Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session: Capital and Installation Projects 4/28/2020 1
Virtual Participation Check Chatbox: Main session - send clarifying questions; conversations will occur in break-out. Raise Hand: Break-outs tells us you’d like to speak; facilitator will call on you. Microphone: Mute/unmute to help control background noise. Video: On for presenters only in main session, encouraged for everyone in breakout session. Breakout Rooms: Will use for discussion portion. Recording: this meeting is being recorded. Tech help: Chat box to host Jaimes Valdez. Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 2
Agenda Welcome and background information: 45 minutes • Small group breakouts: 60 minutes • Closing and next steps: 15 minutes • Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 3
PCEF: Legislative Intent “ ... provide a consistent funding source and oversight structure to ensure that the City of Portland’s Climate Action Plan is implemented in a manner that supports social, economic, and environmental benefit for all Portlanders including the development of a diverse and well- trained workforce and contractor pool in the field of clean energy. “ -Portland City Code 7.07.020, A Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 4
PCEF: Grant Process NONPROFITS PCEF COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL GRANT PROPOSALS SCORING PANELS Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 5
Why We're Here Today Grant Requirements US Manufactured Renewables Family Wage Jobs Rent Stability Workforce and Contractor Equity Agreements Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 6
Workforce and Contractor Equity Agreement Approach $ Workforce and Contractor Equity Elements Workforce Contractor Equity Agreement: Grant Contract & Reporting Resources to facilitate successful application and implementation. Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 7
Feedback Process Workforce and Contractor Equity Elements • Key Questions Today • Post-Session Survey Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 8
Workforce Contractor and Equity Elements Capital Workforce and Other Improvements Contractor Mini-grants Programs Development or Installation e.g., planning grants, e.g., business Grants less than e.g., weatherization, education, technical assistance, solar installation, $5,000 innovation tree planting, pre-apprenticeship regenerative programs. agriculture Different Skip Pattern Application Does the proposed project include x? and Process If yes, complete this section, if no skip to z. Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 9
Workforce Contractor and Equity Elements Capital Workforce and Other Improvements Contractor Programs or Installation Development Common Elements • Organizational Workforce Practices Organizational Workforce Practices • Contractors Contractors • Workers Workers • Program Participants Program Participants Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 10
Workforce Contractor and Equity Agreement Capital Workforce and Other Improvements Contractor Programs or Installation Development Potential Reporting Platforms Potential Reporting Platforms I-Track LCP Tracker Outcomes Tracker B2G Access to System, Training and Support Access to System, Training and Support Allowable Administrative Cost Allowable Administrative Cost Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 11
Striking a Balance Good Data Ease of Use Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 12
Workforce Contractor and Equity Elements Capital Workforce and Other Improvements Contractor Programs or Installation Development Common Elements • Organizational Workforce Practices Organizational Workforce Practices • Contractors Contractors • Workers Workers • Program Participants Program Participants Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 13
Common Element: Organization's Workforce Practices Fair C ir Cla lassif ific ication Applicant agrees to not engage in misclassification of employees as 1099 • contractors. Fami mily W y Wage Jobs bs Grantee agrees to meet required payment standards for employees' time worked • on the proposed project. Jobs w with h Bene nefits If benefits are provided to employees of the organization, briefly describe. • Oppor ortuni unitie ies f for A Adv dvan ance cement nt If opportunities for advancement are provided to employees, briefly describe. • Wor orkplace lace C Cul ultur ure a and S d Satisfac action on Description of how the organization defines and cultivates a positive and inclusive • workplace culture. Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 14
Common Element: If Utilizing Contractors Recruitm tmen ent a t and U Utiliz izati tion on Strategies to maximize utilization of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged • contractors inc ncluding p professional, sup supplier, a and c nd cons nstruc uction c n cont ntractors . Percent of contracting dollars expected to reach underrepresented and disadvantaged • firms. Agreement to report utilization; B2G required for contracts greater than $200,000. • Tim imely ely P Payment Agreement to pay contractors and subcontractors within 30 days of billing. • Fair C Classif ific icati tion on Agreement to include in subcontracts a requirement to not misclassify workers. • Prior C Contractor P Performance Agreement to assess potential subcontractors for positive history of prior compliance. • Qua uality y Co Cont ntractor Partne nershi hip Agreement to participate in brief partnership survey. • Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 15
Common Element: Workers For workers on the proposed project (employed by grantee or subcontractors): Rec ecruitm tment a and U Utili iliza zatio tion • Strategies to maximize recruitment, advancement and utilization of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged populations. Family W y Wage Jobs a bs and nd Bene nefits • Agreement to pay minimum wage standards. • Agreement to prioritize subcontractors that provide benefits. Rep eportin ting • Agreement to report utilization, wage and benefit information; in LCP Tracker for subcontracts greater than $200,000. Work rker H r Heal alth an and Saf Safety • OSHA compliance; Consideration of climate- related vulnerabilities (e.g., heat, vector- borne disease, air quality). Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 16
Common Element: If There are Program Participants If proposed project includes participants (e.g., education, training, or technical assistance). Recrui uitment nt S Strategi gies • Plan to maximize recruitment of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged populations. Partic ticipation tion G Goals ls • Identification of participation goals for target populations. Rep eportin ting • Agreement to report on participation. Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 17
EXAMPLE AGREEMENT ELEMENTS: $150,000 green infrastructure program, no subcontracts Grantee Agrees to: Wages at least 180% of state minimum wage Not engage in misclassification of employees Recruitment strategy and utilization goals for staff Recruitment strategy and goals for participants Report labor – LCP Tracker or alternative system Worker health and safety considerations Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 18
EXAMPLE AGREEMENT ELEMENTS: $300,000 weatherization program, with subcontracts Grantee Agrees to: Grantee does not engage in misclassification of employees Recruitment strategy and utilization of diverse subcontractors Timely payment of subcontractors Subcontractor – fair classification, positive prior performance Partnership survey Recruitment strategy and utilization of diverse workforce Wage standards met Report in B2G and LCP Tracker Worker health and safety considerations Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 19
Prevailing Wage PCEF Legislation : 180% of minimum wage any worker on PCEF project. Consideration of Alternative Wage Requirement : Require payment of prevailing wage for workers on PCEF projects that are employed in trades for which a prevailing wage standard exists (when those rates are greater than 180% of minimum wage). Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 20
Today's Focus Capital Workforce and Other Improvements Contractor Mini-grants Programs or Installation Development e.g., weatherization, e.g., planning Grants less than e.g., business solar, tree planting, grants, innovation, $5,000 technical assistance, regenerative capacity building pre-apprenticeship agriculture programs. Breakout Questions Breakout Questions Prevailing Wage Reporting Platform & Thresholds General Feedback Diversity Goals Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 21
Questions? Move to Breakouts Workforce and Contractor Equity Design Session – 04/28/2020 – 22
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