prehealth consider ering a h hea ealth career eer

Prehealth Consider ering a H Hea ealth Career eer? Prehealth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Prehealth Consider ering a H Hea ealth Career eer? Prehealth advisors work with you to design a plan that combines your career aspirations, undergraduate pursuits, and personal strengths so that you can put forward your best application

  1. Prehealth

  2. Consider ering a H Hea ealth Career eer? • Prehealth advisors work with you to design a plan that combines your career aspirations, undergraduate pursuits, and personal strengths so that you can put forward your best application to a program in the health professions. • We encourage you to use the resources on the next few pages to better understand the academic components of the “prehealth curriculum” at NYU. • It is common for students to take one or more glide years after graduation before entering schools of the health professions. You should not feel pressured to need to rush into the curriculum, particularly if you are unsure of your future plans. Take your time so you can perform to the best of your abilities.

  3. Choos oosing a M Major or Major i in n wha hat i int nterests y you. u. Health professional schools do no not r requi quire t tha hat y you m u major i in n a s scienc nce to be admitted. Choosing a major that reflects your strengths and interests is critically important, as you will be more successful in courses where you genuinely engage with the material. Schools of the health professions accept students with broad academic experiences within and outside the sciences. Regardless of your major, there are courses we recommend that prehealth students complete.

  4. Req equired ed Curricu culum: Med edici cine e & Den entistry To m meet eet the en e entrance r e req equirem emen ents f for t the m e majority o of m med edical and dent ntal pr programs i in n the he U US, w we recommend nd t tha hat y you c u compl plete the follo llowin ing g courses: • General Chemistry I and II, plus Labs • Organic Chemistry I and II, plus Labs • Biochemistry • Principles of Biology I and II and appropriate Lab • General Physics I and II • Math (Calculus I or higher) • Writing the Essay, plus one additional course in Expository Writing or English

  5. Look ooking A Ahead: MCA CAT If you are considering a career as an Allo llopathic ic (MD) , Osteopa pathi hic ( (DO ), or Podia diatric ic physic icia ian, please be aware that the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) covers more material than just the admissions requirements would imply. The same is true for other health professions and their respective entrance exams. In addition to the standard requirements on the previous screen, students planning on taking the MCAT should also plan on taking these additional courses before taking this entrance exam: • Psychol olog ogy/Soc ociol olog ogy • NYU Course(s) : Many options, including PSYCH-UA 1 • Sta tati tisti tics • NYU Course(s) : Many options, speak with an advisor about options within your major

  6. Look ooking A Ahead: MCA CAT Schools of the health professions have a far longer application cycle than the one you just completed to enter college. Applicants apply in June of one year to start August of the following year – 1 4 months later! If you intend to apply to medical schools the summer after your junior year —for entrance into a medical school the fall immediately after graduation —you will need to design your curriculum to incorporate all of these competency areas into your first three years at NYU. You may want to consider taking the MCAT and applying after your senior year to allow for a stronger application and enhanced scheduling flexibility. While in the past it was common for students to go immediately to schools of the health professions, today most applicants do not apply to enter immediately after undergrad.

  7. Rec ecommen ended ed C Courses es f for First-Ye Year Preh ehea ealth Stud udent nts The e nex ext f few ew pages es i illustrate e the r e rec ecommen ended ed course ses f s for f first st-year s stud udent nts c cons nsidering ng a a he health h car areer af after grad aduat ation. Some students will work out slightly different programs with their advisors if necessary. There are many paths to your future health career. Walk your own journey, perform to the best of your abilities, and do not worry if other people are taking courses at a different rate than you.

  8. Asse ssessi ssing Where to Start • AP or Other er T Tes est C Cred edit o Prehealth students with AP credit (or test credit from IB, A-level, or other exams) in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics are advised to forfeit the credit and complete the required science coursework at the NYU. You can keep all other AP credit! • Calc lculu lus R Readin diness o Refer to the other sections of this orientation for a reminder on how AP and other test scores, SAT scores, and placement exams are used to assess your calculus and pre-calculus preparation. • Adv dvis isin ing o Your assigned advisor will help you select courses that match your prehealth goals, level of preparation, and interests in a specific major/discipline. An adv dvis isin ing g sessio ion is is a dia dialo logu gue – we e en encourage e you to be e informed ed and nd pr prepa pared!

