post secondary enrollment options pseo program facts

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options PSEO Program Facts PSEO is a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options PSEO Program Facts PSEO is a state program for eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors. PSEO offers the opportunity to enroll in and attend college-level courses and apply earned credits towards high

  1. Post-Secondary Enrollment Options

  2. PSEO Program Facts • PSEO is a state program for eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors. • PSEO offers the opportunity to enroll in and attend college-level courses and apply earned credits towards high school graduation requirements and a college degree. • Provides funding for tuition and books during the school year only • Duration of eligibility based on grade level -Three years for sophomores -Two years for juniors -One year for seniors -Summer classes are not funded by the state

  3. PSEO Eligibility for Community Colleges High School High School Juniors Seniors must be ranked in the must be ranked in the upper 1/3 of their class upper ½ of their class OR score at or above OR score at or above the 70 th percentile on the 50th percentile on any nationally any nationally standardized, norm- standardized, norm- referenced test. referenced test.

  4. High School Sophomores • Pass 8th grade • Remember that MCA Reading (850 career/tech ed or higher) courses do not transfer to a 4-yr college! • No online courses • Need C or better to • Only one 1000 level take 2 nd semester career/tech course courses in 1st sem

  5. Which classes give honors credit? • Not all college classes will be considered honors classes on your high school transcript. • Consult the list of district-approved PSEO honors courses on the district website: -PSEO / Honors Course Descriptions - click on “PSEO Approved / Denied” -- if column 6 is marked, it’s Honors --if column 7 is marked, it is NOT

  6. Courses Not Funded by PSEO (This is not a comprehensive list) • Developmental courses • Honors Experience ( ↓ 1000) • Skiing • Stained Glass • Snowboarding • Glass Blowing • Sailing • Photography • Applied Music • Ceramics • Study-Abroad • Sculpture Programs • Business Seminars

  7. College vs. High School • Many choices for course selection • Faster pace of college classes • Fewer tests in college • Higher expectations • Reading & writing-intensive • Time management is critical

  8. College vs. High School Important Things for Parents to Know • FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Protection Act) - Students need to fill out a “Consent to Release Form” to allow parents access student information. Example: grades and classes enrolled in. • Anoka-Ramsey Community College professors do not take attendance • The classroom is managed by the professor. - The syllabus is the contract between the student and professor. - Each class can have a different tone – read the syllabus.

  9. Setting Course Load • 1 college credit = 1 hour in class per week • 4 credits at the college = 1 credit at Anoka High School • 1 hour in class = 2 hours homework per day outside of class Example: English 1121, 4 credits, 4 hours in class + 8 hours out = 12 hours per week • Full-time = 12 to 16 credits per semester

  10. Scheduling Classes PSEO program in High school events the morning or in the afternoon early afternoon

  11. How many college classes do I take? PSEO ANOKA HS 2 - 3 credits 4 periods 4 – 6 credits 3 periods 7 – 9 credits 2 periods 10-11 credits 1 period Full-time is minimum of 12 credits None Usually F/T students take 12-16 credits each semester. Part-time college schedule & part-time high school schedule must add up to full-time status.

  12. Sample part-time PSEO schedule Tri 1 Tri 2 Tri 3 1. AHS AHS AHS 2. AHS AHS AHS 3. PSEO PSEO PSEO 4. PSEO PSEO PSEO 5. PSEO PSEO PSEO • Remember Advisement and Tornado time on Wed. • may adjust your arrival time at the college.

  13. AHS Regular Day Schedule • Period 1 7:40-8:47 • Period 2 8:54-10:01 • Period 3 10:06-11:15 • Period 4 11:22-1:06 (30-min lunch) • Period 5 1:13-2:20 (Advisement and Tornado Time affects Wed. schedule) Examples: • Attending AHS for periods 1 & 2 — college class cannot start until 11:00 am. • Attending AHS for periods 4 & 5 — college class must end by 11:00 am.

