Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ My background. ■ Started in the aftermarket. ■ We answered the phones. ■ We scheduled the appointments. ■ We wrote up the repair orders. ■ We diagnosed the vehicles. ■ We prepared estimates, ordered parts. ■ Repaired the vehicles. ■ Invoiced Repair order, & cashiered RO!
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ My background. ■ First day in a dealership. ■ Experienced central dispatch. ■ 1 st RO Complaint, Noise in front. ■ 3 ASMs, 2 strong 1 week. ■ Passing my paycheck to ASM.
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Why is it important for technicians to learn how to properly write an estimate? ■ An organized estimate will increase the advisor’s close ratio. ■ An organized estimate will decrease the amount of time it takes to get authorization. ■ An organized estimate will increase the hours per repair order.
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ 1 st Priority of the estimate ■ The 1 st concern on the RO is the primary concern, & the estimate needs to be in order of the primary concerns 1 st ! ■ 2nd Priority of the estimate ■ on the RO is the second concern, & the estimate needs concern's.
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Customers will tell you what they want done in the order of importance. ■ We need to sell to the customer in the same order.
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Let’s say YOU brought YOUR vehicle in for an electrical problem. ■ I call YOU and tell you about the 30K you need. ■ What are you thinking? ■ What about the electrical problem?!!! ■ Any chance of selling that 30K now?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ First address the customers concerns in the order they gave them to us. ■ Next address any additional services needed in the order of importance or urgency. ■ Which repair has a higher urgency, an oil leak or brakes? ■ Are you sure?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gasket is leaking. ■ Needs front brakes. ■ Needs water pump. ■ Could you sell these additional repairs written like this?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gasket is leaking. ■ Needs front brakes. ■ Needs water pump. ■ What information is missing? Five words I want you to remember, Seeping, Dripping, Pouring Needs Suggested.
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gaskets are seeping oil suggest replacing both valve cover gaskets. ■ Front brakes are getting low, pads are 80% worn. ■ Water pump is seeping at the weep hole. ■ Better? Use needs/suggest to help ASM. What order now?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gaskets are dripping oil suggest replacing both valve cover gaskets. ■ Front brakes inner pads are 95% worn. Needs front pads, suggest resurfacing both front rotors. ■ Water pump is pouring at the weep hole. ■ Better? Paint a picture. What order now?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gaskets are leaking oil onto the exhaust manifolds. Needs both valve cover gaskets replaced. ■ Front brakes inner pads are 75% worn. Needs front pads, suggest resurfacing both front rotors. ■ Water pump is seeping at the weep hole. Suggest replacing water pump. ■ Better? What order now?
Training Technicians to Prepare Estimates ■ Valve cover gaskets are pouring oil onto the exhaust manifolds. Oil level is 1 ½ quarts low. Needs both valve cover gaskets replaced. ■ Front brake inner pads are 75% worn. Needs front pads, suggest resurfacing both front rotors. ■ Water pump is dripping out of the weep hole, the radiator fan is wobbling, coolant is cloudy and coolant reservoir is empty. Needs water pump replaced. Suggest coolant flush. ■ Better? What order now?
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