please seat yourself in groups

Please seat yourself in groups! 1. Salman, Julien, Jostein, Erisa, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Please seat yourself in groups! 1. Salman, Julien, Jostein, Erisa, Animut 2. Linda, Amrit, Birk, Hanna, Tobias 3. Mona, Martin, Nirujah, Kristin Marie, Dersim 4. Axel, Johanne, Linett, Mirko, Zainab 5. Marius, Karl Thomas, Radhika, Nicolai,

  1. Please seat yourself in groups! 1. Salman, Julien, Jostein, Erisa, Animut 2. Linda, Amrit, Birk, Hanna, Tobias 3. Mona, Martin, Nirujah, Kristin Marie, Dersim 4. Axel, Johanne, Linett, Mirko, Zainab 5. Marius, Karl Thomas, Radhika, Nicolai, Bakhtawar 6. Sara, Mathias, Kjetil, Johan

  2. IN5210 Seminar 5 04.10.2017

  3. Response to your feedback

  4. What works?

  5. What doesn’t work?

  6. How can we change the seminar to make it better?

  7. General questions (1): Who are they to write this? Wanda Orlikowski Professor of Information Technologies and Organization studies MIT Sloan School of Management H-index: 65 (50591 citations) Susan Scott Associate Professor of Information Systems London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) H-index: 22 (3130 citations)

  8. General questions (1): Who are they to write this? Susan Scott Associate Professor of Information Systems London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) H-index: 22 (3130 citations) Key research contributions

  9. General questions (2): Main targets of IS research “So far in the course most articles have been either about health or in some way about technology inside organizations/businesses or how technology can better the ‘income’ of a firm . Is it right to say that these themes are the main targets of the IS field?”

  10. General questions (3): How to read this type of articles?

  11. General questions (3): How to read this type of articles?

  12. General questions (3): How to read this type of articles?

  13. General questions (3): How to read this type of articles?

  14. Agenda of the seminar (1) Work in groups until 11:30 Primary questions • What is sociomateriality? What is a sociomaterial assemblage? Give an example? • How is sociomateriality different from “mutually dependent ensembles”? • While discussion: Formulate questions or discussion themes that you will be particularly aware of listening for (and perhaps ask the lecturer about) on the lecture next week. Add these to your portfolio. Optional question If/when you have completed the primary questions, continue to discuss the following: • Pick a core concept from sociomaterial stream. Define the concept and give an example. • Compare the theory on sociomateriality with socio-technical design. What similarities and differences do you see?

  15. Agenda of the seminar (2) Work in teams 11.30-12:00 • Team 1: Group 1 and 4 • Team 2: Group 2 and 5 • Team 3: Group 3 and 6 Discuss the following • Share your definition of sociomaterialityand example of a socio-material assemblage. • If you got to discuss key concepts from sociomaterial theory: Share your reading of these with the other group.

  16. Assignments • October 2 • Braa, J. and Sahay, S. (2017). "The DHIS2 Open Source Software Platform: Evolution Over Time and Space" • Orlikowski, W. J. and Scott, S. V. (2008). "Sociomateriality: Challenging the Separation of Technology, Work and Organization“ • October 9 • Kappelman, L. A. , McKeeman, R. and Zhang, L. (2006). "Early Warning Signs of it Project Failure: The Dominant Dozen“ • Ives, B. et al. (2002). “What Every Business Student Needs to Know About Information Systems", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 9 (1), pp. 467-477. • October 16 • Hanseth, O. and Lyytinen, K. (2010). "Design theory for dynamic complexity in information infrastructures: the case of building internet". Journal of Information Technology, 25, pp. 1-19. • Hanseth, O. (2000). "The Economics of Standards". In Ciborra, C. U. (Ed), From Control to Drift: The Dynamics of Corporate Information Infrastructures, pp. 56-70, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. • October 23 • Bygstad, B. and Hanseth, O. (2017). "Transforming Corporate Infrastructures through Platformization. A Norwegian e-Health Case". Submitted to ISR. • October 30 • Rodon, J. and Hanseth, O. (2017). "Understanding the Dynamics of Architecture-Governance Configurations". Unpublished Manuscript.


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