Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 1/9 Presentation Plan: 1 hour training Inclusive classrooms aim to serve the needs of all students, regardless of background, identity, or academic skillset. These intentional learning environments leverage fmexible content delivery, provide targeted instruction, and encourage student refmection and ownership. Tools such as Microsoft Translator and Offjce Lens can enhance teachers’ current efgorts to meet diverse needs within inclusive classrooms. Engage Prior to presentation • Display the slide instructing participants to download Microsoft Translator and Offjce Lens to their mobile devices. This serves as a reminder for those who did not have a chance to do this prior to training. Essential Questions 2-5 minutes • What is possible when you work through language barriers to communicate efgectively with students and families? • What could you accomplish if you could easily create digital content – without the help of the photocopier? Discuss 3-5 minutes • “Do you experience language barriers with students It’s okay to and families?” get real. • “Do you use paper-based resources that you wish were digital?” Introduce MS Translator & Offjce Lens 3-5 minutes • Allows communication in just about any language with various members of the school community
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 2/9 Introduce MS Translator & Offjce Lens (Continued) • • Allows educators to quickly and easily create digital content Watch: • Play video MS Translator in Education. Explain, Explore, Experience Microsoft Translator 2-5 minutes Explain: How to use each of the four buttons on the MS Translator app’s home screen. Explore: (Circulate and provide assistance as needed) • Participants use the app on their own devices and practice using each of the four core buttons on the home screen. Experience: Prompt participants to: • Get with a partner or into small groups. • Find the questions posted around the room. • Use MS Translator to scan the question and translate into English. • Discuss and answer questions once translated. • Move on to each question and repeat the discussion process. Offjce Lens 2-5 minutes Explain: • View Offjce Lens video. • Talk about Offjce Lens features. Explore: (Circulate and provide assistance as needed) • Ask participants to open the Offjce Lens app on their devices and try turning one of their handouts into a digital version.
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 3/9 Offjce Lens (Continued) Experience: • Pass out a printed handout that is text-based. • Participants use Offjce Lens to turn it into a Word document (ex: .docx). • Participants save it to OneDrive or email it to themselves. • Participants use a device to open that new Word document and edit it. Elaborate 1 minute Quiet refmection • Review Essential Questions. • Prompt: “Now that you have learned about MS Translator and Offjce Lens, take some time to refmect on how these apps will enhance your classroom and professional practice.” Share out 4 minutes • Discuss in small groups. Time to witness the • Ask for a few examples to be shared with the whole group. teacher magic! Evaluate Complete survey 1 minute • Prompt participants to complete exit ticket Microsoft Forms Survey using laptop or mobile device. Provide the link or allow participants to access via QR code in the Slide Deck.
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 4/9 Supplies Presenter Breathe. • WiFi access • Laptop or mobile device with access to Microsoft Offjce 365 and login credentials; power cord for laptop or mobile device • Projection capability Probably a • Speaker for external audio few more... • Dongle to connect to projector • Printed copies of Skills Checklist • Any Microsoft Word-based document to hand out • Printed copies of translation posters to hang around room (See Appendix) Participant • Smartphone with Microsoft Translator and Offjce Lens (logged in with professional Offjce 365 account) downloaded prior to training • Laptop • Offjce 365 login credentials Suggested classroom device access To implement the above activities, we suggest access to a Windows 10 computer with: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit) 16 GB of free hard disk space Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver A Microsoft account and internet access
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 5/9 What you need to get started: (Continued) Software requirements: You know, more computer Computer: Windows 10; Offjce 2013 or later; .Net Framework stufg. 4.5.0 or later Mobile: iOS 10.0 or later; Android 4.3 or later Account: O365 for EDU account or a general Microsoft account Appendix Keep going...
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 6/9 Appendix Directions: Print the following three pages, then display each around the room before the presentation begins. Below are the questions and translations together for reference. Swedish: Vilket är ditt favorit sätt att hedra de olika kulturerna i dina elevers familjer? (Translation: What is your favorite way to honor the various cultures of your students’ families?) Italian: Qual è il tuo cibo preferito da una cultura diversa dalla tua? (Translation: What is your favorite food from a culture other than your own?) Portuguese: Dado ilimitado recursos e tempo, que tipo de viagem de campo que você planeja para seus alunos? (Translation: Given unlimited resources and time, what type of fjeld trip would you plan for your students?)
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 7/9 Appendix (Continued) Swedish: Vilket är ditt favorit sätt att hedra de olika kulturerna i dina elevers familjer?
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 8/9 Appendix (Continued) Italian: Qual è il tuo cibo preferito da una cultura diversa dalla tua?
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms 9/9 Appendix (Continued) Portuguese: Dado ilimitado recursos e tempo, que tipo de viagem de campo que você planeja para seus alunos?
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