Large ge carniv ivore ore manage gemen ent t pl plans devel de elopm pmen ent t and d impl implem emen entati tation on in in Croati tia and and Sloven enia ia in includi ding hunter ers in involvemen ement t in in manage gement ent Dju juro o Huber er, , 08 June e 2017 PREDS EDSTAVLJ VLJANJE ANJE PROJ OJEKT EKTA Skop opje je 14.02.2017.
Durat ation: ion: 5 years 5 s (July ly 2014 – June 2019) 4 coun 4 untr tries: ies: Sloven enia ia, , Croatia atia, , Itali lia, , Aust ustria ria 9 partner 9 tners s Proje oject ct leader der Sloven enia ia Fores est t Servic ice Total al value: e: 5.998.048 € PREDS EDSTAVLJ VLJANJE ANJE PROJ OJEKT EKTA Skop opje je 14.02.2017.
Targe rget t - 1 Population ulation level l managem gemen ent t and conser ervation ation
Common mmon data base se on bear ar populat ation on state Exper ert t modeling ng of different erent scena narios ios of f encroach oachmen ment t in the populati ulation on
Genetc tc count of be bears
Samp ampling ling set et
Colle lectio tion perio iod: d: Septemb mber er – Decem ecembe ber 2017 ia, 2205 5 Croatia ia . 4687 samples es collec llected ed (2472 Sloven enia Spatial ial distrib ributi tion on Colle lectors:- mostly HUNT NTERS ERS - 2500 00+ people involved. - 962 2 partic ticipa ipants nts deliv livered ered sample les: : 450 50 in Croat atia ia.
Time me scale ale of resp spon onse ses
Lab b wo work DNA extrac tractio ion.
Hunting • Hunting season: 1 Mar - 15 May & 1 Oct - 15 Dec • Quota: (5) 10 (15) % of estimated population • Hunting methods: from hunting stand next to a feeding site Supplemental feeding With food of plant or animal origin
b) Gene netic tic monit nitoring ing of dea ead bea ears (effctiv tive popula latio tion size) ze) Rutinsko genotipiziranje svih mrtvih medvjeda. Nastavlja se u 2017.
c) Monit nitoring ing of f popula latio tion trend end and d reprodu oductio tion n – coun unt t at feed eeding ing sites BEARS SEEN IN THE SPRING PERIOD, 2004- 2015 SLOVENIjA Females with cubs 0+ Females with cubs 1+ Cubs 0+ Cubs 1+ Other bears HRVATSKA
Croatia – feeding sites Total number of bears seen
Croatia - population „census” in 2007 Bear signs - samples
Sampling zones with “buffer” of 7.6 km (half diameter of average bear home range): 937.9 km2 Gorski kotar N 1000.3 km2 Gorski kotar S 997.8 km2 Velebit 20 2007.
Summary 2007 Collected 547 samples. Genotyped 328 (67% ) Identified 210 individuals Multiple samples for 31 bear (15%)
Capture - recapture Problem em too few recaptur ptures es – tot otal al 31 of of 210. Should be 2.5 to 3 times more samples than the estimated population size. We had less than 1/3. Therefore big margine of error (SD=22). Obtained values were: Gorski kotar N 133 Gorski kotar S 150 Velebit 136 TOTAL 419 Extrapolation to the whole bear range: Possible 1000 bears s in the whole e range.
Rarefraction curve Ratio of total number of genotyped samples and the number of unique individuals Curve should reach plato. br. jedinstvenih genotipova br. genotipova
Gorski kotar - N Number of unique genotypes against number of feces analysed 50 40 Number of unique genotypes 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Number of feces analysed observed= circles; mean of observed= black line; Kohn's eq= red line
Target t - 2 Active e preven ention ion and so solvin ing g of c f conf nflicts licts and damages es
Targe rget t - 3 Decrease ease of traf affic ic acciden ents ts with h bears
„Bear proof” garbage bins
Jednosmjerna vrata za izlaz sa One One-way y door ors autoceste N = 1 10
Jump-our ramp (N=7)
Electric fence next to wire mesh fence 30 km x 2 in bear range
Telemetry of bears along the highway. Foot snaring capturing 4 + 4 bea ears marked
Sla lavko o B43 43
Sla lavk vko o B43 43
Over 60 HWY crossings (tunnels, viaducts) .
Targe rget t - 4 Analys An yses es of bear r habit itat t and consid nsideri ering ng the e bear ar need ed in sp spatial al plannin ning
Targe rget t - 5 Enhaching ching the bear spreadin ding to Alps and d mitigatio igationg ng the related d problems ms
Border fence – new trouble
Targe rget t - 6 Increasing easing the value of bear in the local space
Work rk with th public ic – promotio tion n and d information rmation Promotion materials Info – points Media exposure Web page, Facebook, Twitter Schools
EXPETED ED RESULTS TS - Start of long-term cross-border bear management - Key parameters for population management. - Promotion of conservation and living with bears.
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