preliminary design review

Preliminary Design Review University of Alabama in Huntsville - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NASA USLI Preliminary Design Review University of Alabama in Huntsville Charger Rocket Works November 7 th , 2018 Agenda Introductions and Team Overview Mission Objectives Flight Overview Testing Plan Vehicle Fabrication

  1. NASA USLI Preliminary Design Review University of Alabama in Huntsville Charger Rocket Works November 7 th , 2018

  2. Agenda • Introductions and Team Overview • Mission Objectives • Flight Overview • Testing Plan • Vehicle Fabrication • Payload Overview • Safety • Outreach • Budget • Requirements Compliance • Questions Friday, November 2, 2018 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS 2

  3. Introductions • Zachary Ruta, Program Manager • Dr. David Lineberry, Faculty Advisor • Hope Cash, Safety Officer • Mr. Jason Winningham, NAR/TRA Team Mentor, Level III Certification • Marcus Shelton, Chief Engineer • Ms. Vivian Braswell, Graduate Student Mentor • William Hankins, Vehicle Sub-Team Lead • Colton Connor, Payload Sub-Team Lead • Tanner Schmitt, Deputy Safety Officer • Jade Kirkwood, Vehicle Safety Lead • Connor Gisburne, Payload Safety Lead Friday, November 2, 2018 3 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  4. Mission Statement The objective of the Charger Rocket Works (CRW) team is to construct a safe and successful Level 2 high powered rocket with deployable unmanned air vehicle as a payload through applying engineering judgement and skills. Additionally, CRW will engage with the community in STEM education events and promoting rocketry to diverse groups . Friday, November 2, 2018 4 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  5. Mission Objectives Vehicle: The rocket will deliver the payload to an altitude of approximately 4800 ft., descend safely and within the Mission Performance Requirements set by NASA, and be recovered in a reusable state. Payload: The payload will deploy from the rocket, fly to a target location, and drop a beacon on target zone all while meeting the desired NASA requirements for the USLI competition. Safety: Comprehensive safety methods will be implemented in all aspects of fabrication, testing, and launches of hardware using in-depth analysis and written procedures and checklists. Outreach: The CRW team will meet a minimum of 200 students through hands-on activities as per the request of NASA and will promote STEM and rocketry to diverse groups. Friday, November 2, 2018 5 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  6. Team Organization Friday, November 2, 2018 6 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS


