PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE Graduation & Post-Secondary Planning Class of 2022
Student Interest Survey
Counseling Department ● Counselors: ■ Ms. Carpio Garcia (Mrs. Vlahakos’ sub) ■ Ms. Castaneda ■ Ms. Flores ■ Ms. Pérez ■ Mr. Rebello ■ Ms. Wilde ● Guidance Informational Specialists: ■ Mayra Melchor Sanchez, Giulia Solari, & Jerri Port ● College & Career Center: ■ Ms. Ignaitis - Advisor ■ Mr. Kamp - Assistant
Agenda: ○ Career Exploration ■ Why does it matter? ■ Career Interest Profiler - Naviance ■ Understanding & making sense of your Holland Code results ○ Review ■ Graduation & A-G Requirements
Why the emphasis on College and Career Readiness? ● Explore your interests through the Career Interest Profiler and learn about jobs that match your personality. ● Education pays. ● You will be working for the vast majority of your lifetime; have options & choose wisely.
Real life skills that employers are looking for in recent college graduates:
For detailed data, see: Education Pays 2013
WHAT ARE HOLLAND CODES? ● Holland Codes are personality types. ● People who choose to work in environments that are related to their personality type are more likely to feel success and satisfaction.
Your results, “Holland Codes” will look like this:
NAVIANCE ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS 1) Go to: 2) Click on Naviance Icon 3) Log-in to Naviance username: Student ID password: First Initial, Last Initial, 6 digit birthdate
Naviance Home Screen Click on “Careers & Clusters I’m Thinking About”
Click on “Career interest profiler”
CAREER INTEREST PROFILER 1) Read & answer each question a) You have about 30 minutes to complete the Career Interest Profiler 2) Explore your results using O*NET a) Complete the Career Exploration Worksheet
Career Exploration Using O*NET Go to this website: 1. Click on Interests 2. Holland Codes 3. Careers
Group Activity Get in groups of 4 and answer the following questions: ● What are some of the examples of careers that group members found? ● Do you think your codes sound like you? ● From your results, what was the most unusual or unexpected career? Select one group member to share out to the entire class.
REVIEW: Graduation & A-G Requirements
Graduation & A-G Requirements Subject SUHSD Graduation UC & CSU College UC & CSU Required A-G List* College Recommended 3 ½ Years A) Social Studies 2 Years 2 Years (35 credits) 4 B) English 4 4 (40 credits) 2 3 (Alg. & Geom.) C) Math 4 Alg 1, Geom, Alg II (20 credits) 2 2 1 Lab Science D) Science 2 Lab: Biological & Physical 3 (20 credits) Science E) World Language 0 2 3 to 4 1 F) Visual/Performing 1 1 (10 credits) Art 1 Career Technical Ed. 0 (10 credits) 2 Physical Education 0 (20 credits) 1/4 Year Life Skills 0 (2.5 credits) G) Elective 62.5 Credits 1
Credits and Courses Credits: You need 220 credits minimum for graduation ● If you take six classes this year and pass all, how many credits will you have in June 2020? ● If you multiply 60 credits by 4 years = 240! ● F grades don’t give you credits ● D & F grades don’t count for A-G college requirements ● 7 classes & school sports give you additional credits ● Attendance matters
+Understanding your GPA’s Cumulative Weighted: Includes all courses ■ Honors courses calculated w/ 5.0 scale ■ Regular courses calculated w/ 4.0 scale Cumulative Unweighted: Includes all courses ■ All courses calculated using 4.0 scale CA Cal Grant GPA: 10th & 11th grade courses ■ Unweighted ■ Excludes PE and remedial courses ■ Aim for 3.0 or higher = Free $ for college, dependent on family income Weighted 10-12 A-G GPA: ■ Includes only 10th-12th grade courses with a -P or -HP next to the course title
CREDIT RECOVERY Cyber High forms are provided to students by their counselor ○ D grade in a required A-G course must be repeated for 4 year college eligibility ○ F grade in required High School course must be repeated for graduation and/or A-G eligibility ○ Pick-up a cyber high application today from your counselor, you do not need to wait until the summer. What other options are there for credit recovery?
Extra-Curricular Activities & Involvement ● Remember that test scores, GPA, and grades are not everything that colleges & scholarship organizations are considering when reviewing your applications. ● What other things can you be doing to stand out in the college admissions process? ● Keep track of all your activities, involvement, work experience, etc. on your Naviance résumé.
Resources to research Colleges & Careers ● O*NET ● College Board: Khan Academy for SAT Prep ● College Board: Big Future ● California Career Zone ● ● University & College websites ● Naviance: Career Interest Profiler, College Search, & SuperMatch
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