presentation week1

Presentation Week1 Hanan Alnizami sdsa Week 1 Plans Tasks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation Week1 Hanan Alnizami sdsa Week 1 Plans Tasks Accomplishments Problems Problems Whats Learnt Future Plan Hanan Alnizami- week 1 2 presentation sdsa Plans for week 1: Reading Problem

  1. Presentation Week1 Hanan Alnizami

  2. sdsa •Week 1 Plans •Tasks •Accomplishments •Problems •Problems •What’s Learnt •Future Plan Hanan Alnizami- week 1 2 presentation

  3. sdsa Plans for week 1: •Reading •Problem Solving/Research •Java Programming- NetBeans •Familiar with Java Swing, •Java binding OpenGL •DMP Webpage •Projects Hanan Alnizami- week 1 3 presentation

  4. sdsa Chapter 1: •Central Processing Unit (CPU)- read, carry out. •Polling and Interrupts– asynchronous events. •Machine Language and high-level Programming languages. •Compilers and Interpreters. •Subroutines: Chunks of code. •Subroutines: Chunks of code. •Java– platform-independent Language. •Why Java?! •Communication and Integration. •Flexible. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 4 presentation

  5. sdsa Tasks: •DMP webpage: •Making the DMP webpage. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 5 presentation

  6. sdsa Tasks (cont): •DMP webpage: •Making the DMP webpage—Blog. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 6 presentation

  7. sdsa Tasks (cont): •DMP webpage: •Making the DMP webpage—Applet. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 7 presentation

  8. sdsa Tasks (cont) : •Projects: •Java Application– Hello World! Hanan Alnizami- week 1 8 presentation

  9. sdsa Tasks (cont) : •Projects (cont): •Java Application to Applet Hanan Alnizami- week 1 9 presentation

  10. sdsa Tasks (cont) : •Projects (cont.): •Implementing JApplet in HTML Hanan Alnizami- week 1 10 presentation

  11. sdsa Tasks (cont) : •Projects (cont.): •Rendering Cube using LWJGL Hanan Alnizami- week 1 11 presentation

  12. sdsa Accomplished: •Hello World! project •JApplet in HTML implementation •DMP student Web page setup. Partially Accomplished: •Research Project 3 [rendering cube]. •Reading Hanan Alnizami- week 1 12 presentation

  13. sdsa What’s learnt: •Research/ Problem Solving •Java Programming- NetBeans, OpenGL •Integrating Applet into HTML •Patience! Patience! AND Patience! Hanan Alnizami- week 1 13 presentation

  14. sdsa Future Plan: •Reading more documents! •Less Whining more work! •Driving Evie Insane! •Taking notes! Hanan Alnizami- week 1 14 presentation

  15. Literature Review Games, Stories or Something More Something More Traditional Hanan Alnizami

  16. sdsa Motivation •Declination of enrollment to CS •Ways to: •Examine-project types •Increase submission •Increase motivation Hanan Alnizami- week 1 16 presentation

  17. sdsa •Proposed Solution: •Using games as a teaching tool appeals more to students than the traditional Assignments •. •. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 17 presentation

  18. sdsa Study- Project 1: • Choose your own subject • Open Ended • Could not include story telling projects in Java portion of plans. projects in Java portion of plans. Hanan Alnizami- week 1 18 presentation

  19. sdsa Study- Project 2: 1. Game 2. Adventure Story 3. Recursive Skeleton Reversal Hanan Alnizami- week 1 19 presentation

  20. sdsa The End Hanan Alnizami- week 1 20 presentation

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