popul opulat ation ion gr growth wth an and d access

Popul opulat ation ion Gr Growth wth an and d Access ccess to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Popul opulat ation ion Gr Growth wth an and d Access ccess to o Healthc He althcare; are; an an Empirical Empirical Stu tudy dy fr from m Ibadan, badan, Ni Nige geria ria A Paper at the International Conference on the

  1. Popul opulat ation ion Gr Growth wth an and d Access ccess to o Healthc He althcare; are; an an Empirical Empirical Stu tudy dy fr from m Ibadan, badan, Ni Nige geria ria A Paper at the International Conference on the Impacts and Challenges of Demographic Changes 22 nd – 23 rd September, 2016 Paris, France By Yemi ADEWOYIN Dept of Urban and Regional Planning, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

  2. Table ble of of Con ontent ent  Introduction and Background  The Concern  Methodology  Results and Discussions - Population Trend - Distribution of Health Facilities - Access and Inequality  Conclusion

  3. Intr troduction oduction  The rapid annual growth of world population and a disproportionate increase in the number of healthcare facilities to support the population’s social well-being is one negative impact of demographic transition requiring interventions at both local and global levels  The health situation in urban centers is characterized by population- induced issues like; - pollution - inadequate waste disposal system - poor sanitation - unsafe water for domestic use - violence, drug addiction, homicide - congestion, overcrowding - etcetera etcetera

  4. The e Concern ncern  The health situation in urban centers is thus a source of concern but of greater concern is the capacity of the urban centers to cope with the health challenges of population growth in terms of adequacy and locational distribution of health facilities in the urban centers vis-à-vis the size and spread of urban population

  5. Met Methods hods  The study was situated in the 5 metropolitan Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria  Data on population distribution for the LGAs were sourced from the National Population Commission (NPC) while data on the location and distribution of health facilities were collected from the Oyo State Ministry of Health (OYMOH) for the period 1999 to 2014.  The data were analyzed using simple frequency, ratios, Gini Statistics and Lorenz Curves. Where required, population projections were carried out using the annual growth rates advised by the NPC.

  6. Pop opulati ulation on Di Distr strib ibuti ution on in in I Ibad adan an 1991 1999 2006 2014 Population 1991 Projected Population Projected 2006 / 2014 IBADAN LGAs Figures Proportion Pop Figure Figure Pop Figure Proportion Ibadan North 302,271 24.60 376,992 306,795 394,722 22.92 Ibadan North-East 275,627 22.43 343,762 330,399 425,091 24.68 Ibadan North-West 147,918 12.04 184,483 152,834 196,636 11.42 Ibadan South-East 225,800 18.38 281,618 266,046 342,295 19.87 Ibadan South-West 277,047 22.55 345,533 282,533 363,574 21.11 Total 1,228,663 100.00 1,532,388 1,338,607 1,722,318 100.00

  7. wth T ren end Popul pulation ation Growth  The population figures increased progressively until the year 2006 before 2,000,000 they declined slightly. 1,800,000 1,722,318 1,532,388 1,600,000  The fluctuations may be attributed to over 1,400,000 P o 1,338,607 estimation of the growth p 1,200,000 u rate between 1991 and 1,228,663 l 1,000,000 a 1996, under-estimation of t 800,000 y = 17297x - 3E+07 i incidences of mortality R² = 0.6079 o 600,000 n and out-migration, or 400,000 counting errors. 200,000  The trend shows a 0 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 positive correlation (r = Year 0.71) indicating that over the years, the population of the study area increased substantially.

  8. Di Dist stribution ribution of of Health ealth Facilities cilities There were 438 • hospitals in 1999 with about 85% of these privately provided. Year 1999 2014 1999 2014 1999 2014 1999 2014 1999 2014 Ibadan South-West had • State / Pry Health Teaching Private Public the highest proportion LGAS General Center / Hospital Hospital Doctor of the privately Hospital Clinic provided facilities Ibadan N 1 2 1 19 19 108 16 219 304 (37%) Ibadan NE 2 2 5 24 61 21 4 7 Ibadan North had the • Ibadan NW 1 1 8 14 47 19 10 14 highest number of Ibadan SE 7 16 21 28 1 1 government hospitals and doctors Ibadan SW 4 4 16 21 137 19 58 76 After 16 years, private Total 1 2 8 7 55 94 374 103 292 402 • hospitals had declined to 103 while government hospitals had grown to 103.

  9. Ratios tios of of Access cess to F o Facilities cilities Hospital : Hospital : Doctor : Doctor : Pop LGAS Pop Ratio Pop Ratio Pop Ratio Ratio 1999 2014 1999 2014 Ibadan North 1 :657 1 : 3,317 1 : 1,721 1 : 1,298 Ibadan NE 1 : 1,074 1 : 3,058 1 : 85,941 1 : 60,727 Ibadan NW 1 : 744 1 : 1,725 1 : 18,448 1 : 14,045 Ibadan SE 1 : 2,514 1 : 2,194 1 : 281,618 1 : 342,295 Ibadan SW 1 : 479 1 : 2,673 1 : 5,957 1 : 4,784

  10. Degrees of Health Facilities Inequality 120 120 F 100 a 100 F 80 c a 80 i 60 c 60 l 40 i i 40 20 l t i 20 0 y t 0 50 100 150 0 y Population 0 50 100 150 G = 14.4 Hospitals 2014 Population G = 27.6 Hospitals (1999) 120 120 F 100 a 100 c 80 F 80 i a 60 60 l c 40 40 i i t 20 20 l y i 0 0 t 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 y Population Population G = 68.9 Doctors 1999 G = 71.8 Doctors 2014

  11. Sum ummar mary y of of Fi Findings ndings  The number of hospitals in the study area decreased by almost 50% between 1999 and 2014 whereas population increased by 12% within the same period thus reducing the population’s access to the hospitals.  The number of doctors increased from 292 to 402 in the 16-year period translating to a 38% growth thereby reducing doctor to population ratio reduced slightly in all the LGAs except in Ibadan South-East where one doctor served 350,000 people.  Inequality in the distribution of doctors widened during the period and there was a reduction in the degree of inequality in the distribution of hospitals during the same period.  In essence, population growth and its distribution impacts access to healthcare as it has implications for both the number of persons per facility and the degree of inequality in the distribution of the facilities.

  12. Conclusion nclusion  With the negative health implications of population growth, access to healthcare should be a planning priority to ensure that as the population of the urban center grows, access is not reduced or constrained but rather enhanced.  In enhancing access cognizance should be taken of the existing spatial distribution of healthcare facilities vis-à-vis the distribution of the population to be served because while the location of health facilities, existing and proposed can be controlled and planned for, same cannot be said of population growth and its spread over space.

  13. Th Thank ank you. u.


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