  9. Undeci ecided ed/Non-Sci cien ence M ce Major Calcul ulus us R Ready dy • First-Year Seminar (FYSEM-UA ---) or EXPOS-UA 1 (Writing the Essay: Science) • Cohort Meeting (COHRT-UA 1 0) • General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 1 25) • Calculus I (MATH-UA 1 21 )* - can be taken in the spring, if you need to start exploring your major • Core Course** • Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1 : SPAN-UA 1 ); Texts and Ideas (CORE-UA 4--); or Cultures and Contexts (CORE-UA 5--) Not Calcul ulus us R Ready dy (To learn more about Calculus placement and check if you are Calculus ready, go to the CAS Math website) • First-Year Seminar (FYSEM-UA ---) or EXPOS-UA 1 (Writing the Essay: Science) • Cohort Meeting (COHRT-UA 1 0) • Algebra and Calculus (MATH-UA 9)* • Core Course** or start exploring your major • Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1 : SPAN-UA 1 ); • Core Course** • Texts and Ideas (CORE-UA 4--); or Cultures and Contexts (CORE-UA 5--) *Students who receive college credit based on an advanced placement program/exam (e.g. AP, IB, A Level) may be able to enroll in a higher level math course (required for Chemistry, Physics, and Math majors). See the CAS bulletin for details and discuss with adviser: Note: Even i No n if y you ou receive A AP/IB/ot othe her advanc nced stand nding ng credit f for or s scienc nce cour ourses, you ou will ha have to r o repe peat the he s scienc nces as pa part of t of the he preh ehea ealth and nd/or or s scienc nce ma major or c cur urricul ulum um at NYU. **See Core website for program components and course descriptions:

  10. Biol olog ogy or or Neu eural S Sci cien ence ce Maj ajor • First-Year Seminar (FYSEM-UA ---) or EXPOS-UA 1 (Writing the Essay: Science) • Cohort Meeting (COHRT-UA 1 0) • General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 1 25) • Principles of Biology (BIOL-UA 1 1 ) • Calculus I (MATH-UA 1 21 )* or Core Course** • Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1 : SPAN-UA 1 ); • Texts and Ideas (CORE-UA 4--); or • Cultures and Contexts (CORE-UA 5--) *Students who receive college credit based on an advanced placement program/exam (e.g. AP, IB, A Level) may be able to enroll in a higher level math course (required for Chemistry, Physics, and Math majors). See the CAS bulletin for details and discuss with adviser: Note: Even i No n if y you ou receive A AP/IB/ot othe her advanc nced stand nding ng credit f for or s scienc nce cour ourses, you ou will ha have to r o repe peat the he s scienc nces as pa part of of t the he preh ehea ealth and nd/or or s scienc nce ma major or c cur urricul ulum um at NYU. **See Core website for program components and course descriptions:

  11. Ch Chemistry or or Bioch chem emistry Maj ajor • First-Year Seminar (FYSEM-UA ---) or EXPOS-UA 1 (Writing the Essay; Science) • Cohort Meeting (COHRT-UA 1 0) • General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 1 25) or advanced general chemistry option – please consult your advisor if interested • Calculus I (MATH-UA 1 21 )* • Core Course** • Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1 : SPAN-UA 1 ); • Texts and Ideas (CORE-UA 4--); or • Cultures and Contexts (CORE-UA 5--) *Students who receive college credit based on an advanced placement program/exam (e.g. AP, IB, A Level) may be able to enroll in a higher level math course (required for Chemistry, Physics, and Math majors). See the CAS bulletin for details and discuss with adviser: Note: Even i No n if y you ou receive A AP/IB/ot othe her advanc nced stand nding ng credit f for or s scienc nce cour ourses, you ou will ha have to r o repe peat the he s scienc nces as pa part of of the e pr prehe health a h and nd/or or s scienc nce ma major or c cur urricul ulum a um at N NYU. C Che hemi mistry ma major ors with a h advanc nced s stand nding ng credit i in c n che hemi mistry shoul hould cons onsul ult the heir a r advisor r about out advanc nced g gene neral c che hemi mistry opt options ons. **See Core website for program components and course descriptions:


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