presentation of t e international company limited


PRESENTATION OF T&E INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED T&E International Company Limited (T & E) has been established since 1993 as a 100% Myanmar owned company and has steadily expanded its activities, especially in the fields of Oil &

  1. PRESENTATION OF T&E INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED T&E International Company Limited (T & E) has been established since 1993 as a 100% Myanmar owned company and has steadily expanded its activities, especially in the fields of Oil & Gas, Energy and Water. T&E is a Limited Company managed by U Nyi Nyi On Tin, and employs a staff of 25 persons in its centrally located head office, not including staff hired by T&E for account of partners (about 150). Those activities encompass: a. Catering services T&E provided catering services to several Oil & Gas companies: - Total Exploration & Production Myanmar (operator of Yadana gas field, largest foreign investment in Myanmar until recently), - Premier Petroleum Myanmar Limited (now PC Myanmar (Hong Kong) Ltd) & contractor Mac Connell Dowell - Tidewater. (Supply Boats) - T&E also acted as catering operator during 12 years for Myanmar Ivanhoe Copper Company Limited, a j/v company established by Ivanhoe Mining Company with Ministry of Mines) - T&E is able to offer catering services either through staff canteen at head office, or in the fields (onshore & offshore Oil & Gas, mining and construction sites). b. Security T&E has been active in security services for more than 10 years. This activity, which started with Total E&P Myanmar, has been extended, mostly to hotels and commercial offices, with more than 35 guards selected and trained who can insure 24 hrs/day security. c. Logistics T&E acts as provider of logistical support for foreign companies entering Myanmar, such as NES, VINARCO, SPIE OIL & GAS, EGIS EAU, IOTA, PT IS, ABI Singapore, TRACTEBEL GROUP, etc…This activity encompasses, but is not limited to the following tasks: Arrangement of visas, stay permits, multi re-entry visa, FRC forms, departure forms. - - Logistical support during transit time in Yangon. - Land transport services - Office & Guest House accommodation (Temporary or Long term) - Assisting the needs of foreign staff while in Myanmar - Provision of short term office (fully equipped) next to T&E office Page 1 of 4

  2. - Assistance (legal, accounting) for local registration - Recruitment of local staff d. Facility Maintenance Services T&E has provided Facility Maintenance Services to Total E & P Myanmar . (head office since 2014, Thaketa base since 2014 to 2016 & rented premises since 2014 to 2015, Services performed include:  Power Generation  Power Distribution (including the distribution panels)  Water Production  Water Distribution(including the isolation valves)  Water Treatment  Waste Water Treatment  Fire Fighting System (when required)  HVAC Generation  HVAC Distribution (except users devices)  Building maintenance This service is performed 24 hours/day, 7days/week by 15 employees, such as engineers, technicians & skilled laborer’s specially recruited and trained by T&E to meet client’s specific requirements. e. Other Services provided to Total E&P Myanmar T&E acts as provider of Technical Assistance Services & Manpower Services for Total E&P Myanmar request in different fields (Yangon, Pipeline Center, Metering Station, Kanbauk & Yadana Offshore) such as provision of services for Corporate Social Responsibility Program with altogether more than 75 permanent staff on T&E payroll. T&E has delivered environmental equipment (high temperature incinerator with smoke treatment compliant with EU rules) to Total E&P Myanmar. T&E also acts as Manpower Service provider of JLL, IOTA, Vinarco Thailand (since 2014 to 2017) and currently with MPH, NES, AFD-French Development Agency altogether with 20 employees. f. Maintenance for Hotels This activity is run by T&E with technical support from Allied Metals Co., Ltd., the largest manufacturer of kitchen equipment and kitchenware in Thailand, to several hotels (Sedona Mandalay Hotel, Micasa Hotel & Governor’s Residence, have been equipped. T&E is fabricating locally made stainless steel kitchen equipment with its own design and its Page 2 of 4

  3. techniques concentrated mainly on safety for the customers, plus one year warranty for the each equipment produced and sold by T&E to Sunny Paradise & Ocean Paradise (Ngwe Saung), Blue Bird Hotel (Bagan), Baloons Over Bagan, Royal Hinthar Hotel (Mawlamyaing), Wynn Hotel, Utopia -Kyauk Taung (Kandawgyi garden) etc.. T&E also provides technical advice, design, installations, repair and maintenance service jobs on commercial kitchens. g. Consulting Services for International Groups. T & E has been involved in several industrial projects involving foreign investors and contractors, providing logistical & administration support as well as commercial assistance for negotiations in Yangon and with Myanmar authorities in Nay Pi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay. T&E acts as consultant or agent for several international companies, under contracts including confidentiality clauses. Selected references are available upon request. T&E has provided Sub-consultancy Services to TRACTEBEL projects in Myanmar. h. Urban development in the field of environment (YCDC) T&E has developed local expertise in the field of environment for large cities in cooperation with foreign partners. - with Yangon City Development Committee which manages the city of Yangon (6 MM inhabitants): - delivery of water pumps by Degremont, - construction of pre stressed concrete pressure pipes plant (Bonna Sabla process) by Sogea, - French-funded feasibility study (Fasep) on non revenue water in partnership with EGIS EAU (CDC Group) - Pilot project on non revenue water with technical assistance from WMI (VINCI group) under Small & Medium Enterprises alliance for Drinking water losses reduction and control business in Yangon City funded by GIZ (Germany) i. Business Development as A Sole Agent T&E is a sole agent for business development of SAINT-GOBAIN PAM, France for its products such as ductile iron pipes, valves and accessories for the potable and sewage water. T&E supplied its products to Mandalay City Development Committee and Manila Water in Yangon. j. Membership at Asian Development Bank T&E is a consultant management system (CMS) member of Asian Development Bank started from 2013. CMS Registration number is 014525. Contact Person : Nyi Nyi On Tin Managing Director :No. 17 (B), 4 th Lane, Address West Shwegondine, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar Page 3 of 4

  4. Tel :( 95 1 ) 510933, 525737, 539839, 549893, 372442 h/p : ( 95 9 ) 500 3285 Fax : ( 95 1) 510933, 549893 Email : Page 4 of 4


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