pleasantville public schools

Pleasantville Public Schools Restart and Recovery Plan 2020-2021 - PDF document


  1. Pleasantville Public Schools Restart and Recovery Plan 2020-2021 School Year Dr. Chestnut-Lee, Superintendent


  3. DEMOGRAPHICS Pleasantville School District is a primarily minority district with all residents of Pleasantville eligible for state funded pre-school, and with approximately 79% of students qualifying as low economic status (LSE); approximately 22% designated English Language Learners (ELLS); approximately 2% designated as homeless; and 17% designated at students with disabilities.

  4. Planning Details Key Subject Area 1- Conditions of Learning Key Subject Area 2 - Leadership and Planning Key Subject Area 3 - Policy and Funding Key Subject Area 4 - Continuity of Learning Health and Wellness Food Service ➔ ➔ Contact Tracing Human Resources - ➔ ➔ ➔ Teaching and Staffing Learning Mentor and Induction ➔ Operations Communication ➔ ➔ Facilities Cleaning School Funding ➔ ➔ Practices ➔ Transportation

  5. Restart and Recovery Plan to Reopen Schools On June 26, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Education released “ The Road Back-Restart and Recovery Plan for Education” (NJDOE Guidance) for schools to reopen in September 2020. This plan was developed in collaboration with community and school stakeholders. The input was solicited from 10 subcommittees via Google Meet, including transportation, food service, virtual teaching and learning, elementary scheduling, secondary scheduling, instructional technology, athletics/student activities, academic supports, mental health, special education and ELL, and health and safety.

  6. Guiding Principles to School Reopening CDC Considerations for K-12 Schools: Readiness and Planning Tool l.pdf NJDOE Road Back Restart and Recovery Plan for Education American Academy of Pediatrics Covid-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry considerations-return-to-in-person-education-in-schools/ New Jersey Department of Health Covid-19 Child Care and Youth Summer Camp Standards Guidelines

  7. Goals ➢ Ensure the safety and well-being of all students and employees Promote equity and accessibility to learning for all students ➢ Create guidance documents for school re-entry that foster ➢ the overall health of children, adolescents, staff, and communities ➢ Provide high quality instructional delivery systems to meet the needs of all students Foster positive relationships and interactions ➢

  8. Operations - Transportation ● To limit possible physical interaction among students, require students to board the school bus by filling the back rows first, and then progressing forward. When leaving the bus, students should exit in the opposite order. Assigned seating for students may assist in ensuring that such practices are followed consistently. ● To maintain social distancing, a face covering must be worn by all students who can do so upon entering the bus. ● Open windows, if possible. ● Drivers and Aides should practice all safety protocols indicated for other staff (e.g., hand hygiene, face coverings). ● Deep clean and disinfect all school buses and other vehicles used to transport students twice daily. The vehicles in the fleet will be sanitized after each route assigned. ● Hang signs to reinforce social distancing and hygiene rules.

  9. Health and Wellness ● Educate students, parents/guardians, and staff about health promotion and illness prevention practices through Virtual Parent Workshops/Meetings before the school year. Workshops are designed to explain the options to an informed decision for their families. ● Provide a clean, safe, and healthy educational environment for students and staff. ● Implement social distancing measures, frequent hand washing requirements, and constant hand sanitizing. ● There will be testing and screening(temperature) of all occupants and visitors to the buildings. ● Symptom screening if a staff member or student becomes ill or shows symptoms of illness. ● Desks will be placed 6 ft apart within classrooms. ● Floor markings 6 feet apart in the classroom for desk placement, hallways, and common areas ● Require cloth face coverings worn by students, staff, and visitors. ● Note: Cloth face coverings will not be worn by students younger than two years old, anyone with trouble breathing or is unconscious, and/or anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face-covering without assistance.

  10. Health and Wellness (Continued) ● Additional sanitizing procedures performed throughout the day to all common areas, including classrooms, hallways, offices, and bathrooms. ● We are limiting unnecessary visitors to the building and access to only designated areas. ● The use of approved cleaners and disinfectants throughout the building will help maintain health and wellness. ● We are establishing a strict protocol for after occupancy has been determined daily for routine cleaning practices. ● There will be closing off of common drinking fountains throughout the district to prevent the frequent touching and possible transfer that may result from its usage. ● We are providing emotional and health support to students and staff through school district counselors, social workers, EAP, and referral services.

  11. Health and Wellness (Continued) ● Parents/guardians will check students at home to rule out fever and/or signs or symptoms of illness before departure from home. ● Students will have temperature checks as they enter the school building. ● At arrival to the building, students will follow all instructions related to personal preventive measures, including wearing a cloth face covering, sanitizing hands as they enter the classroom. ● Social distancing will be observed at all times as students enter and move throughout the building. ● Masks must be worn when social distancing is not possible (lines for entering and exiting buildings, bathroom breaks, moving from their desk to other areas in the classroom (the pencil sharpener, teacher’s desk, etc.) ● Coats, bookbags must remain on the back of the student’s chairs during the school day to eliminate the sharing of cubbies, coat closets, coat hooks, etc. This will ensure social distancing guidelines are being followed during all transition times, such as entering the school building and dismissal times. ● Students will utilize hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the classroom. ● Staff will refer any student with apparent signs or symptoms of illness to the Health\Office. ● Hand sanitizer dispensers are needed in each classroom.

  12. Operations - Facilities Cleaning Protocols ● Routine deep cleaning and disinfecting are essential to maintaining a safe environment for faculty, staff, and students. ● Constant cleaning procedures would be implemented daily (or more frequently, depending on the use patterns) frequently touched surfaces and objects including but not limited to: ○ Countertops, doorknobs and handles, handrails, classroom desks and chairs, lunchroom tables, stair rails, light switches, face shields, handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment and areas), push-buttons on vending machines and elevators, shared telephones, bathrooms and common areas, gyms, and locker-rooms, shared telephones, shared computers, and all entry areas. ● The use of proper PPE equipment and cleaners will be evident in all cleaning procedures. ● There will be daily cleaning and disinfecting of all rooms and used spaces with the use of foggers to ensure the treatment of aerosol and surface contaminants. ● Proper ventilation of all areas after cleaning to keep areas safe from the contamination of cleaned areas will be maintained.

  13. Wraparound Supports Mental Health Supports ● Every school counselor and social worker will carry a caseload of students to check weekly to determine if an individual or small group sessions are needed. ● Teachers may also request school counselors and or social workers to make class presentations. ● Weekly case notes will be submitted to the Director of Specialized Services and building Principals. ● The district will work closely with families to determine if an assessment is needed. ● The office of Special Services will provide families with additional resources as needed . ● Staff members will be provided the number to EAP as requested.

  14. Contact Tracing ● Upon notification that a resident has tested positive for COVID-19, the health department will call the school to determine who has come in contact with the infected individual. ● A staff liaison ( Director of Special Services) shall be responsible for notifications and assisting the health department. ● The district will allow staff, students, and families to self-report symptoms and/or suspected exposure.

  15. What was evaluated: ● Half-Day Sessions ● Certain Days of In-person Instruction ● Blended Learning ○ (A/B/C Cohorts a combination of in-person and remote learning) ● All In-person Instruction ● All Remote Learning


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