Preparing students for COLLEGE CAREER COMMUNITY
MAINLAND’S WALL TO WALL CONCEPT IS A WIN FOR: MAINLAND HI HIGH S H SCHO HOOL Buccaneers wh who rec eceive a e a per ersonal alize zed f four year ear st cent pl plan f n for a 21 st ntury e educ ucation POST SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUT UTIONS of h high gher l lear earning g that at ge get t the e benefit of of col ollege ready students The BUSI SINESS COMM MMUNITY that at wi will fill vac acan ant positions wi with h high ghly q qual alified an and ski kille led w workers The CIT ITY OF D DAYTONA B BEACH that at wi will retai ain res esiden ents wh who ar are e contributing g citizens and nd q qua ualified w workers who will help p to fue uel the l local e econo nomy a and nd m make the city a a better pl place to work a and nd live
Through gh t the e resea earch a and c d caref eful consid ideratio ion of : the vis isio ion an and mis ission of • the school distric ict our ur goals s for every stud student nt • the e needs eeds of the e • communit ity y the cap apac acity o of Mai Mainlan and • High S School ool’s ’s resou ource ces each academ demy has b been een des designed t to be e sel elf-sustain ining .
Ther ere e mus ust b be e an an ent entir irel ely ne new appr pproach ch t to teaching and and l lear earning ning in o in order er to pr provide de a a per ersonal naliz ized ed and and ty 21 st cent quality 2 entury ed educ ucat atio ion. n. .
Every st student at at Main ainlan and Hig igh Sc School b belongs t to an an ac acade ademy. Indiv ividu idual al a and perso sonal aliz ized d pla lans a are re c cre reated f for e or each h stude st dent b base ased o d on their career a r and/or o or other r intere rests
The g gol old stan andard P Proje oject t Based ed exper xperience e encompasses t the r rigo gor and r d rele levance o e of b both t the e Florid ida S a Stan andards s “shif ift” t” and t d the m e mea eaningful l integr gration o of t technology gy int into t the t teaching and and learning e expe perien ence. e.
Stud uden ents w will lea earn t n through rea eal world e exper erien ences es t that will ch challen enge t e them em to rea each ch for or their p poten ential. Ev Ever ery academy d division on w will ll of offer on one o or mor ore of the f follo ollowing: • A s A school ool-bas ased e enterpr pris ise • A s ser ervice ce to t the e sch chool and/or c com ommunity • Internshi hips ps/Externshi hips ps
Culinar ary R Restau auran ant
Tech chno nology Empo powerment nt C Cent nter
Digit igital al D Des esign S Stu tudio
Photograp aphy S Studio io
Web D Desig ign Servic vices
Sch chool ol S Stor ore VyStar Cr Credit it U Unio ion (Pend nding ng) Athletic T Traine ners Robot otics ( (Vex Competitions ns) Productio ion T Technology ( y (Maui N i Nix) Mark rketi eting Organi nic Gardeni ning ng Live e Strea eaming a and nd P Podca casts
Care a and nd Ma Mainten enance o e of Athletic F Fiel elds Land ndscaping ng Recy ecycl cling Translat ating Yearbo book Art Ex Exhibi bitions a and nd P Per erformances Fitne ness Traini ning ng for Athletes Partner erships w with l loca cal F Fire a e and nd Police ce
MAINLAND HIGH SCHOOL PROGRESSIONS B E T H U N E C O O K M A N D A Y T O N A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y C O L L E G E Dual Enr Dua nrollment Oppo pportunities Dual E Enrollmen ment O t Opportu tuniti ties es Associate of Arts Bachelor Degrees Associate of Science New Program Partnerships Occupational Certificates K-12 Education AC, Refrigeration and Heating Mechanic AC, Refrigeration and Heating Technology Sports Management Automotive Collision, Repair and Refinishing Health and Exercise Science Automotive Service Technology Cosmetology and Barbering Pastry and Baking Machining Welding Technology
If M Main ainland Hig High Sc School is is g goin ing to be suc uccessful in n reaching th the g goals set f forth through t the e des escribed initiatives a s and stated philo loso sophy, , then en t the mea e meaningful b branding o of th the p phys ysical s str tructur ure and nd reo eorganization o of t the peo e peopl ple a and thei eir labels c can hel elp t p to s supp pport tha hat j jou ourney thr hrou ough t the he mo motivation a and en enthusiasm it will p ll provide. CONS NSID IDER - - -
GRAHAM’S GALLEON @ the Galleon – a 21 st Century Learning Space
GR GRAH AHAM AM’S GAL GALLEON Reading Are g Area The de deck ck @theG eGalleo lleon Com Computer La Lab The The po port @ @theG eGalleo lleon Starb rboar ard Collab aborati ation L n Lab @theG eGalleo lleon The The emPO POWERm Rment Stu tudent r run un he help d desk sk and t techno nology y ce cent ntre repair s r serv rvice @theG eGalleo lleon
Schoolw lwid ide panel l of stak akeholders t that at inclu lude communi unity, busi usine ness a and post st secon condary educa cation on partners wor orking in con conjunction wi with dis istrict an and s school-based d representativ ives. Th Three Branches Adv dvisory Me Meeting Four P Per er Yea ear
“ One stop s p shoppi ping” ” for s stude dents, s, teachers , , pa parents, a and nd commun unity me members. Parent nt Liaison # #1 – St Student I Iss ssues and d Services es Parent nt Liaison # #2 – Par aren ent /G /Guar ardian Resource ces a and Services es Parent nt Liaison # #3 – Par aren ent an and Com ommu munity S y Services
ADDITI TIONAL AL C COMPONENTS A AND O OPPORTU TUNITI TIES th grade c BUCS 4 4 Lif ife – 9 th course designed t to prepare s students f for success in in schoo ool a and d lif ife – in includes A AVID s stra rategie ies, t technolog ogy trai aining g , PORTFOLIO IO g guidelines, , character e educat ation 24 A Advan anced Plac acement Co Courses Mentoring, g, t tutoring, g, acad ademic i interventions through gh S Student Learning Co g Community L y Labs Tim ime c carved w wit ithin the da day’s s schedule for or teachers rs t to c o col ollaborate Blend nded Learni ning ng, V Virtua ual L Learni ning ng – PERSONA NALIZED L LEARNI RNING NG Scheduled da days wit ith m more ore tim ime p per c r class for or PBL Cl Clubs, S , Sports, O , Organ ganizations, , Co Competitions Care reer Dre Dress Init itiativ ive
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