presentation to town of fort erie council december 2 2019

Presentation to Town of Fort Erie Council December 2, 2019 Town has - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation to Town of Fort Erie Council December 2, 2019 Town has met all of its compliance requirements under the AODA, related to Customer Service Information and Communication Employment Transportation Design of

  1. Presentation to Town of Fort Erie Council December 2, 2019

  2.  Town has met all of its’ compliance requirements under the AODA, related to ◦ Customer Service ◦ Information and Communication ◦ Employment ◦ Transportation ◦ Design of Public Spaces  Legislation requires Multi-Year Accessibility Plan be put in place, similar to other long-term plans. 2

  3.  Commitment of funding by Council  Commenting on and implementing new legislation  Review of Site Plans and other Town Plans  Removal of barriers that were identified by the Community and by AAC members  Representation and interaction with other organizations throughout the community, Region and Province 3

  4.  As the Town has met compliance requirements under the AODA, the AAC felt that it was important to reach out to the community. ◦ A public consultation campaign began with the AAC participating in Ridgefest ◦ An on-line survey ran from August 19 to September 22 and social media was used as well as advertising in the local paper ◦ Hard copies were available at Town Hall and the computer in the atrium was set up for those that wanted to complete the survey on-line 4

  5.  Participants were asked three questions: 1) What barriers to mu munic icipal s serv rvic ices do you feel are still occurring? 2) What other barriers in the commu mmunity ty would you like to see addressed? How do they affect you and your family? 3) What does an accessible community look like to you? 5

  6. 1) What barriers to munic icip ipal s l servic ices do you feel are still occurring? Majority of comments related to lack of parking in downtown cores, signage, and ◦ sidewalk snow removal. General comments reflected that the Town takes accessibility concerns seriously. It is important that we not only work at removing identified barriers but do not create any new barriers. 2) What other barriers in the community would you like to see addressed? How do they affect you and your family? ◦ Commercial buildings and churches need ramps, handrails, etc. many are not accessible ◦ Awareness about services that are available for veterans and persons with disabilities ◦ Lack of accessible parking ◦ Need for affordable housing for seniors and persons with disabilities 3) What does an accessible community look like to you? Barrier Free; where we can all participate; accessibility is considered a right and not a ◦ privilege or inconvenience 6

  7. THAT: the Town of Fort Erie continues to meet its obligations under the AODA; THAT: the Town of Fort Erie pro-actively inspect, maintain and clear sidewalks and curb cuts to ensure a smooth path of travel for all residents; THAT: based on feedback received during the public consultation, the Town of Fort Erie’s Traffic Coordinating Committee, in consultation with the AAC, review on-street parking and municipal parking lots and create new accessible parking spaces closer to buildings, where determined; THAT: all future Administrative Reports to Council include under “Financial/Staffing implications” the wording “and AODA Considerations” that will require staff to consider any accessibility impacts and ensure that new barriers are not created; THAT: the AAC are consulted on all applicable Master Plans, Neighbourhood Plans and major projects to ensure no new barriers are created; THAT: the AAC continues to work with businesses and organizations to improve access and create a more inclusive experience; and THAT: the Town Council acknowledges the work being done to create a more inclusive community on an annual basis. 7

  8. Above photo and commentary from Re: International Day for Persons with Disabilities December 3, 2019 8

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