postpartum iud insertion training

Postpartum IUD Insertion Training L I S A G O L D T H W A I T E , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Postpartum IUD Insertion Training L I S A G O L D T H W A I T E , M D F A M I L Y P L A N N I N G F E L L O W U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O L O R A D O D E P A R T M E N T O F O B S T E T R I C S & G Y N E C O L O G Y Benefits of

  1. Postpartum IUD Insertion Training L I S A G O L D T H W A I T E , M D F A M I L Y P L A N N I N G F E L L O W U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O L O R A D O D E P A R T M E N T O F O B S T E T R I C S & G Y N E C O L O G Y

  2. Benefits of the Convenient Postpartum IUD Safe Helps with pregnancy spacing Access to services Cost effective Prevents lost opportunities

  3. Definitions  Postplacental insertion  When the IUD is inserted within 10 minutes after the expulsion of the placenta following a vaginal delivery  Immediate postpartum insertion  When the IUD is inserted after the postplacental period but within 48 hours of a vaginal delivery  Transcesarean insertion  When the insertion takes place following a cesarean delivery, before the uterine incision is closed  Interval insertion  Insertion of the IUD at ≥ 4 weeks postpartum

  4. CDC Medical Eligibility Criteria

  5. Contraindications to the Postpartum IUD Chorioamnionitis or Puerperal Sepsis 1. Postpartum hemorrhage 2. Current/ untreated STI 3. Distorted uterine cavity (uterine 4. anomaly or significant fibroids) Malignancy of genital tract 5. Allergy to any component of the IUD 6. Wilson’s disease (copper IUD only) 7. Current breast cancer (LNG-IUS only) 8.

  6. SPIRES Post Partum IUD insertion training dem onstration http:/ / watch?v=uMcTsuf8XxQ

  7. Postplacental IUD Insertion  PRE-INSERTION Confirm consent and desire 1. for PP-IUD, and ensure no contraindications Palpate the uterus to 2. evaluate the height of the fundus Cleanse the external 3. genitalia and vagina with betadine Place a clean drape over the 4. patient's abdomen and under her buttocks Change into new sterile 5. gloves

  8. Postplacental IUD Insertion  INSERTION – Ring Forceps Method Cleanse the cervix and vagina with 1. betadine Change into new sterile gloves 2. Grasp the anterior cervical lip with a ring 3. forceps Grasp the IUD with the ring forceps (DO 4. NOT close the ratchets on the forceps) Exert gentle traction toward yourself with 5. the cervix-holding forceps Insert the forceps holding the IUD 6. through the cervix and into the lower uterine cavity (avoid touching the walls of the vagina) Release the hand holding the cervix and 7. place the hand on the abdomen, palpating the fundus With the abdominal hand, stabilize the 8. uterus with firm downward pressure Move the IUD-holding forceps to the 9. fundus Open the forceps and release the IUD 10. Slowly remove the forceps from the 11. uterine cavity, keeping it slightly open

  9. Postplacental IUD Insertion  INSERTION – Manual Insertion Method Cleanse the cervix and 1. vagina with betadine Change into new sterile 2. gloves Grasp the IUD between 3. your 2 nd and 3 rd fingers and insert your hand into the uterus, to the fundus, using your other hand to confirm fundal location Slowly open your fingers 4. and remove your hand from the uterus

  10. Postplacental IUD Insertion  POST-INSERTION Examine the cervix for 1. strings – if strings are visualized, cut the strings flush with the external cervical os Remove the ring forceps 2. from the anterior cervical lip and remove the speculum (if used) Repair obstetrical 3. laceration if indicated

  11. Trans-cesarean IUD Insertion  INSERTION After delivery of the infant and 1. placenta, massage the uterus Remove any tissue left in the 2. uterine cavity by performing a routine sweep Place the IUD at the uterine 3. fundus Place the IUD strings in the 4. lower uterine segment near the internal cervical os. DO NOT pass the strings through the cervix because this may increase the risk of infection Close the hysterotomy in the 5. standard fashion, taking care not to incorporate the IUD strings into the uterine closure

  12. Com plications  Insertion Related  Post-insertion  Uterine perforation  Bothersome bleeding  Cervical injury  Cramping  Severe pain  Infection  Vasovagal reaction  Expulsion  Malposition  Missing strings  Partner complaints about strings  Failure (pregnancy)


  14. References  Allen RH, Goldberg AB, Grimes DA. Expanding access to intrauterine contraception. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2009;201(5):456 e1-5. Epub 2009/ 06/ 17.  The AQUIRE Project. 2008. The postpartum intrauterine device: A training course for service providers. Trainer’s Manual . New York: EngenderHealth.  SPIRES Post Partum IUD insertion training demonstration: http:/ / watch?v=uMcTsuf8XxQ  Update to CDC's U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010: revised recommendations for the use of contraceptive methods during the postpartum period. MMWR Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2011;60(26):878-83.  Voedisch AJ, Blumenthal PD. Postpartum contraception: Ways to avoid VTE. Contemporary OB/ GYN. January 2012: 20-31.  WHO Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use – 4th ed. 2009: http:/ / reproductivehealth/ publications/ family_planning / 9789241563888/ en/


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