V ERBO AGGETTIVO NOME POSITIVE sicuro di sé Self-assured sicurezza self- SELF-IMAGE assurance fiero di fierezza Proud of, taking pride over GOAL OF A orgoglioso Proud, orgoglio Pride SELF-IMAGE overproud OF AUTONOMY FEELING narcisista narcissistic narcisismo narcissism SUPERIORITY immodesto immodest immodestia immodesty + sentirsi To feel OBSERVER’S superiore superior DISAGREEME pieno di sé Self NT sufficient, Full of oneself esaltato elated esaltazione Elation (=/=) credersi To feel all- onnipotente powerful, To feel capable of anything megalomane megalomania megalomania Megaloman c ia affetto da suffering ipertrofia from dell’io, hypertrophic ego, Thinking too much of oneself presuntuoso Presumptuou presunzione Presumptio s, cocky n, cockyness pallone Very full of gonfiato himself sopravvalutar To overrate si oneself, to overestimate oneself COMMUNICA vantarsi To boast, to vanitoso Vain, vanità Vanity TING brag boastful SUPERIORITY vanaglorioso Boastful, vanagloria Boastfulnes ’ vainglorious s borioso boria darsi delle To put on Give arie airs oneself airs pavoneggiars To strutt pavone Vain as a i about, to peacock strutta round like a peacock atteggiarsi To pose Posturing tirarsela darsi un To strike an contegnoso Dignified, contegno attitude, (=/=) staid, aloof Giving
oneself airs impettito Stiff-necked, as a ramrod IMPLICITELY superbo Superb, superbia haughtiness COMMUNICA haughty TING SUPERIORITY COMMUNICA guardare To look TING TO THE dall’alto in down on OTHER ONE basso others IS SUPERIOR avere la Toffee-nosed TO HIM puzza sotto il naso altero High and alterigia haughtiness mighty altezzoso Arrogant sussiegoso Condescendi sussiego Hauteur, ng, haughty haughtiness Dismissive albagia Conceit saccente All-knowing, know-it-all, omniscient, high-brow snob Snob,snobbis snobismo Snobbery, h, snobbishnes s blasé Blase’ spocchioso boaster spocchia Swagger a supponente assuming supponenza scostante forbidding Distant sprezzante contemptuou dispregio Scorn s disprezzare To despise disprezzo contempt Graziosament Graciously e (ADVERB) COMMUNICA spavaldo boisterous spavalderia Boastfulnes TING ONE IS s NOT arrogante arrogant arroganza Arrogance INFERIOR impudente impudent impudenza impudence AND / OR sfidare To ONE CAN challenge?, BECOME provocare To provoke provocatorio provoking provocatore Provole SUPERIOR (=/=) (=/=) tracotante overbearing Tracotanza Arrogance sfrontato cheecky sfrontatezza Effrontery (cheek) sfacciato Bronze-faced sfacciataggin Shamefulne e ss strafottente insolent strafottenza Insolence COMMUNICA spaccone braggart TING sbrasone (THROUGH sbruffone BLUFF OR gradasso bully SELF- DELUSION) ONE WILL WIN OVER SOMEONE POWERFUL
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