Department Of Mechanical Engineering. Power Curve Measurements of Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe Jon Sumanik-Leary & Hugh Piggott 12 th – 14 th September 2012 Supervisors: Dr Rob Howell (Mechanical Engineering) Dr Aidan While (Town and Regional Planning)
Outline • Introduction to Scoraig, Hugh Piggott and locally manufactured technology • Aims • Site conditions • Technical specifications • Results 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Scoraig 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Scoraig. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Hugh Piggott. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Hugh Piggott. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Getting by on Scoraig. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Local manufacture. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Local manufacture. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Aims. • Accurately measure performance – 1.2-4m diameter • Characterise variation inherent in locally manufactured technology – Identify root causes of discrepancies in power performance • First data set: – 1.8m Glasshouse turbine 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Site wind conditions. • Mean wind speed: 4.97m/s 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Wind power system. Blades Number 3 Profile Based on Aquila Material Wood (Siberian Larch) Generator Axial flux permanent Generator topology magnet Neodymium-iron-boron Permanent magnet material (NdFeB) Nominal voltage 12V Steel, polyester/fiberglass Rotor disc material composite Stator material Polyester No. coils 6 No. poles 8 Resistance 0.412Ω Tower Height 7.7m Type Tilt-up guyed Material Tubular steel Electrical System Battery type 4x450Ah Rolls S-600 6V 12V - 2 series pairs Battery configuration paralleled Charge controller Tristar 45 in diversion mode Inverter Studer Joker 800W 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Data logging system. Variable Sensor Wind speed NRG Max40 Wind direction Davis Pro-D Temperature Zener diode Rotational speed AC frequency LEM-HT-200-SBD hall effect Current probe Data logger powered Voltage directly from Glasshouse battery bank 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Wiring diagram. • Existing wind power system • Data logging equipment 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Filtering the data. • 18,835 samples reduced to 13,438 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Final power curve. 350 350 300 300 250 250 Normalised Power (W) Normalised Power (W) 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 Wind Speed (m/s) Wind Speed (m/s) 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Annual energy production. 1400 AEP AEPdesign 1200 1000 Energy (kWh) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Wind Speed (m/s) 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Analysis. 300 1000 Power Curve Hosman 2012 No. Data Points Min. No. Data Points for IEC 61400-12-1 900 250 800 700 200 Normalised Power (W) 600 No. Data Points 150 500 400 100 300 200 50 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Wind Speed (m/s) 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Power coefficient. 300 300 1 1 Power Curve Cp Scatter Cp Hosman 2012 0.9 0.9 250 250 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 200 200 Normalised Power (W) Normalised Power (W) 0.6 0.6 Cp Cp 150 150 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 100 100 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 50 50 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 Wind Speed (m/s) Wind Speed (m/s) 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
Questions? • Thanks for listening! 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
References. • 1. Piggott, H., A Wind Turbine Recipe Book 2009, Scoraig, Scotland: Scoraig Wind Electric. • 2. IEC, Wind Turbines , in Part 12-1: Power Performance Measurements of Electricity Producing Wind Turbines 2005. • 3. Hosman, N., Performance Analysis and Improvement of a Small Locally Produced Wind Turbine for Developing Countries , in Faculty of Aerospace Engineering 2012, TU Delft. 12 th -14 th September 2012 | 8 th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe | Jon Sumanik-Leary |
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