presentation id l2 overview 402 8 mip timing detector

[Presentation ID#] L2 Overview: 402.8 MIP Timing Detector Chris Neu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

[Presentation ID#] L2 Overview: 402.8 MIP Timing Detector Chris Neu Fermilab Directors Review April 4, 2018 Outline System Requirements Conceptual Design, Maturity Scope/Deliverables In this talk I am describing US contribuJons to

  1. [Presentation ID#] L2 Overview: 402.8 MIP Timing Detector Chris Neu Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018

  2. Outline § System Requirements § Conceptual Design, Maturity § Scope/Deliverables In this talk I am describing US contribuJons to the MTD as a § Resource OpJmizaJon planning package. § OrganizaJon § Interfaces Hence the MTD porJon of the project will be at a different level § Technical Progress to Date of maturity relaJve to the other § Plan for CD-2/Preliminary Design subprojects. § Cost The specificity of the contents of § Schedule this plan (WBS, KPPs, BoEs) will § Risk increase as the project evolves. § ESH&Q § Breakout Session topics § Summary Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 2

  3. Biographical Sketch § Chris Neu § Associate Professor, University of Virginia (2008-present) § InsJtuJonal experJse on crystal scinJllators for calorimetry, radiaJon tolerant photodetectors § Co-convener of the MTD SimulaJon and Performance group § Member of the MTD Steering Group § Formerly a member of CDF as a graduate student (OSU, 98-03) working on the XFT track trigger, and as a postdoc (Penn, 03-08) working on the L2 trigger upgrade for Run IIb § Physics interests: top-Higgs coupling, top quark measurements, dark mader Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 3

  4. CMS HL-LHC Upgrade Overview Barrel Calorimeter Trigger/HLT/DAQ • New FE/BE electronics for full granularity • Track informaJon in trigger at 40 MHz readout at 40 MHz - with improved Jme • 12.5 µs latency resoluJon • HLT input/output 750/7.5 kHz • Lower ECAL operaJng temperature (8 ∘ C) Muon systems • New DT & CSC FE/BE electronics • New staJon to complete CSC at 1.6 < η < 2.4 • Extended coverage to η ≃ 3 New Endcap Calorimeters • Rad. tolerant - High granularity transverse and longitudinal • 4D shower measurement including precise Beam radiaJon and luminosity Jming capability Common systems and infrastructure New Tracker MIP Timing Detector • Rad. tolerant - increased granularity - lighter • Barrel layer: Crystal + SiPM • 40 MHz selecJve readout (strips) for Trigger • Endcap layer: Low Gain Avalanche Diodes • Extended coverage to η ≃ 3.8 Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 4

  5. Charge #1 402.8 Requirements: Science Drivers § HL-LHC: large increase in beam intensity – and consequent number of simultaneous pp collisions (pileup, PU) § Baseline: Peak L = 5.0E34 cm -2 s -1 à 140 PU § UlJmate: Peak L = 7.5E34 cm -2 s -1 à 200 PU average average § For comparison: § LHC: Peak L = 1.5E34 cm -2 s -1 à <PU> ≈30 § UlJmate total integrated luminosity of HL- LHC era dependent on choice of peak running condiJons for luminosity leveling, which is informed by detector performance at high PU § Significant loss in performance at 200 PU due to influence of tracks from un- interesJng PU interacJons on measurements from ~1 interacJon we really care about in a given beam crossing Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 5

  6. Charge #1 402.8 Requirements: Science Drivers § Reduced ability to separate PU interacJons from the hard interacJon at 200 PU § Every object vital to the CMS physics program suffers: § AddiJonal jets are associated with the hard interacJon, spoiling VBF-jet triggered and N jet -categorized analyses § MET measurement suffers – affecJng resoluJon and tails, harming NP searches § LifeJme-based SVs become muddled with irrelevant tracks § Charged leptons appear less isolated, reducing efficiency for lepton-based measurements and searches Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 6

  7. Charge #1 402.8 Requirements: Science Drivers nominal σ t = 180ps nominal σ z = 4.5cm § Although the interacJons significantly overlap in space, they are more separable in space+Jme § With sufficient Jme resoluJon, current 3D PV idenJficaJon can be upgraded to a 4D fit, allowing for more effecJve cleaning of charged parJcle tracks from PU interacJons Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 7

  8. Charge #1 402.8 Requirements: Science Drivers § The CMS MIP Timing Detector (MTD) is an apparatus that provides Jme-of- arrival informaJon for minimum ionizing parJcles (MIPs) with a resoluJon of beder than 50ps (KPPs: DocDB-XXXX) § The majority of parJcles produced in pp interacJons at the LHC are classified as MIPs § Other subsystems have limited Jming capabiliJes for MIPs – or none at all § Hence this addiJonal precision Jming informaJon can be used to help miJgate the impact of PU, providing improved performance at More details in Lindsey Gray’s talk in high PU and extending the CMS the auernoon Breakout Session physics program in the HL-LHC era Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 8

  9. Charge #1 Conceptual Design “BTL” “ETL” Design - Timing resoluJon of 30ps - Cost effecJve design over large area - Marginal impact on rest of CMS constraints: - IntegraJon fits within schedule - Manageable data volume and power - RadiaJon tolerance to 4/ab Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 9

  10. Charge #1 Conceptual Design: Granularity § Granularity choice is a trade- off: § small sensors are less suscepJble to Jme spread, leakage current, etc § small sensors inflate the total channel count, increasing the data volume § Reasonable occupancy: 2-5% § operaJng point that avoids significant impact from deposiJons in subsequent bunch crossings § ResulJng channel area: § Reasonable data volume: § BTL: 11 x 11 mm 2 § ~4TB/s when read out upon § ETL: 1 x 3 mm 2 (x3 ganging for |η|<2.1) trigger w/ zero-suppression scheme Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 10

  11. Charge #1 Conceptual Design: BTL § Tracker support tube will support Al+stainless cooling trays on internal rails § Very compact real estate market in this region § Must accommodate acJve and passive elements, cooling tray § FE readout through TOFHiR boards, to Concentrator Card, all rad-tolerant Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 11

  12. Charge #1 Conceptual Design: ETL § Endcap view: not showing all modules § Wedge view only showing one side Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 12

  13. Conceptual Design: Sensors § LYSO:Ce Jle glued to a Silicon BTL: PhotomulJplier (SiPM) § LYSO:Ce: § fast and bright § SiPM: § small acJve area à low noise § small cell pitch à opJmized choice for PDE, gain, radiaJon tolerance ETL: § Silicon low-gain avalanche detector (LGAD) § Ultra-fast device, opJmized for Jming § Low gain achieved through moderately doped p-implant § Low gain à shot noise is small, below the electronic noise Chris Neu MIP Timing Detector Fermilab Director’s Review April 4, 2018 13

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