presentation overview

Presentation Overview Hello! Master Planning Process What Weve - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation Overview Hello! Master Planning Process What Weve Heard Next Steps Master Plan Purpose The purpose of the master plan study is to provide a policy framework to manage and sustain parks and recreation programs and facilities

  1. Presentation Overview Hello! Master Planning Process What We’ve Heard Next Steps

  2. Master Plan Purpose The purpose of the master plan study is to provide a policy framework to manage and sustain parks and recreation programs and facilities over the next 15 years

  3. Master Plan Objectives Review Compile and Develop Conduct Assess Analyze Identify complete Review existing Compile and complete Develop a service Conduct a robust and Assess how well the Analyze revenue Identify potential policies and a full demographic profile of parks and inclusive engagement Municipality is generation and partnership initiatives procedures related to profile of The Nation recreation facilities, program – in both positioned to provide potential cost to promote and park and recreation; Municipality; and their amenities; official languages that programs and services efficiencies within enhance existing includes; staff, key for residents and Parks and Recreation recreational resources stakeholders and the facility users, now and in terms of capacity, and service delivery. public; in the future; cost recovery, and potential new sources, to maximize operating and capital funding needs; and

  4. Master Plan Timelines Demographic analysis & community profile Consultations: interviews, focus Consultation analysis groups, committee workshop, pop-up Final plan and presentation to Council event Council presentation June September December-January July – August October-November Background Report Draft Plan Consultations: community workshop, Community Open House survey Refinements to draft plan

  5. Community Engagement POP-UP EVENT Community Day (Limoges) WORKSHOPS 5 INTERVIEWS 1 3 St. Albert and St. Isidore Members of Council OPEN HOUSE 2 4 6 Limoges and Fournier FOCUS SURVEYS GROUPS 5 sessions with 31 Telephone and participants online

  6. What We’ve Heard

  7. Community Engagement – Our Strengths Strong sense of Strong and dedicated Range of services and community and pride in volunteer base programs heritage Desire by residents to be Municipal support of Keen interest in making engaged in the planning volunteer events and best use of existing of parks and recreation activities spaces across the Municipality

  8. Community Engagement - Our Challenges Strong connection to Need to keep existing Can be a lack of coordination community, yet not a clear facilities well maintained and among all the Municipal identity for The Nation up-to-date events and activities Municipality Need to ensure AODA More communication and requirements are being met engagement

  9. Community Engagement - Our Opportunities Encourage multi-generational, Create opportunities to attract Best use of existing facilities, multi-functional and more residents to parks and halls and parks interactive spaces that recreation activities and events promote community Develop Plan on a strong Equitable access to services by foundation of data and all residents is an important research analysis including best principle for stakeholders and practices residents

  10. Community Engagement - Our Opportunities Local committees established to Improved communication and More partnerships (i.e. with local work with residents and Staff and connection amongst municipality, businesses, neighbouring Council to keep halls, parks, and community groups and partners communities) other facilities vibrant Explore various funding New features and programs for opportunities the future

  11. • Two components with separate analysis • Telephone: fully random, 300 responses • On-line: non-random, 310 responses • Reported Findings: • Survey Findings in this presentation are for the statistically valid telephone sample • Administration Randomized, telephone surveys are geared to locations that have a telephone (land line & mobile) • Survey sample reflects The Nation demographics • Findings from both ‘pools’ of information are remarkably similar

  12. Community Engagement – Survey Results SATISFACTION - OUTDOOR SATISFACTION - INDOOR Unsure, 2 Dissatisfied, Unsure, 4 13 Dissatisfied, 20 Neutral, 19 Satisfied, 61 Neutral, 16 Satisfied, 66

  13. Community Engagement – Survey Results What would you like to see offered? Music programs Tennis Squash Youth programs Floor/ball hockey Gardenng Seniors activities Sports Cycle Paths Dance Baseball/softball Walking/running Soccer Skating/hockey Arts and crafts Yoga/Zumba Don't know Exercise/fitness Swimming 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

  14. Community Engagement – Survey Results What are the reasons you use these facilities and programs? 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Program not offered Facilities not offered Don't know Closer to To exercise/keep fit More for children Use the pool work/home/school

  15. Community Engagement – Survey Results Total Neutral Total Unsure Disagree Agree 29% 16% 54% 1% Q9a. “I feel that the Municipality should keep all parks and community centres functional regardless of usage or cost” Q9b. “I feel that there should be different rental or fee rates 10% 14% 74% 1% for facilities, depending on a groups’ status in the community (e.g. not for profit, volunteer, for- profit) ”

  16. Community Engagement – Survey Results HOW DO YOU FEEL PARKS OR RECREATION SERVICES SHOULD BE FUNDED Increased property taxes Don't know 1% Increased user fees 10% 10% Would not support 5% A combination taxes and user fees 12% Special levy 5% Funding through partnerships 57%

  17. Community Engagement – Survey Results WHAT WOULD YOU SUGGEST AS THE BEST WAY TO CONNECT AND COORDINATE THE VARIOUS RECREATION NEEDS OF THE MUNICIPALITY Don't know 13% One recreation committee 23% Citizens introduce directly to Council 26% Two recreation committees Left to Staff and Council (east and west) 5% 33%

  18. Community Engagement – Survey Results COMMUNICATION EQUITY Strongly Don't Know Disagree Unsure, 6% 6% 5% Disagree Strongly 5% Agree 32% Poor, 28% Good, 40% Neutral 11% Agree Neutral, 26% 41%

  19. • Strong desire for enhanced program offerings; most can be accommodated within existing facility mix • Equity of parks and recreation across the Municipality is an important principle • New amenities and maintaining infrastructure are high priorities Survey • Emphasis to explore mix of funding Observations opportunities • Partnerships are key part of funding mix • Need to enhance communication and coordination • Recreation committee • Community unaware of many efforts; need to expand marketing efforts to create awareness

  20. • Volunteer capacity is critical to the provision of programs • Equity of parks and recreation across the Municipality is an important principle • Strong connection to community and heritage Local • Opportunities exist to: • Observations Ensure facilities are effectively utilized and maintained • Increase hub development • Enhance communication and coordination • Ensure parks and recreation spaces are accessible • Explore mix of funding opportunities

  21. Next Steps Consolidate and analyze consultation results Sept Oct Draft Master Plan Oct Community Open House Prepare Final Plan Nov Presentation to Council Jan

  22. Questions



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