presentation to faculty senate

Presentation to Faculty Senate ! Steve Harmon - PDF document

Process Academic Program Prioritization Ad Hoc Committee Academic Program Prioritization Ad Hoc

  1. �� ���������������������������������������������� Process Academic Program Prioritization Ad Hoc Committee Academic Program Prioritization Ad Hoc Committee Shelly Chabon 
 Mark Jones 
 Professor & Associate Dean, CLAS 
 Professor, Computer Science, MCECS Jon Fink 
 DeLys Ostlund 
 Vice President, Research and Professor of Spanish, World Lang. Strategic Partnerships 
 & Lit, CLAS Kris Henning 
 Barbara Sestak 
 Professor, Criminology and Professor, Architecture, COTA ! Criminal Justice, CUPA ! ! ! Presentation to Faculty Senate ! Steve Harmon 
 Committee March 3, 2014 Curriculum Coordinator, Support Academic Affairs Committee Charge Committee Charge Develop the initial groundwork for 
 Develop the initial groundwork for 
 how PSU will conduct its 
 how PSU will conduct its 
 academic program prioritization process academic program prioritization process Committee Charge Committee Charge Develop the initial groundwork for 
 Develop the initial groundwork for 
 how PSU will conduct its 
 how PSU will conduct its 
 academic program prioritization process academic program prioritization process or “Program Array Review” not to be confused with “Academic Program Review”

  2. Mission 
 Portfolio/Array and Goals of Programs 3 Oversight Program Array Review Program Array Review Plans Assessment 1 Analysis Understanding 2 Mission 
 Portfolio/Array Portfolio/Array and Goals and Goals of Programs of Programs 3 3 Why do Oversight Oversight This is about taking Program Array Program Array we need a stock , developing a Review Review process Plans Plans university-wide understanding of like this? Assessment Assessment 1 1 who we are and Analysis Analysis what we do Understanding Understanding 2 2 Mission 
 Portfolio/Array Portfolio/Array and Goals and Goals of Programs of Programs 3 Oversight Without it, we risk: 
 Without it, we risk: 
 Program Array Program Array Review Review Decision making Plans Stagnation, Plans in a vacuum inability to Assessment 1 respond & Analysis Analysis reallocate Understanding Understanding resources 2 2

  3. Specifics of Charge 1. Identify and investigate approaches used at other universities (including feedback from participating faculty and administrators) 
 2. Recommend a framework for PSU 
 Plan of Work 3. Determine a timeline and representation on subsequent committee(s) 
 4. Provide a definition for what constitutes a program and the scope of the review Also in Scope Beyond our Scope Discussion of values: ! Selection of assessment criteria ! Shared governance, Transparency, Trust, … ! ! Identifying specific data that will be ! Distinguishing/unique characteristics of PSU required 
 (and establishing mechanisms to obtain it) Timeline We want your input! Shelly Chabon 
 Mark Jones 
 Feb 18: Apr 7: Final … next steps Professor & Associate Dean, CLAS 
 Professor, Computer Science, Committee recommendations MCECS 
 begin … 
 formed to Senate Jon Fink 
 DeLys Ostlund 
 Vice President, Research and Professor of Spanish, World Lang. Strategic Partnerships 
 & Lit, CLAS Kris Henning 
 Barbara Sestak 
 Professor, Criminology and Professor, Architecture, COTA ! Mar 3: Initial May 5: Steering/Provost Criminal Justice, CUPA ! ! ! presentation present formal charge for to Senate working committee(s) to Steve Harmon 
 Committee begin the assessment Curriculum Coordinator, Support Academic Affairs 


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