  14. General Ed Credits You Can Complete General Ed Credits for these Bachelor Degrees Agricultural, Food and Environmental Journalism/Mass Communications Sciences Liberal Arts Architecture & Landscape Medical Technology Architecture Pre-Medicine Aviation Mortuary Science Biology Music, Music Education and Music Business Therapy Business & Economics Natural Resources Pre-Chiropractic Nursing Computer Science Occupational Therapy College of Continuing Education Pharmacy Dental Hygiene Physical Education and Coaching Pre-Dentistry Physical Therapy Education Psychology Education and Human Development Recreation Emergency Health Services Science, Engineering and Technology Environmental Science Social Work Engineering Veterinary Medicine Human Ecology Information Technology Infrastructure Human Resource Development

  15. Transferring Credits • Minnesota Transfer Curriculum • 40-credit package of general education courses • Accepted by all MnSCU and University of Minnesota, also by some private schools • Access more information through Academic Advisor at the college • For more Info:

  16. Transferring Credits to the U of M • Univ. of Minnesota’s MnCAP program • MnCAP is a cooperative admissions program with Twin Cities metro area Comm. Colleges. Students that enroll into the program and meet the program guidelines are guaranteed admissions into select colleges at the university. See U of M website for more details. • Participating U of M colleges include: • College of Biological Sciences (CBS) • College of Design (CD — Housing Studies and Environmental design only) • College of Education & Human Development (CHED-Family social science and Youth Studies only) • College of Food, Agri. & Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) • College of Liberal Arts (CLA) & College of Science and Engineering (CSE)

  17. Transferring Credits Some other schools that accept community college credits and have application requirements/deadlines different from ARCC: -Augsburg -Bemidji State University -Bethel -MSU - Mankato -Concordia -St Paul -MSU - Moorhead -Hamline -St Cloud State University - St Benedict’s/St John’s -Southwest State University - St Catherine’s -Winona State University -St Mary -University of Minnesota - Crookston, Duluth, Morris, -St Thomas or Twin Cities -Metropolitan State University

  18. PSEO at the U of M The deadline for applying to the University of Minnesota is April 1. (generally 3.8 or above, strong writing skills, rigorous courses) Online application and instructions will be posted on website on Monday, February 2nd Please check the following website for more info: or call 612-626-1666 **For all other 4-year colleges, please contact the college directly.

  19. U of M On Campus Info Sessions • February 26 Bell 5:30 PM • March 4 Bell 5:30 PM • March 17 Bell 5:30 PM • All sessions will be held in Bell Museum, room 100 • These sessions will cover application procedures and key considerations when looking at the U of M for PSEO next year. • Options/

  20. PSEO at Technical Colleges • Application process is similar to ARCC’s. • Placement test is required after applying. • College credit goes towards completion of a certified program. • Technical college credit does not generally transfer to a 2- or 4-year college. • Articulated credit can be obtained through STEP (Secondary Technical Education Program) in high school.

  21. PSEO Enrollment Steps 1. Meet the initial college criteria: -Juniors: top 1/3 of your class -Seniors: top ½ of your class 2. Apply online to 3. Sign up to take the Accuplacer test online or phone 763-433-1180

  22. 4. Take a college placement test – Sign up online at or call 763-433-1180. There is walk-in testing available on the Coon Rapids campus. No appointments needed! Tests are offered on a first-come, first served, space- available basis. Testing schedule may vary, please call or check website for most updated information Tuesdays: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00p.m. Thursdays: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. The Testing Center is located in Room SC153. Students must present a photo ID and a student college ID number at the time of testing. Student ID numbers may be obtained at the Records Office. It’s best to apply to the college prior to testing.

  23. 5. Schedule an appointment to see your counselor AFTER you take the placement test. Bring your test results with you to the appointment. Your counselor will review the results with you and discuss which classes you will need to take to meet high school graduation requirements. 6. You will need to complete a transcript release form in the guidance office. Parents need to sign the form for students under age 18. There is a $3 fee for transcripts to be sent to the college. Request to have your transcript mailed along with the 3-part state form to ARCC.


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