  8. Vehicle Overview Friday, November 2, 2018 8 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  9. Summary of Vehicle Characteristics Parameter Value Vehicle Length 119 in Body Tube Diameter 6.17 in Motor Selection L1520T-P Major Vehicle Materials Fiberglass, Aluminum, ABS Plastic Center of Gravity Location 69.5 in Center of Pressure Location 82.9 in Friday, November 2, 2018 9 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  10. Upper Airframe Overview • The length of the upper body tube is 52 in • The payload volume is 24 in long • The major inner diameter is 6 in • The main parachute packs at the aft end of the upper airframe • The length of the nose cone is 26 in • The tracker is mounted in the nose cone Friday, November 2, 2018 10 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  11. Upper Airframe - Nose Cone • The nose cone is an ogive profile • The bulkhead was designed to withstand 200 lbf • The tracker is a custom CRW-built device • The tracker mounts on the bulkhead inside the nose cone • Shear pins attach the nose cone to the upper body tube Friday, November 2, 2018 11 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  12. Upper Airframe - Main • The parachute shock chord will be attached to the eye bolt at the center of the upper airframe bulkhead • The upper airframe main bulkhead was designed to withstand a pulling force on the eye bolt of 500 lbf • The payload lies between the nosecone and main parachute bay • The payload is allotted 24 inches of tube volume and 10 lb mass 24.00in Friday, November 2, 2018 12 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  13. Avionics Coupler • Houses primary and redundant altimeters • Black powder charge Wells for both main and drogue parachute • Provides 6 inches of shoulder length per side of the switch band • Eye-bolts on each bulkhead for main and drogue shock cords Friday, November 2, 2018 13 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  14. Avionics Coupler Stainless Steel I-Bolt Black Powder Charge Wells Primary and Redundant Arming Switches Primary Stratologger CF Altimeter Redundant 9V Lithium Battery Primary 9V Lithium Battery Redundant Stratologger CF Altimeter Friday, November 2, 2018 14 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  15. Lower Airframe Overview Requirements: • Reach an altitude of 4,800 feet • Maintain a stability margin of 2 calibers throughout ascent • Houses the motor and recovery subsystems • Removable fin can assembly Friday, November 2, 2018 15 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  16. Fins and Fin Can • Fins: • Adjust CP for stability • G10 fiberglass sheet • Fabricated in-house • Fixed to fin can with 4 #4-40 bolts (each) • Fin Can: • Allows fins to be replaced easily • ABS Plastic for weight and ease of fabrication • Fabricated in-house • Fixed to airframe with 8 #4-40 bolts • Function as centering rings Friday, November 2, 2018 16 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  17. Motor Retention and Boat-Tail Design: • Currently an open trade • 3D printed at UAH • Reloadable motor casing Load Path: • Boost Phase • Motor case • Thrust plate • Body tube • Coast phase • Boat-tail retains motor Friday, November 2, 2018 17 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  18. Aft Bulkhead • Functions as recovery retention system • Eyebolt attached through center hole • Diameter: 6 in • Aluminum thickness: 0.25 in • Fixed to body tube with 4 #4-40 screws Friday, November 2, 2018 18 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  19. Vehicle Trade Studies Friday, November 2, 2018 19 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  20. Motor Trade Study Time to Stability off Max Acceleration Velocity off the rail Apogee Max Velocity Motor Manufacturer # of Grains Apogee the rail (ft/s 2 ) (ft/s) (ft) (ft/s) (s) (cal) L820-SK CTI 3 44.1 3311 473 163 15.5 1.80 L645-GR-P CTI 3 41.9 4001 492 120 17.4 1.46 L3200 Vmax CTI 3 103 4335 643 734 15.8 2.45 L1150-P Aerotech 3 68.6 4408 584 230 16.9 1.99 L851-WH CTI 3 48.4 4566 569 163 17.8 1.56 L900DM Aerotech 4 49.5 4640 572 167 17.9 1.42 L995-RL CTI 3 61.8 4659 582 224 17.5 1.87 L800 CTI 3 54.4 4748 561 170 18 1.86 L850W Aerotech 3 56.7 4755 569 204 17.8 1.82 L1040DM-P Aerotech 4 52.5 4771 594 209 17.8 1.58 L1050-BS-P CTI 3 57.9 4846 610 211 17.8 2.05 L1720-WT-P CTI 3 74.5 4919 671 360 17.2 2.28 L1520T-P Aerotech 3 70.9 4951 654 306 17.4 2.23 L1355-SS CTI 4 65.9 5109 645 302 17.9 1.65 L1390G-P Aerotech 3 66.2 5178 662 292 17.9 1.95 L1170FJ-P Aerotech 4 61.2 5343 656 237 18.4 1.65 L1350-CS CTI 3 67.4 5817 722 276 18.8 1.93 L1420R-P Aerotech 4 66.5 6114 750 284 19.2 1.62 L1365M-P Aerotech 4 65.6 6316 749 265 19.6 1.53 L1395-BS CTI 4 68.9 6637 794 303 19.9 1.90 L2375-WT CTI 4 86 6751 867 476 19.4 2.06 L1115 CTI 4 61 6834 747 287 20.5 1.86 L2200G-18 Aerotech 4 89 6918 853 556 19.6 1.89 Friday, November 2, 2018 20 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  21. Selected Motor Aerotech L1520T Hardware RMS-75/3840 Single-Use/Reload/Hybrid Reloadable Total Impulse (lbf*s)/(N*s) 835.37 / 3715.9 Propellant Weight (lbm) 4.09 Loaded Weight (lbm) 8.05 Weight After Burnout (lbm) 3.96 Maximum Thrust (lbf) 396.9 Average Thrust (lbf) 352.5 Burn Time (s) 2.64 Friday, November 2, 2018 21 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  22. Flight Profile • Maximum speed: 654 ft/s • Maximum acceleration: 292 ft/s 2 • Apogee: 4973 ft • Time to apogee: 17.8 s Friday, November 2, 2018 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS 22

  23. Trajectory Verification • Comparison of OpenRocket Trajectory Results vs. Self-Derived MATLAB/Simulink package. • In-house code does not have an accurate value of drag coefficient for the rocket; testing will aid in calculating this value. • Performs Monte Carlo Analysis Friday, November 2, 2018 23 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

  24. Stability Margin • Static margin of 2.23 off the rail • Calculated using average weather and launch day conditions. • Average wind speeds of 5-6 MPH • 5 o minimum rail angle • Effective rail length • Values will change as the rocket mass estimates become better. Friday, November 2, 2018 24 UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE | CHARGER ROCKET WORKS

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