predatory publishing

Predatory Publishing Thane Chambers Scott Health Sciences Library - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Predatory Publishing Thane Chambers Scott Health Sciences Library Predatory publishers take advantage of an . open access business model that relies on author processing fees. 2 unexpected Sometimes happens the

  1. Predatory Publishing Thane Chambers Scott Health Sciences Library

  2. Predatory publishers take advantage of an . open access business model that relies on author processing fees. 2

  3. unexpected Sometimes happens the

  4. Does it really matter?? o Future embarrassment o Lack of credibility o Lack of peer review o Findability o Lost research 6

  5. 7 What are the telltale signs?

  6. 8 Dodgy Website

  7. 9 But not always . . .

  8. 10 It feels generic

  9. “Fake” Impact Factor o Index Copernicus o Global Impact Factor o Scientific Journal Impact Factor o Or it “has” an IF, but is not listed in Journal Citation Reports 11

  10. Journals with shared/similar names 12

  11. If any of the following are present, it’s a good sign When you Journal google indexed in journal name Journal is Web of AND No author fee indexed in Science or predatory, DOAJ Journal nothing Citation appears Reports 13

  12. Some things to consider o New journals often look like predatory journals o Individual articles published in predatory journals may be good research. o Scholarly publishing is constantly evolving e.g. rapid review o Redemption is possible 14

  13. And yes, there Look up the journal in NLM catalog are predatory articles from predatory journals in PubMed 15

  14. Start here Identifying Appropriate Journals for Publication Worksheet on Predatory Journals HELP! If that fails, contact: OR 16


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