  15. Presented By: Curtis R. Wright 909-833-5420

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