preparing for your future

PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE Graduation & Post-Secondary Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE Graduation & Post-Secondary Planning Class of 2022 Student Interest Survey Counseling Department Counselors: Ms. Carpio Garcia (Mrs. Vlahakos sub) Ms. Castaneda Ms. Flores

  1. PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE Graduation & Post-Secondary Planning Class of 2022

  2. Student Interest Survey

  3. Counseling Department ● Counselors: ■ Ms. Carpio Garcia (Mrs. Vlahakos’ sub) ■ Ms. Castaneda ■ Ms. Flores ■ Ms. Pérez ■ Mr. Rebello ■ Ms. Wilde ● Guidance Informational Specialists: ■ Mayra Melchor Sanchez, Giulia Solari, & Jerri Port ● College & Career Center: ■ Ms. Ignaitis - Advisor ■ Mr. Kamp - Assistant

  4. Agenda: ○ Career Exploration ■ Why does it matter? ■ Career Interest Profiler - Naviance ■ Understanding & making sense of your Holland Code results ○ Review ■ Graduation & A-G Requirements

  5. Why the emphasis on College and Career Readiness? ● Explore your interests through the Career Interest Profiler and learn about jobs that match your personality. ● Education pays. ● You will be working for the vast majority of your lifetime; have options & choose wisely.

  6. Real life skills that employers are looking for in recent college graduates:

  7. For detailed data, see: Education Pays 2013

  8. WHAT ARE HOLLAND CODES? ● Holland Codes are personality types. ● People who choose to work in environments that are related to their personality type are more likely to feel success and satisfaction.

  9. Your results, “Holland Codes” will look like this:

  10. NAVIANCE ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS 1) Go to: 2) Click on Naviance Icon 3) Log-in to Naviance username: Student ID password: First Initial, Last Initial, 6 digit birthdate

  11. Naviance Home Screen Click on “Careers & Clusters I’m Thinking About”

  12. Click on “Career interest profiler”

  13. CAREER INTEREST PROFILER 1) Read & answer each question a) You have about 30 minutes to complete the Career Interest Profiler 2) Explore your results using O*NET a) Complete the Career Exploration Worksheet

  14. Career Exploration Using O*NET Go to this website: 1. Click on Interests 2. Holland Codes 3. Careers

  15. Group Activity Get in groups of 4 and answer the following questions: ● What are some of the examples of careers that group members found? ● Do you think your codes sound like you? ● From your results, what was the most unusual or unexpected career? Select one group member to share out to the entire class.

  16. REVIEW: Graduation & A-G Requirements

  17. Graduation & A-G Requirements Subject SUHSD Graduation UC & CSU College UC & CSU Required A-G List* College Recommended 3 ½ Years A) Social Studies 2 Years 2 Years (35 credits) 4 B) English 4 4 (40 credits) 2 3 (Alg. & Geom.) C) Math 4 Alg 1, Geom, Alg II (20 credits) 2 2 1 Lab Science D) Science 2 Lab: Biological & Physical 3 (20 credits) Science E) World Language 0 2 3 to 4 1 F) Visual/Performing 1 1 (10 credits) Art 1 Career Technical Ed. 0 (10 credits) 2 Physical Education 0 (20 credits) 1/4 Year Life Skills 0 (2.5 credits) G) Elective 62.5 Credits 1

  18. Credits and Courses Credits: You need 220 credits minimum for graduation ● If you take six classes this year and pass all, how many credits will you have in June 2020? ● If you multiply 60 credits by 4 years = 240! ● F grades don’t give you credits ● D & F grades don’t count for A-G college requirements ● 7 classes & school sports give you additional credits ● Attendance matters

  19. +Understanding your GPA’s Cumulative Weighted: Includes all courses ■ Honors courses calculated w/ 5.0 scale ■ Regular courses calculated w/ 4.0 scale Cumulative Unweighted: Includes all courses ■ All courses calculated using 4.0 scale CA Cal Grant GPA: 10th & 11th grade courses ■ Unweighted ■ Excludes PE and remedial courses ■ Aim for 3.0 or higher = Free $ for college, dependent on family income Weighted 10-12 A-G GPA: ■ Includes only 10th-12th grade courses with a -P or -HP next to the course title

  20. +

  21. CREDIT RECOVERY Cyber High forms are provided to students by their counselor ○ D grade in a required A-G course must be repeated for 4 year college eligibility ○ F grade in required High School course must be repeated for graduation and/or A-G eligibility ○ Pick-up a cyber high application today from your counselor, you do not need to wait until the summer. What other options are there for credit recovery?

  22. Extra-Curricular Activities & Involvement ● Remember that test scores, GPA, and grades are not everything that colleges & scholarship organizations are considering when reviewing your applications. ● What other things can you be doing to stand out in the college admissions process? ● Keep track of all your activities, involvement, work experience, etc. on your Naviance résumé.

  23. Resources to research Colleges & Careers ● O*NET ● College Board: Khan Academy for SAT Prep ● College Board: Big Future ● California Career Zone ● ● University & College websites ● Naviance: Career Interest Profiler, College Search, & SuperMatch


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