Power Available vs. Required for Standalone Low Cost Flight Display System
Who are We? EE Team #192 ME Team #34 Gao Cai Justin Dubrosky Dylan Hammerman Brandon Naples Andrew Radlbeck Faculty Advisor : Chengyu Cao Shu Wan Faculty Advisor: Helena Silva Sikorsky Liaison Paul Inguanti
Introduction Design an instrument to determine power available vs. power required for low cost helicopters Requirements: ● Continuous atmospheric pressure and air temperature measurements ● Altitude calculation ● Power margin calculation (ceiling IGE, ceiling OGE) ● Data storage (downloadable) ● Indicator: LED or LCD ● Accurate and repeatable function ● Low cost and lightweight ● Portable (self-powered) ● Protection
Helicopter Pictures Schweizer S-300C
Technical Terms ● Ceiling IGE In Ground Effect - increase in lift force generated from aircraft being close to the ground ● Ceiling OGE Out of Ground Effect - decrease in lift force from aircraft being far from ground ● Power Margins
Specifications Operating range Battery life: 1 hour (for testing); 1/3 - 9 hours (for flight) Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 ft (for flight); testing at 2,000 ft Temperature: 30 °F to 150 °F Weather: Dry weather, non-icing
Specifications Hardware Power Consumption: As little as possible Accuracy: As accurate as possible Size: As small as possible, should be portable Cost: Ideally < $300 Software Interface with a computer through a SD card (only SD card drivers required) (non end-user) Data organization can be done through MATLAB (non end-user) ATMEL Studio 6.1 will be used for programming (non end-user)
Schedule Fall 2013 Semester Presentation 1 Initial Testing Presentation 2 Final Testing Ordered Parts Assemble & Code 10/16 12/01 12/04 01/12 10/14 10/21 Winter Break Spring 2014 Semester Design Initial Testing 2 Final Testing 2 Report and Poster Project Complete Modification Spring Break 02/14 03/28 04/01 05/02 02/01 03/16 - 22 *Not to Scale
Budget ● Sikorsky will be providing us a $4,000 budget ● Our final projected cost is under $300 per unit ● Our prototyping cost breakdown: - Weather Balloon: $40 - Development/Debugger board: $30 - Breadboard/wires: $20 Total: $90 ● Multiple prototypes will be built for testing
Design Decisions Prototype: + Accurate Pressure Sensor + Data log System + Microcontroller + Battery Powered Final: - Data Log System + Add More Sensors + Simple Feedback Display ■ Battery Powered
Design GPIO I 2 C SPI
Optional Requirements ● Accept pilot input parameters ● Wind direction and speed measurements ● Humidity measurement ● Output numerical values for hover altitude, angle of climb Provided by sponsor
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